David Appell, Awaiting the Death of Climate Skeptics

September 4th, 2024 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

This blog received the following comment from our alarmist friend David Appell, freelance writer:

“Roy, nobody who is serious about climate change takes you seriously. You’re a denier who has made too many mistakes. No one who knows anything is going to bother commenting here–they upset you so much that all you can think to do is block them.

You long ago left the realm of science. As they say, science advances one funeral at a time. Nobody believes your time series anyway. You did that to yourself.”

As many here know, our UAH temperature dataset is used by researchers around the world, including those who believe the more alarmist narrative of anthropogenic climate change. It has been validated with global weather balloon data in multiple peer reviewed studies.

And I’m not sure why exactly I am a “denier”; that has always mystified me. I’m even part of the supposed 97% that believes the climate system is warming partly (maybe even mostly) from our CO2 emissions. John Christy and I even published a climate sensitivity paper that assumes ALL recent warming is from CO2 emissions.

Also, I routinely allow comments here from people who disagree with me on the science. Very few people have been blocked, and those from bad behavior.

So, I think David was just having a bad day. I imagine these are difficult times for freelance writers since everyone with internet access can now be one. He’s again talking about shutting down his pro-climate alarmism, pro-COVID vaccination blog, Quark Soup. Too bad. So, for those who might want to send wishes of moral support, he can be reached at david.appell@gmail.com.

1,675 Responses to “David Appell, Awaiting the Death of Climate Skeptics”

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  1. Sam Shicks says:

    You’re doing a great job Dr Spencer.

    • A TechnoCaveman says:

      I second @Sam shicks remarks.
      For me, the best thing you posted was “Projected temperature rise vs. observed results.”
      That one post gave me a new way to approach people and changed the conversation from adversarial to “lets look at the data” Is the prediction accurate. {perhaps a jab at Al Gore’s “our kids will not know what snow is”}
      Dr. Spencer, please keep up the good work others do not do and for armatures like me who can not do the work.

    • If you dont believe in climate change when you are 20 you have no heart. If you still believe in climate change when you are 40 you have no brain.

    • Jessica Liggett says:

      CO2, long term issue, would like to see how that plays out. But right now. We have a weather, navigation, airtracking, communications, electronic countermesurs radar interference pattern forming in the gulf. How many radar emmitters are pointed at Milton right now? We’re adding energy to the system, no much but enough to destabalize it, the two storms are following the same track. Look at all the hurricane paths and catagories. This is not a natural jump, it’s too verticle of a jump in data. Something is wrong. Either the storms just doubled in strength in 10 months or there’s an error in the data. Y’all need to look into this, because it’s all y’all are supposet to be the experts, so I want some answers. What is going in in the Gulf of Mexico? I’ve lived here 40 years, and this year the patters are noticbly different this year than this time just last year.

  2. Luca says:

    What a sad individual this Mr. Appel.
    Well done for taking the moral high ground Dr. Spencer. His comment was very nasty and your reply classy.
    Kind regards,

  3. Sig says:

    In 2015 Roy wrote:
    “Note that in the early part of the record, Version 6 has somewhat faster warming than in Version 5.6, but then the latter part of the record has reduced (or even eliminated) warming, producing results closer to the behavior of the RSS satellite dataset. This is partly due to our new diurnal drift adjustment, especially for the NOAA-15 satellite. Even though our approach to that adjustment (described later) is empirical, it is interesting to see that it gives similar results to the RSS approach, which is based upon climate model calculations of the diurnal cycle in temperature.”

    Roy states that the choise of NOAA-15, the satellite showing the most pronounced cooling in the early 2000s,is purely empirical. While UAH data generally aligns well with other datasets, such as RSS, before 2000 and after 2005, it shows a significant deviation during the 2000-2005 period. To date, I have not encountered a compelling explanation as to why UAH should be considered more reliable than other data series for this specific interval.

    Roy also claims that UAH trend “has been validated with global weather balloon data in multiple peer reviewed studies.” However, during the same periode, UAH data appears to poorly align with RATPAC-A balloon data:

    I believe a UAH version 7.0 update is overdue.

    • Dixon says:

      Is anyone claiming UAH is ‘more reliable’ than another dataset?

      Data has errors and assumptions and even then, it’s not that unusual for two datasets measuring the same thing to disagree outside the known error bounds. Generally, the more data sets the better if your aim is to understand a complex problem.

      Alarmists want there to be a clear link between fossil fuel use and global temperature increase, and to use that link to create market intervention measures to artificially curb fossil fuel use. I’ve yet to see any dataset that implies a sufficiently strong link to make decarbonisation a compelling argument. Since the science is ‘settled’ it’s now a political and economic argument, that keeps getting lost by alarmists. It’s not a scientific one (unless you want to play with risk-based arguments that only apply to climate systems and not to geo-political ones. If you don’t like that view, don’t spend time on blogs trying to educate people with science PhD’s, get yourself elected!

      • bdgwx says:

        Dixon: Is anyone claiming UAH is more reliable than another dataset?

        Yes. A lot of people have been making that argument for years.

      • Sig says:

        Dixon: Alarmists want there to be a clear link between fossil fuel use and global temperature increase.

        I have not made any such link – I just want to investigate what data we can rely on.

        Data has errors and assumptions and even then, its not that unusual for two datasets measuring the same thing to disagree outside the known error bounds.

        This means that not all datasets can be correct, leaving us uncertain about the true values. This is underlined by the fact that those involved acknowledge significant issues with temperature estimates due to satellite drift during this period. Furthermore, the independent measurements by radiosondes adjusted to match satellite temperatures, show the largest corrections during this same interval, as illustrated by this figure from Christy et al.2018.

        Given this, I would expect Dixon to agree that we should exercise caution when interpreting temperature trends from satellites that include this problematic period. A trend calculated from data after 2005 is more reliable for estimating the current rate of warming. All the relevant datasets indicate that this trend is between 0.23 and 0.26C per decade.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Yes indeed it has:

        ”As many here know, our UAH temperature dataset is used by researchers around the world, including those who believe the more alarmist narrative of anthropogenic climate change. It has been validated with global weather balloon data in multiple peer reviewed studies.”

      • Dixon says:

        Sig: I never accused you of being an alarmist – I just stated their case as I see it. My opinion that’s all, but based on observations.

        I do agree, it’s wise to treat all data with caution, and in accordance with the significance of the decisions being based on it. If global temperature was easy to measure and therefore ‘rely on’ for things like decarbonisation efforts, I doubt either of us would be making these comments on this blog.

        For 30 years at least, Climate Science has tried to change the world on very flimsy data indeed. No matter the observational data set, warming is less, and slower, than originally predicted by the IPCC for the amount of CO2 humans are releasing and natural variability remains a big part of the ‘signal’ and very hard to explain based on our current understanding of the incredibly complex system that is climate.

        I don’t really understand why anyone wants ‘better’ time series for climate. It’s just not that important in a suite of modern risks. If a doomsday signal was clear, we’d have acted. It’s not clear so we won’t. I visit here because I’m curious about climate drivers from past professional involvement in the field, not because I want to know an accurate 2-sigma temperature of the upper atmosphere.

        And I occasionally comment hoping to sway the odd open-minded person reading towards adaptation and acceptance rather than futile alarmism. People who have lost hope are dangerous and I think a lot of climate commentary is politically motivated to target that despair. The billions of dollars of intellectual capital wasted on climate worries is a human tragedy.

      • Sig says:

        Dixon says: “No matter the observational data set, warming is less, and slower, than originally predicted by the IPCC for the amount of CO2 humans are releasing and natural variability remains a big part of the signal and very hard to explain based on our current understanding of the incredibly complex system that is climate”

        You are spreading a myth popular among deniers! Show me!
        The following link shows an analysis of the climate model forecast vs. the different temperature series. Look at IPCC forecasts post 2000. These have predicted the global warming pretty well. And the warm years we have experienced so far in the 2020-ies do not make the fit any worse.

        Where is the data supporting your claim?

      • Paul Aubrin says:

        The short term link between CO2 concentrations and temperature is obvious when you observe data : carbon dioxide variations follow temperature variations.

      • bdgwx says:

        Dixon: The problem is that Roth taxes are based on who owns the account. That is usually going to be the parent since contributions are income limited. A child has little or no income and so cannot contribute to a Roth in their name.

        That’s just patently false. If you look at the emission scenarios and temperature predictions from the inaugural assessment report in 1990 and compare to actual emissions and temperature observations you’ll see that if anything the IPCC actually underestimated the warming.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Trying to determine success of predictions in the manner you are suggesting just doesn’t hold water because the warming has not been identified as due to CO2. That’s not a claim it wasn’t, but to demonstrate it is one would have to have a model that more or less explained past variations both in the instrument record and in ice core records.


        Only then do you have a control model. But the truth is we have charlatans pretending climate doesn’t vary naturally, controlling the narrative, and being rewarded for doing so.

      • Buzz says:

        Paul Aubrin:
        Yes, indeed, your woodfortrees graph shows that temp is driving CO2. I have never seen this before – why isn’t more made of this?!!?

      • Bill hunter says:

        Buzz and Paul:

        And this graph from wood for trees shows a couple of things.


        1) that the warming trend for recent history hasn’t increased over the warming trend in the early 20th century, while CO2 was barely increasing.

        2) that the modern trend for the UK Met model need to be be remodeled with climate models to erase the fact it was actually warming slower than the early 20th century.

        Fact is both periods correspond to warming trends known to be the result of orbital forcing by jupiter, saturn, and uranus (with Neptune aiding only in the most recent 40 years. With an assist from a solar grand maximum that happened to be occurring at the same time spanning both periods.


        Whether we like it or not the future portends the next 40 years being much less active as far as warming is concerned, perhaps some significant cooling depending on the mood of the sun. Solar brightness, and thus solar wattage, has been down the past 16 years and both 30 and 60 year means are beginning a decline.

        Yes CO2 does trail the earth’s orbit from close to far from the sun twice a year and the CO2 increase is detectable following those excursions and it also follows the groupings of the outer gas giants.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter

        So how much cooling do you think the reduced activity of the Sun since the 1960-ies has caused? It is really worrisome if the current observed warming trend has been dampened by the reduced solar activity, and a future reversal of the activity will come on top of the current warming trend!


