Earth Day – A Time to Reflect on Greenland’s Destruction

April 22nd, 2014 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

The recent discovery of 80-year old photos of Greenland before we melted most of the ice there provides a stark reminder of how much humans have destroyed our home, Planet Earth.

One of the old photos shows the pristine, ice-covered landscape, no doubt home to all kinds of cold-weather species of organisms:

The view of the same landscape today (from a slightly different angle), sadly, shows how warming has decimated the region, with all kinds of invasive species taking hold in the fragile soil:

So, on this Earth Day, I hope we can all pause to reflect on what a warmer Earth means for our future.

And our children’s future.

And our grandchildren’s future.

And our great grandchildren’s future.

I think you see where I’m going.

I hope you all have a miserable, guilt-ridden Earth Day.

So that MY life might have meaning.


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