      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig it seems really impossible to say because there does not appear to be a continued carefully calibrated measurement of the sun’s brightness (not how much is reaching earth).

        But it does appear the changes have been small since short term highly calibrated spectral studies have been conducted.

        What isn’t small in changes in insolation by virtue of an ever changing ellipticity of the orbit. There are several NASA sources supporting that and the IPCC ignores it.

        Typical political corruption. The populace expresses concern about how much insolation the earth receives and they do a study on solar spectral analysis and give you the answer they want you to hear with zero explanation of the applicability of what they just told you. Its the classic case of political corruption treating the public like a mushroom farm. Keep them in the dark and feed them manure.

        Note this chart that shows the effects of orbital variation on ice cores.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter says: Sig it seems really impossible to say because there does not appear to be a continued carefully calibrated measurement of the suns brightness (not how much is reaching earth).

        Well, if we lack reliable data of the suns brightness and the amount of radiation reaching Earth over the past six decades, we certainly lack such data for the preceding 300 years. Therefore, your statements attributing warming trends to increased solar activity or short-term changes in Earths orbit, seems speculative at best.

        You acknowledge that the influence of short-term orbital changes, caused by Jupiter, Saturn etc., has on insolation has not been measured. Yet you assert: What isnt small in changes in insolation by virtue of an ever changing ellipticity of the orbit. and claim NASA sources support this. I challenge you to cite a single credible, peer-reviewed scientific paper backing this statement. And please do not confuse this with long-term Milankovic cycles.

        You reference the Greenland GISP2 ice core as evidence for short term cycles of orbital ellipticity. If so, please provide the specific calculated cycles. Without these calculations, your argument remains pure guesswork. Additionally, you do not even know how representative this ice core is of Greenland temperature, let alone global temperatures.

        Heres what the creator of your graph, Prof. R. B. Alley, has says about its interpretation:
        So, what do we get from GISP2? Alone, not an immense amount. With the other Greenland ice cores and compared to additional records from elsewhere, an immense amount Using GISP2 data to argue against global warming is, well, stupid, or misguided, or misled, or something, but surely not scientifically sensible.


        A more modern Greenland temperature reconstruction, based on SIX DIFFERENT ICE CORES, was published by Prof Bo Vinther in 2009. These do not show the same cyclicity.


      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig says:
        ”Well, if we lack reliable data of the suns brightness and the amount of radiation reaching Earth over the past six decades, we certainly lack such data for the preceding 300 years. Therefore, your statements attributing warming trends to increased solar activity or short-term changes in Earths orbit, seems speculative at best.

        You acknowledge that the influence of short-term orbital changes, caused by Jupiter, Saturn etc., has on insolation has not been measured. Yet you assert: What isn’t small in changes in insolation by virtue of an ever changing ellipticity of the orbit. and claim NASA sources support this. I challenge you to cite a single credible, peer-reviewed scientific paper backing this statement. And please do not confuse this with long-term Milankovic cycles.”

        We don’t lack long term data of orbital forcing Sig.

        The only thing that I have pointed out is I haven’t seen a comprehensive study that pins that number down. Why not ask for that paper from those being paid billions and trillions to mitigate climate change? They have all the money.

        You caution me to avoid making a mistake about Milankovic? Actually my take has been built on exactly a paper on Milankovic.


        If you look closely at Figure 2 you will see a periodic orbital forcing that occurs irregularly but is approximated at every 2500 years. And if you use a ruler and the scale of the magnitude of the orbital forcing you will find it is about 30% of the total temperature change that shifts us from glacial to interglacial periods. By any paper that suggests how much climate has changed in the industrial revolution we are below the uncertainty level of it being 100% natural.

        2500 years is definitely long term climate change, the paper is all about Milankovic cycles. Further the Alley paper shows such a variation as does every ice core covering the relevant periods along with as NASA says ocean bottom sediment studies.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter,
        a) You claim that temperatures from a single ice core in Greenland are due to variations in Earth’s orbit. I show you that six other ice cores from Greenland do not show the same variations, so at best, the temperature fluctuations you refer to in one ice core are a local effect.

        b) You claim as “fact” that two periods of increasing warming trend in the 20th century are due to changes in Earth’s orbit. At the same time, you admit that we don’t have measurements confirming increased solar radiation for these periods. And when I ask for calculations of these changes, you have none to show.

        c) You claim that sources at NASA support that the warming in the 20th century is due to orbital changes, but when I ask for sources, you have none to show.

        d) When I ask for calculations of such short cycles in Earth’s orbit that you claim explain the developments in the Greenland ice core and the short-term changes in the 20th century, you refer to long-term changes in Earth’s orbit, which cannot explain any of these. A possible cycle of 2500 years is far too long to explain the changes you describe.

        When I point out the lack of support for your claims about short-term fluctuations, your response is: “we dont lack long term data for orbital forcing, Sig.” That is irrelevant. The article by Berger that you refer to actually undermines your argument that the temperature increase over the last 100-150 years is due to natural causes.
        Quote: “The long-term cooling trend which began some 6000 years ago will continue for the next 5000 years.”
        That is, if it continues naturally. We know it is not, as temperature data from Greenland’s ice cores clearly show (see link above).
        And it’s even more clearly shown by global temperature trends based on a more complete collection of proxy data.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig says:

        ”I show you that six other ice cores from Greenland do not show the same variations, so at best, the temperature fluctuations you refer to in one ice core are a local effect.”
        They look sufficiently similar. Your set still has a similar pattern of peak warming of up to 3c degrees occurring multiple times over the past 10,000 years. I blew up your graph created a 1.2c template and counted 23 events in the past 10,000 years.

        You are just helping make the case that we may well be within a period of natural variation.


        Sig says:

        b) You claim as fact that two periods of increasing warming trend in the 20th century are due to changes in Earths orbit. At the same time, you admit that we dont have measurements confirming increased solar radiation for these periods. And when I ask for calculations of these changes, you have none to show.

        Not sure where I claimed anything as fact Sig. I am pointing out a correlation with planetary positions that will change the speed of earth in its orbit will influence how long the earth lingers in the 2 different zones closest and furthest from the sun.

        There is no question there is a measurable effect in the correct direction warming has proceeded. My evidence of that will be forthcoming but will still lack quantification but will be presented in a manner of visual correlation for the purpose of incentivizing addressing this unaddressed issue.

        Quantifying that change in speed, more which databases do exist, that affects the earth’s residence time and distance from the sun is the work that needs to be done to understand natural climate change.

        You seem to be the one claiming that its an unnecessary thing to do. Why would you claim that ignorance of natural climate change should be what our institutions pursue?

        Sig says:

        ”A possible cycle of 2500 years is far too long to explain the changes you describe.”


        ”The article by Berger that you refer to actually undermines your argument that the temperature increase over the last 100-150 years is due to natural causes.”


        The long-term cooling trend which began some 6000 years ago will continue for the next 5000 years.

        the sources you provided:

        None of your sources include computations of the claims of inadequacy Sig.

        All they do is disagree wildly on effects via applying uncertified means of interpreting proxies and combinations of proxies. They aren’t starting with orbital variation numbers and applying ice and water vapor feedbacks on that forcing which they estimate as 1 part forcing 2 parts feedback.

        The fact I presented was an equal rate of warming in the first part of the 20th century where CO2 is not the cause and you bring forth a bunch of stuff that could be construed as a denial of science regarding that earlier instrument recorded warming.

        What I am interested in is:

        understanding Milankovic using computer technology that was not available to Milankovic.

        Its clear science has adopted the effects of Saturn and Jupiter to explain ice age conditions and haven’t updated Milankovic’s work in the process.

        So basically your whole argument kind of boils down to Milankovic’s work is a piece of shit that you want to cherry pick from for the case to explain the ice ages but don’t want to consider shorter term variation that could explain the little ice ages and warmer periods.

        That’s a BS argument any way you want to obfuscate about it.

        So one could easily conclude that your eco-warrior zeal simply isn’t based in an appreciation for real science and smacks of an unstated agenda.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter,

        Bill responds to my comparison of the Greenland ice cores by stating: They look sufficiently similar. Your set still has a similar pattern of peak warming of up to 3c degrees occurring multiple times over the past 10,000 years. I blew up your graph created a 1.2c template and counted 23 events in the past 10,000 years. You are just helping make the case that we may well be within a period of natural variation.

        So why don’t you show your correlation? The reality is that the two data sets are not similar at all! The link provided clearly demonstrates that peaks and troughs on the GISP2 core – which you attribute to orbital variations (blue arrows) – do not appear in the composite of the six ice cores. Only the 8.2 ky cold spike is common, which is well-documented to be associated with a rapid sea level rise due to a large meltwater pulse. This was probably due to the collapse of the Laurentide ice sheet in North America. The 8.2 ky event is entirely unrelated to orbital changes.

        Bill then says: Not sure I claimed anything as fact Sig.

        Well, you explicitly stated: Fact is both periods correspond to warming trends known to be the result of orbital forcing by Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.

        Your remaining comments are just hand waving without any substantial documentation.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig says:

        ”So why dont you show your correlation? The reality is that the two data sets are not similar at all!”

        Both graphs have themaximums for the MWP, Roman, and Minoan optimums plus the 8.2ky event.

        The dates in different proxies are not expected to line up perfectly as the various means of dating the ice cores all have large margins of error in excess of 10%

        You can easily see the same maximums to the right of your arrows.


        Sig says:
        Bill then says: Not sure I claimed anything as fact Sig.

        Well, you explicitly stated: Fact is both periods correspond to warming trends known to be the result of orbital forcing by Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
        That statement is true. Check an ephemeris for the relative positions of the major gas giants (zodiac for most ephemeris,degrees for others) and their alignments in positions relative to speeding or slowing the travel of earth through its perihelion. If you want to ground truth that fact using the data from the Naval observatory.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter says: Both graphs have the maximums for the MWP, Roman, and Minoan optimums plus the 8.2ky event.

        Nope, the last 7000 years have very poor correlation. Your Minoan is almost 1000 year off. And the 8kyr event has nothing to do with orbital cycles. Yes, there is a cool period around 500 AC between what you call Roman and MWP, but we know very well a reason for this; some very large volcanic eruptions during 6th century.

        And furthermore, your MWP is not global, contrary to the expected signature of your orbital changes.

        No, the statement that the warming trends in the 20th century are caused by the orbital changes is NOT true. It is purely a speculation your speculation.

        slowing the travel of earth through its perihelion does not necessary lead to warming. Then Earth would speed up during aphelion, and presently that would mean cooling in the northern hemisphere. That is the opposite of what we actually observe; more rapid warming in the north compared to south.

    • bdgwx says:

      Sig: Roy also claims that UAH trend has been validated with global weather balloon data in multiple peer reviewed studies.

      You may be referring to [Christy et al. 2018]: Examination of space-based bulk atmospheric temperatures used in climate research

      When a significant shift in the difference-time-series is detected (by the simple statistical test of the difference of two segments of 24-months in length on either side of the potential shift) we then adjust the radiosonde to match the satellite at that shift point. In the sections below we shall use a t-test value of 3.0 to detect and adjust for a shift (C11). Each satellite will be utilized to generate the shift points according to its own time series, thus IGRA ADJ will be specific for each satellite dataset. Satellite time series will not be adjusted in anyway.

      I’m not saying their methodology is necessarily wrong, but it does make me wonder.

    • Rune Valaker says:

      I have followed Roy Spencer’s blog for about 10 years, and also have a few posts myself.

      To refer to Spencer as a “denier” is a gross violation. It is also wrong that he has an active policy of blocking critical posts. Now, of course, I have to make the reservation that I have not read the posts that he has allegedly blocked. But based on what else gets through of critical posts, I have difficulty accepting this. On the contrary, som days ago Dr. Spencer had a reckoning with all the unnecessary noise and discomfort that a small but very active click has caused on Spencer’s blog. No names are mentioned, but it seems to have helped. Based on my experience, Spencer is open to factual and well-argued criticism.

      • Siliggy says:

        As soon as the “denier” name calling abuse is used it identifies the name caller as a useful pawn of the fund seeking cult who resorts to childish gaslighting instead of sane argument.

      • lewis guignard says:

        If memory serves, David Appell made many rude comments here some years ago. I took it on myself to respond in kind to him regularly. Now that he is gone, I seldom comment, enjoying the back and forth of those more knowledgeable than me.
        Still this: I’m all for global warming. Warm is better than cold.

        You can’t grow food in the ice and snow which is what those advocating against warming must be seeking.

      • Sig says:


        Historically, Spencer consistently denied that human activities were responsible for global warming, at least until 2010.
        Example from a book 2007: He presents evidence that recent warming, rather than being the fault of humans, is a result of chaotic, internal natural cycles that have been causing periods of warming and cooling for thousands of years.

        However, in more recent years, he has acknowledged that human emissions of greenhouse gases contribute to warming. Despite this, he continues to argue that the impact is minimal and not a cause for significant concern.
        Example: Global warming is so slight, even if you believe the climate models which are currently running twice as hot as they should, global warming really is not quite enough for any human to feel in their life time. Heartland Institute 2018

        This shift in stance mirrors the evolution of many former deniers.
        As denying the impact of greenhouse gas emissions becomes scientifically indefensible, the argument shifts to downplaying the significance of their negative effects.

        If he really has changes his views, then i ought to apologize to other scientists for his statement in a book from 2010: The Great Global Warming Blunder. How Mother Nature Fooled the Worlds Top Climate Scientists

        However, my main criticism of Spencer is that he seems to struggle with separating climate science from his religious and political beliefs.

        I believe it is well worth your time to look at this movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29QDGEJC1fg

      • PhilJ says:


        “As denying the impact of greenhouse gas emissions becomes scientifically indefensible”

        On the contrary, as climate ‘scientists’ make Moreland more scientifically ridiculous claims such as the atmosphere heating the oceans, their fantasy land warnings become easier and easier to dismiss.

        Psst . Slower cooling is not warming.

      • David G says:

        Siliggy: “As soon as the denier name calling abuse is used it identifies the name caller as a useful pawn of the fund seeking cult who resorts to childish gaslighting instead of sane argument.”

        As soon as the “alarmist” name-calling is used it identifies the name-caller as an unserious person more interested in dismissing empirical reality out-of-hand and engaging in ideologically-based point-scoring than in examining the evidence in an honest manner and reaching scientifically valid conclusions.

    • Bindidon says:


      It seems to me that like a lot of people on this blog, you refer to silently ignore contradictions, don’t you?


    • Bindidon says:


      You persist in writing that

      ” However, during the same periode, UAH data appears to poorly align with RATPAC-A balloon data… ”

      I repeat that UAH6.0 LT’s monthly LAND time series appears to align very good with RATPAC-B’s monthly time series at 500 hPa:


      Moreover, UAH 6.0 LS’ monthly LAND time series appears to align very good with RATPAC-B’s monthly time series at 100 hPa as well:


      I would understand you better if the 85 RATPAC radiosonde set would consist of 60 units located on tiny islands and the remaining 25 would be on land, what would give a land/ocean ratio fitting the Globe.

    • Bindidon says:


      ” I believe a UAH version 7.0 update is overdue. ”

      OK, but then you have to say the very same about NOAA STAR TLT because their team recently operated a 180 degree turn, and is now quite similar to UAH 6.0:


      • Sig says:


        Sorry friend, I think you have missed my point! I am not trying to tell you that one or the other of the satellite data series is correct or wrong. My point is that these series cannot be trusted between ca. 1999 and 2006.

        I will address R_A and R_B below. But first the satellite data.

        1. The fact is that RSS and UAH generally agree quite well but differ significantly between 1999 and 2006-ish. Post this period the trends are similar, but the difference is maintained. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ily9xiw15_UD_Bn-lsalTNDyIgxjJdpJaQLcLf4r28U/edit?usp=sharing

        2. The difference is caused by the way they apply satellite drift correction. UAH changed to using only the NOAA-15 satellite for their 6.0-version. For their 5.6-version they used a different method, including NASA Aqua AMSU which maintain a precise orbit, and the results were more similar to RSS4.0.

        3. Comparing UAH6 with HadCRUT5, although they measure different things, the trends are surprisingly similar prior to 1999 and post 2005. The difference arises between 1999 and 2005, when UAH started to rely entirely on NOAA15. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18_AlgGr7tCmcIAz9OnV1jy4-JysUp8_UXZDkk3rK7U4/edit?usp=sharing

        4. In short, I do not trust the satellite series between 1999 and 2005, particularly those which rely excessively on NOAA-15 (UAH6 and possibly NOAA Star?). RSS is using a combination including a climate model. I pass no judgement on the reliability of the RSS data during the period in question.

        5.The confidence in their data set is not helped by these statements by Christy/Spencer prior to the UAH6 and RSS4 revisions around 2016:
        RSS data is undergoing spurious cooling because RSS is still using the old NOAA-15 satellite which has a decaying orbit,We have not used NOAA-a5 for trend information in yearswe use the NASA Aqua AMSU, since that satellite carries extra fuel to maintain a precise orbit..
        But, until the discrepancy is resolved to everyones satisfaction, those of you who REALLY REALLY need the global temperature record to show as little warming as possible might want to consider jumping ship, and switch from the UAH to RSS dataset.

        UAH decided to jump the ship to NOAA-15 in version UAH6!

        The UAH6 shows a temperature gradient prior to 1999 of 0.14C/decade and 0.24 after 2005. This I believe is reasonable compared to other datasets. An overall gradient from 1979 to 2024 of 0.14 C/decade is not justified because of the uncertainty discussed above. The claims of a hiatus, and that the models predict twice the warming actually observed, are bogus. UAH6 rather suggests that that the current warming trend of 0.24 is in line with the model predictions, and that there appear to be distinct acceleration in warming since before 2000.

        Regarding RATPAC your illustrations are not suited to address the issue in question between 1999 and 2005. I notice your long-term trendlines cross a couple of times around this interval, suggesting that there are inconsistencies in the two datasets. However, your RATPAC-B trend post 2005, an increase of 0.55 C over 17 years or 0.32C/decade, support the indicated acceleration in warming from UAH6.

      • Sig says:


        You cannot use a 5-year running average when you want to examin what happens within a 6-years periode. If you use a 13-month average you see the cooling caused by using NOAA-15.

      • Sig says:

        Bill says: You are very clearly not addressing the topic I am discussing.

        Nice try! Once again, you’re attempting to deflect from the original point, which stems from your claim:
        Fact is both periods correspond to warming trends known to be the result of orbital forcing by jupiter, saturn, and uranus (with Neptune aiding only in the most recent 40 years.

        You claimed as a FACT that recent warming trend is caused by Earths orbital changes, a slow-down during perihelion caused by the gravitational influence of larger planets.

        However, I have demonstrated, with the following illustration and calculations provided earlier, that you are wrong: A slow-down during the SH summer (at perihelion) and a corresponding speed-up during NH summer (at aphelion), will actually lead to cooler global temperatures, if detectable at all.


        The source of the data is clearly shown on the figure.

        Youre wrong, and youre twisting all around to avoid admitting it. Once weve settled this issue, we can move on to discuss the relevant TSI data.

    • Sig says:

      Bill Hunter says: “Both graphs have the maximums for the MWP, Roman, and Minoan optimums plus the 8.2ky event.”

      Nope, the last 7000 years have very poor correlation. Your “Minoan” is almost 1000 year off. And the 8kyr event has nothing to do with orbital cycles. Yes, there is a “cool” period around 500 AC between what you call “Roman” and MWP, but we know very well a reason for this; some very large volcanic eruptions during 6th century.

      And furthermore, your MWP is not global, contrary to the expected signature of your orbital changes.

      No, the statement that the warming trends in the 20th century are caused by the orbital changes is NOT true. It is purely a speculation – your speculation.

      “slowing the travel of earth through its perihelion” does not necessary lead to warming. Then Earth would speed up during aphelion, and presently that would mean cooling in the northern hemisphere. That is the opposite of what we actually observe; more rapid warming in the north compared to south.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig says:

        ”Bill Hunter says: Both graphs have the maximums for the MWP, Roman, and Minoan optimums plus the 8.2ky event.

        Nope, the last 7000 years have very poor correlation. Your Minoan is almost 1000 year off.”
        thats not true the differences are within normal ranges of error

        I estimate about a 440 year difference for the Minoan, a 120 year difference for the Roman, and a 150 year difference on the MWP.

        The multi-proxy to the underlying data puts the Minoan at 970BC, the Roman at 30BC, and the MWP at 870AD

        Using a ruler the Coalition graph has them respectively at 1400BC, 150BC and 1020AD. And these are timings of peak values with each of the periods lasting for a few hundred years.

        A dating error of +-10% (using the most accurate method which I am not sure if they used or not) they are all within a normal range of difference.


        Sig says:

        And the 8kyr event has nothing to do with orbital cycles.
        You don’t know that. First you have to use computers to determine what the effect on insolation actually is. . .then and only then can you say that.

        Sig says:

        Yes, there is a cool period around 500 AC between what you call Roman and MWP, but we know very well a reason for this; some very large volcanic eruptions during 6th century.
        Again you don’t know that.

        Volcanic eruptions are known to cause cooling lasting about 2 years. . .not enough to affect climate change substantially which is a minimum of 20 years.

        And there is great uncertainty if a given volcano will actually have a substantial effect.

        Additionally there is a Saturn/Jupiter super cycle. I wasn’t going to say anything about that until I published as I discovered it on my own strictly by analyzing orbit data of the two planets.

        But Nate found a wiki article that mentions it.

        This ~918 supercycle is going to be associated with major orbital climate effects caused by the other gas giants which also have a supercycle of a few thousand years also.

        Sig says:

        ”No, the statement that the warming trends in the 20th century are caused by the orbital changes is NOT true. It is purely a speculation your speculation.

        ”slowing the travel of earth through its perihelion” does not necessary lead to warming. Then Earth would speed up during aphelion, and presently that would mean cooling in the northern hemisphere. That is the opposite of what we actually observe; more rapid warming in the north compared to south.”
        Now you are just firing from the hip without thinking it out.

        SPEEDING UP through the aphelion (the furthest point from the sun) would cause ”less cooling” not more cooling as you claim.

        A 3rd grader learns that you get colder the longer you stay in the cold. . .the problem with 3rd graders is parents worrying they will forget or not pay attention.

        Second, SLOWING DOWN through the perihelion (closest to the sun) causes more warming only carry some of the warming or cooling forward to the next cycle and the cycles will build and diminish in intensity over the period of the cycle and multiple cycles like this exist and further complicates the periodicity.

        Pile on top of this the solar variations of the cycles that vary considerably themselves, changes in other gases like ozone, volcanoes (which you like to mention), and longterm feedbacks, ice melt and ice accumulation.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter says: SPEEDING UP through the aphelion (the furthest point from the sun) would cause less cooling not more cooling as you claim.
        A 3rd grader learns that you get colder the longer you stay in the cold. . .the problem with 3rd graders is parents worrying they will forget or not pay attention.
        WOW! Youve just demonstrated a misunderstanding of how the different Milanković cycles interact. Currently, perihelion (when Earth is closest to the Sun) occurs in early January, during the Southern Hemisphere summer. Aphelion (when Earth is farthest from the Sun) takes place in early July, during peak summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

        The larger ice-free landmasses in the Northern Hemisphere absorb solar energy more effectively than the ice-covered Antarctic and the vast oceans of the Southern Hemisphere. As a result, Earth’s temperature is about two degrees warmer during the aphelion phase compared to the perihelion phase, as reflected in UAH LT temperature data below.

        A slowdown through perihelion and a speed-up through aphelion would lengthen the cooler summer in the Southern Hemisphere and shorten the warmer summer in the Northern Hemisphere, ultimately causing overall cooling exactly the opposite of what you suggest.
        Month: deg.Kelvin
        Jan: 263.18 Perihelion
        Feb: 263.27
        Mar: 263.43
        Apr: 263.84
        May: 264.45
        Jun: 265.10
        Jul: 265.42 Aphelion
        Aug: 265.23
        Sep: 264.64
        Oct: 263.95
        Nov: 263.41
        Dec: 263.19

        Consequently, when you claim that the past warming trends align with Earths slower movement during perihelion, you are actually demonstrating that the warming IS NOT driven by these orbital changes.
        A 3rd grader might reach the same conclusion as you did, but a seasoned researcher, well-versed in Milanković cycles, would not. Milanković proposed over 100 years ago that insolation at approximately 65 North is the critical factor influencing past climate changes.

        Given this fundamental misunderstanding, your other arguments become rather trivial in comparison, so I will refrain from further comments.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig says:

        A slowdown through perihelion and a speed-up through aphelion would lengthen the cooler summer in the Southern Hemisphere and shorten the warmer summer in the Northern Hemisphere, ultimately causing overall cooling exactly the opposite of what you suggest.”

        A slowdown through perihelion (early January near Dec 22 NH winter solstice) will cause more warming in the northern hemisphere because the earth will spend more time close to the sun.

        It will also cause more warming in the southern hemisphere (near the Jun 20 SH summer solstice) which occurs at the same time.

        this effect is actually for half a year.

        For the other half a year:
        A speedup through aphelion (early July near the June 20 NH summer solstice) will cause less cooling resulting in a warmer summer in the northern hemisphere. (remember less cooling equals warmer)
        Because the earth will spend less time further from the sun.

        It will also cause a warmer southern hemisphere winter (near the june 20 SH winter) because of less cooling through the other half year.

        That’s warming all around dude!! For the whole orbit.

      • Nate says:

        Pointless, since Bill CANNOT demonstrate that these effects are significant. It is pure fantasy, not based on any calculation, which he refuses to do in any case.

      • Sig says:

        Hunter says: ” A speedup through aphelion (early July near the June 20 NH summer solstice) will cause less cooling resulting in a warmer summer in the northern hemisphere. (remember less cooling equals warmer). Because the earth will spend less time further from the sun.”
        You are dead wrong! As UAH LT temperature shows; the Earth’s average global temperature is coolest in January, when the Earth is closest to sun (perihelion) and the Earth receives most sunlight. That should tell you that it is the Earth’s ability to absorb energy from the Sun that is most important, not the relative small variation in distance.
        Month: deg.Kelvin
        Jan: 263.18 Perihelion
        Feb: 263.27
        Mar: 263.43
        Apr: 263.84
        May: 264.45
        Jun: 265.10
        Jul: 265.42 Aphelion
        Aug: 265.23
        Sep: 264.64
        Oct: 263.95
        Nov: 263.41
        Dec: 263.19

        From January, the temperature starts to warm up as the sunlight increases in the Northern Hemisphere. The global temperature peaks in July, when the Earth is furthest away (aphelion), about two degrees above the January temperature. Then it cools again towards the next time of perihelion in January.

        The reason should be obvious, even for a 3rd grader. The NH summer, with it’s huge, ice-free landmasses, absorb significantly more of the energy from the Sun than the southern hemisphere, which is mainly covered by ice and water.

        Shortening the northern summer will shorten this absorption time, and cool the earth. This is far more significant than the slight winter warming on the NH during perihelion.

        This is basic Milankovic theory. It is exactly the reason why Antarctic ice cores show that the deep freezes occurred when the SH received maximum sunlight, while the warm interglacials coincide with high insolation in the north.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig says:

        ”Hunter says: A speedup through aphelion (early July near the June 20 NH summer solstice) will cause less cooling resulting in a warmer summer in the northern hemisphere. (remember less cooling equals warmer). Because the earth will spend less time further from the sun.

        You are dead wrong! As UAH LT temperature shows; the Earths average global temperature is coolest in January, when the Earth is closest to sun (perihelion) and the Earth receives most sunlight. That should tell you that it is the Earths ability to absorb energy from the Sun that is most important, not the relative small variation in distance.”

        A young child will tell you its a good idea to run through the walkthru freezer rather than walk. But you can go right ahead and deny that if want.

        And orbital variation only effects insolation. The ability to absorb radiation is a positive feedback to which ever direction the insolation variable is going. If its going warmer as it did over the past 40+ years melting ice will increase the effect. We know though that melting isn’t connected materially to the axial tilt and precession cycles because they move way too slow.

        You already explained why the Northern Hemisphere is warmer than the Southern Hemisphere so you don’t need to go over that again. That has to do with 33% more land more efficiently heating from a given level of insolation and shrinking sea ice that is especially shrunk in the NH summer.

        So what is the source of your temperature figures? Is this current temperatures for last year or is it the mean baseline spanning a few decades of push and pull of the orbital forcing?

      • Sig says:

        Hunter says: The ability to absorb radiation is a positive feedback to which ever direction the insolation variable is going.

        Answer: No! The lower albedo in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) compared to the Southern Hemisphere (SH) is primarily due to the distribution of landmasses. Suggesting that continental drift is a feedback mechanism driven by insolation is quite surprising. Landmasses in the NH have contributed to higher absorption of solar energy for at least 100 million years, while Antarctica has been ice-covered for about 35 million years, contributing to a higher albedo in the SH.

        As shown in this graph, 800,000 years of proxy temperature data from ice cores clearly illustrate that high/low summer insolation on NH/SH favours GLOBAL WARMTH while low/high summer insolation on NH/SH favours GLOBAL COLD. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18xflc6VDBY8OPKRlJw58e-p9usWnJGhqNUNqM0zNFgA/edit?usp=sharing

        Yes, warming caused by greenhouse gases like CO2, increased insolation, or other factors reduces albedo, acting as a positive feedback. This effect is more pronounced in the NH, at least as long as Antarctica remains ice-covered year-round.

        Hunter says: : A young child will tell you its a good idea to run through the walkthru freezer rather than walk. But you can go right ahead and deny that if want.

        Answer: I completely agree! The “walkthrough freezer” you’re referring to currently occurs during perihelion summertime in the SH when global temperatures are at their lowest. If Earth spends more time around aphelion, during NH summer, it gets warmer. These global daily temperature graphs clearly show this pattern. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1G1rR-RH3Nh1-FIQDgGYtaeMt_gsVG77ym-n4mVK4sxg/edit?usp=sharing

        The temperature data I referenced earlier came from the UAH Lower Troposphere dataset.

        Hunter says: You already explained why the Northern Hemisphere is warmer than the Southern Hemisphere so you dont need to go over that again. That has to do with 33% more land more efficiently heating from a given level of insolation and shrinking sea ice that is especially shrunk in the NH summer.

        Answer: Yes, but you don’t seem to fully grasp the implications. NH summer/SH winter acts as the “heater,” while SH summer/NH winter acts as the “freezer,” even though Earth is closer to the Sun during SH summer. Spending more time in the “freezer” (during perihelion, SH summer) cools the planet, which directly contradicts your claim.

        About 10,000 years ago, during the Holocene Climate Optimum, perihelion coincided with NH summer, creating a warmer climate. In about 10,000 years, we will return to a similar situation.

      • bill hunter says:

        Sig says:
        Landmasses in the NH have contributed to higher absorption of solar energy for at least 100 million years, while Antarctica has been ice-covered for about 35 million years, contributing to a higher albedo in the SH.

        As shown in this graph, 800,000 years of proxy temperature data from ice cores clearly illustrate that high/low summer insolation on NH/SH favours GLOBAL WARMTH while low/high summer insolation on NH/SH favours GLOBAL COLD.
        you are all over the place like a soup sandwich.

        you need to brush up on the word insolation that i am using.
        total insolation is before any co2 or albedo effects or geographic effects. it is has been measured to vary considerably between 1360w/m2 and 1380watts/m2.

        If you know that your contention boils down to total insolation doesn’t matter for global mean temperature.. Total BS. If you are just ignorant of the issue of varying insolation, rest assured nothing you said in that post has any effect on insolation.

        sig says;

        About 10,000 years ago, during the Holocene Climate Optimum, perihelion coincided with NH summer, creating a warmer climate. In about 10,000 years, we will return to a similar situation.

        yes this also is a post insolation effect with a cycle estimated at 26,000 years but has nothing at all that affects total solar insolation.

      • Sig says:


        Again, you present a mix of claims without documentation!

        It must have been a shock for you to discover that the Earth is actually colder at perihelion than at aphelion, the latter corresponding to summer in the Northern Hemisphere. This simple figure ruins your entire argument!

        Your arguments were based on the opposite: that the walkthrough freezer was represented by the summer half-year in the Northern Hemisphere!

        Bill claimed: ” Fact is, both periods correspond to warming trends known to be the result of orbital forcing by jupiter, saturn, and uranus (with Neptune aiding only in the most recent 40 years). ”

        What you claim to be a fact is actually an undocumented hypothesis, which turns out to be wrong!

        A very simple calculation, tailored to a 3rd grader, shows it:
        For simplicitys sake, lets say that Jupiter and Saturn extend Earths stay around perihelion by seven days, and shorten its stay around aphelion by the same amount. (This is, of course, far too much; I assume we can measure the delay in minutes and seconds, rather than weeks and days).

        Winter Spring Summer Fall
        No. days: 91 91 91 91
        Avg.temp: 13 14.5 16 14.5 Annual avg. 14.5

        7-days delay caused by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus:
        No. days: 98 91 84 91
        Avg.temp: 13 14.5 16 14.5 Annual avg.14.44

        A longer stay in the cooler ” perihelion-phase ” will of course cause cooling, contrary to your claim!

        I have not said that total solar insolation (TSI) does not matter. But when you are talking about global temperature, other things matters more much more. Like the distribution of the insolation on NH versus SH – with different level of absorption, much higher heat capacity of the vast southern oceans compared to the landmasses in the north, etc.

        As this graph clearly illustrates, changing insolation in northern areas is far more significant than small variations in TSI. More than 800 000 years of glacial history should have told you that, and it is quite telling that you find this irrelevant.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Sig what is the source of that graphic? I would like to read the methodology that was used to produce it and what the author state what it represents.

        As we know total insolation for the globe does not change as a result of changes to axial tilt or axial precession but individual latitudes do.

        axial tilt and axial precession are only 2 of 4 parameters that affects how much insolation is received at a particular latitude.

        The only parameters that affect mean global insolation are changes to solar brightness, changes to orbit eccentricity, and perturbations to orbit parameters arising from other celestial objects.

        You are very clearly not addressing the topic I am discussing.

        The smoothness of the curve tells me with certainly neither of the parameters that determine global mean insolation were included in the study and you are just offering up what your daddy told you as an answer to a more complex question.

        Is that due to your ignorance or is it that you are actively involved in obfuscating the science?

      • Bill Hunter says:

        I withdraw my previous comments this seems to be more about a Swanson misinterpretation than any official hanky panky.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Oops wrong thread, disregard last post.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter,

        Bill says: You are very clearly not addressing the topic I am discussing.

        Nice try! Once again, you’re attempting to deflect from the original point, which stems from your claim: Fact is both periods correspond to warming trends known to be the result of orbital forcing by jupiter, saturn, and uranus (with Neptune aiding only in the most recent 40 years.

        You presented this as a FACT, asserting that the recent warming trend is due to Earth’s orbital changes a slow-down at perihelion caused by the gravitational influence of larger planets. However, I have demonstrated, with the illustration below and calculations provided earlier, that your claim is incorrect. A slow-down during the SH summer (at perihelion) and a corresponding speed-up during NH summer (at aphelion) would actually lead to cooler global temperatures, if measurable at all.

        The source of data is shown on the figure.

        Youre wrong, and youre twisting all around to avoid admitting it. Once weve settled this issue, we can move on to discuss the relevant TSI data.

      • Nate says:

        “and you are just offering up what your daddy told you as an answer to a more complex question.”

        Sig, No worries. when an opponent has evidence and logic to back up his claims, and Bill can find no way to rebut it, this is his go-to insult.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Nope I only call that out when you can’t back up what your daddy told you, which for you Nate is business as usual. So here is a another pregnant opportunity to call me wrong on that for the first time.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Likewise Sig appears to be having an existential crisis for why he is in this forum.

        He has engaged in a multi-post tirade denying that an extra watt of surface forcing actually causes temperatures global ”mean temperature” to go up in relationship to what it would be without that extra watt of forcing. Really weird.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunters problem is that he just imagines things. He never documents his claims. Never because he is not able to. Science represents reality that can be measured he never refers to a single measurement.
        a) Bill imagines that global temperature is highest during midwinter on NH, because the Earth is closest to the sun (perihelion). He ignores measurements showing this is the coolest period of the year.
        b) Bill imagines that Uranus+ has slowed down the Earth during perihelion, so the NH wintertime is extended, and NH summertime is shortened. He shows no data supporting this claim.
        c) Bill imagines that these orbital changes explain the recent warming trends, ignoring data that says it will have the opposite effect, if any.
        d) Bill imagines that his imagined orbital changes will lead to an imagined extra watt of increased insolation, without checking the daily TSI measured by satellites. He probably does not know how to.

        Now I expect an answer from Bill where he attacks my dad, corruption of science, mushroom farms etc. Maybe he also will imagine that bleaching of humans will kill virus in your lungs, higher sea levels will result in more seafront properties, or some other unscientific ideas he may have.

        What I am pretty sure of is that his answer will not include any scientific documentation supporting his imaginations.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Sig says:

        a) Bill imagines that global temperature is highest during midwinter on NH, because the Earth is closest to the sun (perihelion). He ignores measurements showing this is the coolest period of the year.
        Strawman! I never said that. I said that on average the earth has been spending more time at perihelion than aphelion.

        And that since perihelion warms the globe more than aphelion as evidenced by your own numbers. Our global mean temperature is higher in 2023 compared to 1981.

        b) Bill imagines that Uranus+ has slowed down the Earth during perihelion, so the NH wintertime is extended, and NH summertime is shortened. He shows no data supporting this claim.

        It doesn’t have anything to do with hemispheres Sig. this is purely a global mean effect and it includes moving faster through aphelion during the NH Summer making for a shorter sidereal summer. . .but not necessarily a shorter calendar summer.

        c) Bill imagines that these orbital changes explain the recent warming trends, ignoring data that says it will have the opposite effect, if any.
        You haven’t provided any links to calculate the claim of an opposite effect either and you probably don’t have one except what your daddy told you.

        d) Bill imagines that his imagined orbital changes will lead to an imagined extra watt of increased insolation, without checking the daily TSI measured by satellites. He probably does not know how to.
        I am not even using TSI, TSI may be a variable that should be considered. . .that would mean it would be a factor in the remainder.

        Sig says:
        Now I expect an answer from Bill where he attacks my dad, corruption of science, mushroom farms etc. Maybe he also will imagine that bleaching of humans will kill virus in your lungs, higher sea levels will result in more seafront properties, or some other unscientific ideas he may have.
        You can always avoid that Sig by providing sources for your data and support for its relevancy. i.e. act more like a scientist than a carnival barker imploring people to come in and see the hairy woman but not even having a tent with a hairy woman.

        Sig says:
        What I am pretty sure of is that his answer will not include any scientific documentation supporting his imaginations.
        see above seems we are tied in this argument. You have nothing, I haven’t offered anything yet other than pointing you toward the US Naval Observatory, which should be sufficient if you can handle 6th grade math. the only difference between my claim and your claim is mine is solar radiation and yours is backradiation. . .only one of those can make something hotter.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter
        A new reply from Bill exactly as I predicted: No documentation of his claims. None at all.

        He says he previously has referred to US Naval Observatory. Is USNO saying orbital forcing is causing the current warming trend? When? Where? Please provide a link!

        Bill says: Strawman! I never said that.
        Yes, Bill said that when he compared speeding up during aphelion (NH summer) was like run through the walkthru freezer rather than walk. Fact is that the northern landmasses heat up much more rapidly than the southern oceans, and the global temperatures reach highest levels during NH summer (which happens to be around aphelion). The more days this situation lasts (broadens the peak on the figure), the higher the annual global temperatures will be. The quicker the Earth moves towards the cooler SH summer and perihelion, the lower global temperature will fall.

        Bill says: And that since perihelion warms the globe more than aphelion as evidenced by your own numbers. Our global mean temperature is higher in 2023 compared to 1981.

        This is a total nonsensical statement. During perihelion the Earth will always be exposed to more energy from the sun than during aphelion. Nevertheless, we have had periods of cooling, warming, glaciations and interglacials.

        Bill says: It doesnt have anything to do with hemispheres Sig. this is purely a global mean effect and it includes moving faster through aphelion during the NH Summer making for a shorter sidereal summer. . .but not necessarily a shorter calendar summer.

        The temperature trends, which is what we are discussing, have a lot to do with the hemispheres. Read Milankovic. The two hemispheres reflect and absorbs the energy differently, and the heat capacity is varying. If different stuff is exposed to solar heat, like new asphalt, water, black soil, green forest, desert, snow and ice, the temperature response is very different.

        And no, I am not talking about NH calendar summer, but about the periode that the Earth axis favours high insolation on NH.

        Bill, unless you are able to document or find serious scientific articles supporting your claim I believe you are wasting your time.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Bill says: Strawman! I never said that.
        Yes, Bill said that when he compared speeding up during aphelion (NH summer) was like run through the walkthru freezer rather than walk.
        thats true.

        But don’t you think you will get out of the freezer faster by running and thus be warmer than you would otherwise be if you walked? You have been arguing that perihelion is warmer, it is. I have not argument with that.

        You are either hopeless confused or have some kind of mental problem where your brain jerks like your leg does when the doctor hits your knee with a toy hammer.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter

        No, when perihelion coincides with SH summer it is the coldest period of the year globally, 2-3 degrees colder than the NH summer (at aphelion). You apparently do not grasp this simple fact, in spite of the graph I have showed you numerous times:

        But I understand that it is very difficult to accept these simple facts, since they effectively and completely disprove your hypothesis.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Sig says:

        No, when perihelion coincides with SH summer it is the coldest period of the year globally, 2-3 degrees colder than the NH summer (at aphelion). You apparently do not grasp this simple fact, in spite of the graph I have showed you numerous times:

        But I understand that it is very difficult to accept these simple facts, since they effectively and completely disprove your hypothesis.
        No Sig I haven’t disputed your irrelevant fact. Fact is if the earth spends more time close to the sun than further away it going to provide more energy during the year to the earth. If you don’t believe that is going to warm the earth that’s your problem not mine.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter says: ” Fact is if the earth spends more time close to the sun than further away it going to provide more energy during the year to the earth. ”

        Where your logic fails is that you believe the amount of global temperature change is purely a function of the energy that the earth receives.

        The key factors impacting the temperature change are:
        a) total energy absorbed by the earth
        b) the heat capacity of the material that receives the energy

        a) The SH contains almost three times more ice (on land and water) than the NH. Antarctica is white, high and cold, and reflects up to 90% of the energy to space. A lot more melting of the ice occurs in NH, and water pools on ice absorbs a lot more energy than pure white ice and snow.

        b) The southern oceans have a lot higher heat capacity than the NH landmasses. The same amount of energy will increase water temperature by far less then for soil and vegetation. Land areas warm up much more quickly than the ocean.

        Therefore, as the seasonal, global temperature data shows, the temperature gets highest when the earth spends its time in the NH summer. If you shorten this time, and replace it with the cooler temperatures during SH summer, the global temperature will be lowered.

        If you were right, that it is the overall amount of insolation that matters, the global temperature would be highest during perihelion. It is not.

        It is the distribution of the energy between the two hemispheres which is most important, exactly like Milankovic told us 100 years ago.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig says:

        Bill Hunter says: Fact is if the earth spends more time close to the sun than further away it going to provide more energy during the year to the earth.

        Sig says: ”Therefore, as the seasonal, global temperature data shows, the temperature gets highest when the earth spends its time in the NH summer. If you shorten this time, and replace it with the cooler temperatures during SH summer, the global temperature will be lowered.”

        Well the fact is Sig you are mostly right and that’s evidenced by the fact that the earth isn’t warming as fast as it was between 21.5 thousand years ago to 10,000 years ago when the axis was going to maximum tilt. Today its moving toward minimum tilt.

        But axial tilt parameter moves so slowly it only has about a 3rd place decimal effect on mean polar temperatures much less global temperatures 1981 and 2023. In other words it changes nothing important to what I have said.

        You can continue to push the argument about where perihelion appears in the sky but over any 40 year period time it’s irrelevant. Over a climate change trend of 11,500 years it might be worth up to 4C for 65N and somewhat less at 65S.

        Your continuing to argue the same point is just an exercise of you trying to insert a red herring into what I posted.

      • Sig says:

        Bill hunter says: ” You can continue to push the argument about where perihelion appears in the sky but over any 40 year period time its irrelevant. Over a climate change trend of 11,500 years it might be worth up to 4C for 65N and somewhat less at 65S. ”

        I am just trying to help you, so you do not keep embarrassing yourself by your lack of understanding.

        I have showed you that both in the short term (annual variation) and in the long term (thousands of years), perihelion during SH summer means relative cooling. Longer time spent in a cooler phase, means more cooling not less. Less time spent in the warm phase, NH summer which today happens to be at aphelion, means less warming i.e. more cooling. Exactly the opposite of your claim.

        I honestly do not believe that the short term orbital variations you describe have any measurable impact at all. But if they have, it will be in the direction of cooling. You claim the opposite, that it has a strong warming effect and explain the 20th century warming – without any trace of documentation.

        The science community can safely relax. You will never be able to do the necessary calculations and documentation that will upend the current understanding.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Sig says:
        ”I am just trying to help you, so you do not keep embarrassing yourself by your lack of understanding.

        I have showed you that both in the short term (annual variation) and in the long term (thousands of years), perihelion during SH summer means relative cooling.”

        Sig it doesn’t mean cooling in the medium term.

        You are using a longterm variation NH summer perihelion vs NH winter perihelion that takes >20,000 years to convert.

        that is against 800 year, and 3,500 year eccentricity cycles where these cycles can repeat in a small sector of the sky multiple times in a row.

        what you are claiming controls the process can only have a fractional effect on the medium term eccentricity cycles.
        For the cycles listed above your alleged controlling cycle on has an effect against the maximum effect of those shorter term cycles

        You are talking about can have a maximum effect of 1/25, and 1/13 respectively on those medium term cycles.

        Your side has preached ignoring orbital forcing as been a 100,000 year cycle. But that is a complete rejection of Newtonian physics as it is also recognized that the eccentricity change varies with planetary movement and the planets don’t circle the sun in unison once every 100,000 years.

        the number of permutations of 8 planets is 40,320. The number of permutations of decadal plus cycles is 24 with 4 planets. And none of this counts moons, comets, and asteroids. Milankovic seems to have found one of those permutations to have a cycle of 100,000 years among all those 24 permutations.

        That would have been a great accomplishment 100 years ago when he did this considering the data and technology that was available then. It obviously needs to be elevated into the modern era where all the possible permutations are recalculated and their effects on earth’s speed and distance from the sun worked out.

      • Nate says:

        ” But that is a complete rejection of Newtonian physics as it is also recognized that the eccentricity change varies with planetary movement and the planets dont circle the sun in unison once every 100,000 years.”

        Bill fails to do or show us any Newtonian physics.

        What he does is Astrology-looks at where the planets are-but cannot show cause and effect, which is a requirement in normal science.

      • Bill hunter says:

        Nate says:

        ” ”But that is a complete rejection of Newtonian physics as it is also recognized that the eccentricity change varies with planetary movement and the planets dont circle the sun in unison once every 100,000 years.”

        Bill fails to do or show us any Newtonian physics.”

        I guess Nate thinks the 4 gas giant planets orbiting around the earth and the sun at different rates converts all their gravitation pull together from one direction and then pulls on the earth.

        Hmmm, I don’t think you call that Newtonian physics. What kind of physics do you think it is that creates a linear forcing on the earth?

      • Nate says:

        “I guess Nate thinks the 4 gas giant planets orbiting around the earth and the sun at different rates converts all their gravitation pull together from one direction and then pulls on the earth.”

        No one is denying gravity. But you haven’t shown the effects of aligned planets is significant.

        Then you cannot prove it affects Earths climate on the time scales much shorter than the known Milankovitch cycles.

        So thats all folks.

      • Bill hunter says:

        well the multi-day difference in half orbit times is significant.

      • Sig says:

        Bill Hunter,
        You have two basic problems:
        – you show no documentation of your imagined impact on temperature trends caused by short term orbital changes.
        – you claim that the earth spending more time in the cooler SH summer/NH winter, and less time in the warmer NH summer/SH winter has a warming effect. Obviously, it will have a cooling effect, if any at all.

        Put up or shut up!

      • Nate says:

        “October 5, 2024 at 7:30 PM
        well the multi-day difference in half orbit times is significant.”

        Which your own source thoroughly debunked!

      • Bill hunter says:

        Nate it wasn’t debunked. It simply says the moon is responsible for the orbital forcing.

        does it matter that much what it is that slows the earth down in its orbit so substantially and differently over the decades?

        I just think its silly and ignorant to think its the moon which is only going to barely change the speed of earth in its orbit as opposed to Jupiter which can displace the sun by nearly 2 million miles on average every 6 years. Apparently you think the earth is completely invulnerable to any forcing from Jupiter. Weird!

      • Nate says:

        “does it matter that much what it is that slows the earth down in its orbit so substantially and differently over the decades?”


        The Moon’s orbit causes an artifact to appear in the measured times of aphelion and perihelion. At least you acknowledge this.

        It is NOT evidence that the Earth has actually slowed in its orbit, nor changed the amount of insolation it receives.

      • Nate says:

        “I just think its silly and ignorant to think its the moon which is only going to barely change the speed of earth in its orbit as opposed to Jupiter which can displace the sun by nearly 2 million miles on average every 6 years.”

        Really ignorant and illogical assertions Bill.

        There is nothing silly about the facts here. Which are that the lunar orbit produces an artifact in the measurement of the aphelion and perihelion of Earths orbit. Which has nothing whatsoever to do with a slowing or speeding up of half of its orbit and change in solar insolation!

        ” Apparently you think the earth is completely invulnerable to any forcing from Jupiter. Weird!”

        For the 47th time, Bill, no one is denying that Jupiter experts gravity on the other planets.

        That does not prove it can have whatever SIZE effect on Earth that you want it to have!

        In science you cannot just assert that such and such cause will have such and such BIG effect. You have to show it, with real, not made-up, evidence.

        Thus far you have failed to do that.

  4. Dixon says:

    ‘No one who is serious about climate change…’ well that’s a weird subjective comment. But frankly the whole rant is.

    Thanks for all your long, hard work Dr Spencer, the world needs reason and data. Opinions are far easier to come by 🙂

  5. Joel OBryan says:

    Still waiting for the lower stratosphere temperature update to include August 2024.

    The August Solar F10.7 flux was so far above expectation; something must be happening in the stratosphere as a result.
    Rapid Heating and ozone creation I suspect.

    Joel O’Bryan

  6. CO2isLife says:

    Dr. Spencer, reading many of the posts on your blog I get the feeling that many of these climate “experts” don’t even understand the basics. This whole “theory” is based upon an increase in CO2 resulting in warming that results in climate change. They one and only defined mechanism by which CO2 can affect climate change is through warming caused by the thermalization of 15 Micron LWIR. No one disagrees with that, that is the Green House Gas Effect. Basically, people believe that by vibrating 1 out of every 2,500 molecules in the air with the energy consistent with 15 Micron LWIR, once can materially impact the kinetic energy of the remaining 2,499 molecules. Yes, I know when it is stated that way it simply sounds absurd.

    Anyway, would you do a series of blog posts reviewing the basics, and start with this chart?

    It shows the absorption spectrum of the various green house gasses, as well as some Plank Curves. Things to note:
    1) CO2 only absorbs and radiates a very narrow band of EM radiation between 13 and 18 Microns, Peak 15 Microns.
    2) Plank Curves are assiciated with temperature, and as you can see, the cooler the temperature, the peak of the Plank Curve shifts towards the longer wavelengths.
    3) The IR Spectrum absorbed by CO2 around 15 Microns is also readly absorbed by the far more abundant H2O, so with our without CO2 100% of 15 Micron LWIR is absorbed by the atmomsphere, ie it is saturated.
    4) You can’t absorb more than 100% of energy, energy can not be created or destroyed, just changed in form.
    5) You can go to SpecrtralCalc and see what temperatures are associated with what wavelengths.
    6) You can also see at what concentration saturation occures using a gas cell.

    In order to intellegently address climate change, every observation would be addressed by asking “can 15 Micron LWIR cause that change?” That is basic science 101. If people are going to blame CO2 for climate change, they have to explain how it does that using the tools and graphic I’ve identified above.

    • Rune Valaker says:

      >>>If people are going to blame CO2 for climate change, they have to explain how it does that using the tools and graphic Ive identified above.

      It is not the task of the contributors to Spencer’s blog to teach people who can barely eat with a knife and fork without injuring themselves in the face.

      These endless demands for evidence that the greenhose effect is real, and is an established scientific fact, appear like shouts and screams from an autistic person, not unlike Greta Thunberg.

      • CO2isLife says:

        “These endless demands for evidence that the greenhose effect is real”

        Who’s denying the Greenhouse Gas Effect? My entire suggestion was to develop and exercise in applied Green House Gas Effect.

        Your ignorant response pretty much proves that Climate Experts doen’t even understand the basics.

        Yes, the GHG Efect is real. Remove H2O from the atosphere and it will get real cold real fast. Simply sleep naked in a desert and then a rain forest for that evidence.

        Removing CO2 from the atmpsphere would do absolutely nothing to change the energy balance. Once again, H2O absorbs the same wavelengths as CO2, and H2O is far more abundant.

        Dr. Spencer, Rune Valaker provides all the evidence in the world that an elementary level explaination of the science is needed to inform these ignorant experts of the basics.

      • Willard says:

        > Removing CO2 from the atmpsphere would do absolutely nothing to change the energy balance

        Until we try on Venus there is this:


      • PhilJ says:

        “Yes, the GHG Efect is real.”

        Rather, it is an artifact of a fundamentally flawed assumption and so moves into fantasyland..

        “Remove H2O from the atosphere and it will get real cold real fast. Simply sleep naked in a desert and then a rain forest for that evidence.”

        Demonstrated here. Where did the h20 go? No h20 no oceans. The whole GHE model is built on a fantasy Earth.

    • Sig says:


      CO2isLife says: Your ignorant response pretty much proves that Climate Experts doent even understand the basics.

      Talking about ignorance! Have you heard about feedbacks? If you remove the other GHG, and just keep H2O, the temperature will drop. Cooler air=> less H2O=> cooler air => less H2O => cooler air etc. and we get Snowball Earth. H2O-molecules have a short life span in the atmosphere. Have you experienced a hot, sunny day in September, followed by a cool night and the dew in the morning?

      All you need to do is to look at what happened during the last 2 mill. years of glacials/interglacials. When the intensity of the sun was strongest in the southern hemisphere, where you have vast oceans and the best conditions for evaporation of water, then you have the deep ice ages. The warm periods occurred when sun intensity was highest in the north with less water and larger land areas.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Willard says:
        September 5, 2024 at 7:09 AM
        > Removing CO2 from the atmpsphere would do absolutely nothing to change the energy balance

        Until we try on Venus there is this:


        Willard, that is yet another great expample of sophistry to the nth Degree. Here is a clue, the earth doesn’t emit visible radiation. The one and only wavelength band that is relevant to the GHG efect is 12 to 18 Microns, 15 Peak. That is it. Visible and UV Radiation is 100% irrelevant to the GHG Effect. Dr. Spencer, this is just the most recent expample where you need to do a series posts addressing the extreme basics of the GHG Effect. These “experts” are making a fool out of themselves.

        Sig says:
        September 5, 2024 at 7:30 AM

        CO2isLife says: Your ignorant response pretty much proves that Climate Experts doent even understand the basics.

        Talking about ignorance! Have you heard about feedbacks? If you remove the other GHG, and just keep H2O, the temperature will drop.

        That is 100% False, and would be extremely easy to test in a lab. Dr. Spencer, Sig just provided an experment that could prove CO2 causes the warming as nonsense.

        1) CO2 is 1 out of every 2,500 molecules, H2O can be 4 out of 100.
        2) Both CO2 and H2O absorb the 15 Microns, you can use a Gas Cell on the Spectralcal Website to see that with or without CO2 an atmosphere with H2O will absorb 100% of 15 micron LWIR.
        3) You can only absorb 100%, absorption is saturated by H2O, so adding CO2 won’t absorb any more. Energy can’t be created or destroyed.
        4) H2O is great at absorbing and storing heat, that is why you can sleep naked in a rain forest. Try sleeping naked in a very dry desert where CO2 is the only GHG and there is no H2O and you will freeze. That is an easy experiment anyone can test on their own.

        Dr. Spencer, Willard and Sig prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the ignorance of the climate “experts” is something that needs to be addressed. It is embarassing that people are so gullible and nieve to post such easly refuted nonsense on this blog.

        Please help them live in the world of real science.

      • Willard says:

        And so Life denies what he can see with an infrared camera, i.e. that CO2 is obviously a greenhouse gas. Perhaps has he forgotten to install Elliott’s plug-in? Here it is:


        That way, he’ll be able to see this experiment that focuses on measuring the infrared:


        We wish him luck with his other requests.

      • Willard says:

        Adding a time stamp breaks the preview. Dang.

        Where can we send bug tickets?

      • CO2isLife says:

        Willard says:
        September 5, 2024 at 11:03 PM
        And so Life denies what he can see with an infrared camera, i.e. that CO2 is obviously a greenhouse gas. Perhaps has he forgotten to install Elliotts plug-in? Here it is:


        That way, hell be able to see this experiment that focuses on measuring the infrared:


        We wish him luck with his other requests.

        Dr. Spencer, I’m begging you to expose these sophist. Just look at what they post on your blog? It is 100% pure nonsense.

        Anyone that understands even the basics knows that CO2 absorbs and emits 15 Micron LWIR. The GHG Effect is thermalizing outgoing LWIR. No one disagrees with that. The earth emits between 9.5 and maybe 16 microns, that is it. That covers the range between +100 and -100 Degree F.

        Willard literaly linked a video showing a heating element of over 300 Degree F to demonstrate CO2 traps the heat. The earth isn’t 300 Degree F, it is 64 Degree F, they aren’t even dealing with the proper range of the spectrum. Allow people ton post such nonsense unclallenged aids in the misinformation that defines Climate change.

        As I’ve said 1,000 times, if you want an experiment to run, you need a long pass filter that isolates 13 to 18n micron LWIR and a bucket of water. Willard literally uses a heating iron that most likley is emitting wavelengths near the visible range.

        This chart tells you everything you need to know, and Willard is clearly posting sophistry to spread misinformation. This chard defines the physics that have to be addreessed when addressing climate change. CO2 can only cause warming and it is done through the thermalization of 15 micron LWIR. Undenianble Fact that Willard seems to ignore.

  7. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    I would like to ask what the satellites over the equator show? Why do they not show any increase in temperature a kilometer above the equator.

  8. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    Has there been any increase in temperature above the 80th parallel since April.

  9. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    UVB radiation in the troposphere, which is absorbed by water vapor, appears to be increasing.
    This is likely to result in a decrease in summer cloud cover and an increase in sunshine over land areas.
    Satellites show the increase in the temperature of the troposphere over the equator in 2023 from March.

    • Ireneusz Palmowski says:

      Studies have shown that water vapor exhibits structural absorption bands in the near-UV range, particularly in the 290-350 nm range. In this range, water vapor can absorb UVB radiation, which is important for understanding its role in the atmosphere.
      Atmospheric impact:
      Water vapor is one of the main components of the atmosphere that absorbs solar radiation, which has important implications for the Earth’s energy balance and climate modeling. As the water vapor content of the atmosphere increases, increased absorption of UV radiation is observed, which can affect local atmospheric conditions and ecological health.

    • Ireneusz Palmowski says:

      CO2 exhibits absorption of radiation in the UV range, especially with wavelengths below 230 nm. Studies have shown that CO2 has absorption bands between 115 and 230 nm, which means it can absorb UVC radiation that does not reach the troposphere. Radiation up to 242 nm is absorbed by diatomic oxygen in the Chapman cycle in the stratosphere.
      Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is divided into three main sub-bands:
      UVA: 320-400 nm
      UVB: 280-320 nm
      UVC: 100-280 nm

      • CO2isLife says:

        FYI, the earth doesn’t emit UV, it emits LWIR near 11 Microns on average. UV has nothing to do with the GHG Effect.

      • Ken says:

        Actually UV does have GHG effect. Ozone and O2 absorb UV energy just as CO2 absorbs IR.

        More UV when magnetic field is weaker … which may all on its own explain warming attributed to CO2 GHE.

      • Ken says:

        See your own chart that you linked above for O and O2 absorption.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Ken says:
        September 4, 2024 at 10:10 PM
        Actually UV does have GHG effect. Ozone and O2 absorb UV energy just as CO2 absorbs IR.

        More UV when magnetic field is weaker which may all on its own explain warming attributed to CO2 GHE.

        OMG!!! O2 is now a GHG? Are you freekin kidding me? Absorbing INCOMING Short Wave UV now causes surface warming?

        Note the “Atmospheric Window” centered around 10 Microns. That allows most LWIR emitted by the earth to leave unimpeeded. Note how most GHGs absorb BELOW 10 Microns (To the right longer wavelengths). If you understand that graphic, GHGs put in a floor for temperatures, they don’t add to warming. 100 degree F is associated with 9.25 Microns, so only things to the right of 9.25 micron apply to the GHG Effect. Most green house gasses only thermalize BELOW 10 microns, which is COOLER. JUst look at the bottom temp of the Stratosphere. It is about -80C, that is CO2 thermalizing outgoing LWIR of 15 microns.

        I’m all ears, please explain.

      • Eric says:

        Interesting, I never thought in detail how many things affect on how energy absorbs in the atmosphere. Thanks! The UV from the Sun, it’s variation and water high in the stratosphere are often missed in popular discussions even if taken into consideration in serious modelling. FYI Life, nobody said so.

  10. Tim S says:

    I was accused of bias the other day. I responded by admitting that I have bias like every rational person. I then listed some of my biases. One of my strongest biases is for honesty.

    I also have a strong bias for skepticism, which is not just saying no to everything, but asking relevant questions. I think curiosity is a good quality in scientists and all people. In that sense, I am also skeptical of many skeptic claims.

    From my perspective, the wide and indiscriminate use of the denier accusation is both dishonest and often an attempt to stop people from asking important questions. That makes it doubly wrong to me.

  11. jim karlock says:

    Here is the question I ask David every time i come across his drivel on blogs:

    Please show actual evidence that man’s CO2 is causing serious global warming.

    and usually add this:
    Please note:
    1-Evidence of warming, unusual weather, storms, floods IS NOT evidence that man’s CO2 is the cause.
    2-Correlation is not causation
    3-An experts assertion, governments assertion, consensus of experts, polls or majority belief are not evidence. They are hearsay.
    4-Climate models are not evidence.
    5-Warmest weather in 100 years means it was warmer 100 years ago when CO2 was lower.
    6-If an event is NOT unprecedented, then you have to explain why whatever caused the earlier events is NOT the cause of the latest occurrence of that event.

    Evidence is actual data PRO AND CON with reasoned analysis and logical conclusions while FULLY CONSIDERING OPPOSING evidence.

  12. Willard says:

    Here are my biases.

    I am biased toward taste.

    I am biased toward humility.

    I am biased toward integrity.

    I am biased toward competence.

    I am biased toward objectivity.

    I am biased toward truthfulness.

    I am biased toward never being self-serving.

    I am biased toward never speaking about myself.

    Thank you.

    Oh, and the consensus claim is that humans are the main cause of global warming. Not less than 50%. Not half-natural. Not even “perhaps 51%, who knows?”

    Also, regarding alarmism, there was a note in that other thread:


    Those who complain about the D-word should keep the A-word for themselves and stop promoting it in the Contrarian Matrix.

    I am biased toward a lack of bias.

    • Tim S says:

      Thank you for the compliment Willard.

      Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

      • Willard says:

        You’re being too kind, dear TS, yet I must decline the compliment for your self-defeating pomposity remains inimitable.

        Have you ever considered that the job of scientists is to answer the questions they ask, not to use them as gotchas?

        Try it sometimes.

    • Ken says:

      Evidence is lacking.

    • RLH says:

      “the consensus claim”

      Science has nothing to do with the consensus.

      • Willard says:

        Then explain why science advances one funeral at a time. Also, get real:


      • RLH says:

        There a lot more non scientists than there are scientists, hence a lot more funerals.

      • Tim S says:

        There is a strong consensus that CO2 is increasing due to fossil burning and that it has a spectrum in the IR range that makes it a greenhouse gas. Beyond that, there is a very wide range of claims and counter claims, and an even wider difference of opinion about those various claims.

        The claim of consensus is often used to hype the most extreme claims, and in that context (quote me correctly) it is dishonest.

      • Willard says:

        Since there is a strong consensus that humans are the main cause of global warming, there is a strong consensus about weaker claims.

        Claims such as “beyond that, there is a very wide range of yada yada” amount to mere denial. And to top that denial with “But CAGW” only gallops back to the central Bingo square:


      • John W says:

        CAGW is just a fun talking point for them.

      • Willard says:

        Two questions, “Mack” –

        How come you know Mike’s silly HTML trick to type the T-word?

        Reactionaries are well-known for red baiting. You’re red baiting. Do you know how abduction work?

        No, not the aliens’ type. The “inference to the best explanation” one.

      • Tim S says:

        Willard, if you do not like my responses, then you should not reply to my comments or quote me. I have provided advice to you and others in the past, but you reject my advice.

        You know my opinion about your website. At best, it is not informative and serves no useful purpose.

        Your use of stereotypes to characterize intelligent and often complex statements, in this forum that encourages free speech, is just wrong in every way. This is the 21st century. We are supposed to be inclusive and supportive of people who have different points of view.

      • Willard says:

        You are entitled to your editorials, TS love. You are even entitled to feel entitled voicing them, even if that does not entitle you to room service. There is very little anyone can about this sense of entitlement – it must follow you wherever you go.

        Your opinions about otters are even less relevant than those about yourself. They serve no real purpose than to situate a rhetorical stance in which you are a True Champion. When doing so you sell the idea that you are beyond any rhetorical stance, astute readers ought to reach for their wallets.

        Nobody ought to buy anything from people full of themselves. Suckers still fall for their trick. I suppose confidence still sells.

        Perhaps one day you will be able to contribute something constructive. Perhaps one day you will be able to invent a new contrarian talking point. I have faith in you, more than say gb.

        When that happens, I want to be there. Just for you.

        Are you still all in on SPY since last week?


  13. Stephen P Anderson says:

    Dr. Spencer,

    I think you’ve made the mistake of giving him the attention he craves.

    P.S.- Isn’t the UAH dataset showing much more warming than the surface data sets? If anything those data sets have shown cooling.

    • John W says:

      Read the comments. You’ll get a good laugh.

      • bdgwx says:

        It’s the wild west over on WUWT. The commenters there make even the worst offenders here look both tame and genius. In the monthly UAH update post I’m trying to convince to one of the frequently posters that plus (+) is a different operation than division (/) and that parentheses indicate priority for the order of operations. And as I recall this is for a guy who claims to be in a STEM field.

  14. John Boland says:

    Who is David Appell? Never heard of him

    • gbaikie says:

      Quite awhile ago, he posted here a lot. I was not sure if David Appell is his actual name.

    • lewis guignard says:

      Mr. Boland,
      He was rather rude, regularly.
      Be happy you missed his time here.

      Best wishes,

    • Stephen P Anderson says:

      He’s a PhD physicist I believe from SUNY. However, he is an alarmist. He didn’t like Dr. Spencer raising issues like climate sensitivity or UHI effect. If you go to his site, you will see he’s a propagandist. I suspect he’s received a lot of funds from Soros through the years. He sure hasn’t done any climate research.

      • Stephen P Anderson says:

        Oh, yeah, I believe the last straw for Dr. Spencer was when he started question the integrity of the UAH data and Dr. Spencer and Christy because it wasn’t matching the surface data. I guess according to Appell, science has to agree.

    • Eric says:

      There are ppl who become obsessed on public figures, Appell is one of them. He’s probably nice in some contexts, but a major disturbance in some non-alarmist blogs. He’s OCD or slightly on the spectre. Not an interesting person who has views and wisdoms.

      His favourite is defining what is legit fandom, what is denial.

  15. Robert Bradley says:

    David Appell was a bad apple a decade ago, as shown here:

    The Master Resource people are whores of the fossil fuel industry. (Yes, that certainly includes you.) – David Appell (@davidappell) | March 5, 2014 at 10:33 pm |


    He is a hit-and-run driver whose meager background should suggest humility rather than hate toward climate realists.

  16. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    The graphic shows a clear temperature drop in the stratosphere above a pressure of 2 hPa. In these layers of the stratosphere, only UVC radiation can raise the temperature. That’s why the temperature drops to the tropopause, although it seems that it should rise as the air density increases. The temperature drops to the tropopause because the shortest UV radiation is completely absorbed by oxygen. It follows that a drop in temperature in July 2024 means a drop in stratospheric ozone production, which ozone in turn absorbs most UVB radiation. The conclusion is that there was a significant increase in UVB radiation in the troposphere over the equator in July.https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/stratosphere/strat-trop/gif_files/time_pres_TEMP_MEAN_JAS_EQ_2024.png

  17. gbaikie says:

    –Dark Oxygen Could Change Our Understanding of Habitability

    The discovery of dark oxygen at an abyssal plain on the ocean floor generated a lot of interest. Could this oxygen source support life in the ocean depths? And if it can, what does that mean for places like Enceladus and Europa?

    What does it mean for our notion of habitability? —

    ” However, there are other ways dark oxygen can be generated without nodules. One of them is radiolysis.
    Radiolysis is the breaking apart of molecules by ionizing radiation, and theres plenty of that in the vicinity of Jupiter. ”

    Yes, there certainly is.

  18. Guy Warren says:

    People who make assertions and ad hominem insults are not scientist or trying to advance science. They are followers a belief system which doesn’t allow them to challenge ideologies.

    David Appell is one of them. If he were a proper journalist even, he would lead with questions about Roy’s dataset and why he thinks it is valid.

    None of this is new. Galileo suffered this. William Harvey, King Charles I & II tutor and doctor discovered that blood circulates around the body in 1620. It took the medical profession 200 years to accept it. He was also an expert witness in Witch trials where climate change was blamed on women in the town or village and they were killed.

  19. Buzz says:

    Bizarre. Many of us eagerly come here on the second or third of the month to see the shift, and I personally thank you for all that you do and say.

  20. Willard says:

    > If a doomsday signal was clear, wed have acted. Its not clear so we wont.

    If the room is dark, the lamp is broken. The room is not dark. Therefore the lamp is not broken.

  21. I give talks on climate change and our demand for energy (200+ over the last 7 years), researching carefully and objectively. I’ve come to the view that it does not matter whether our climate change (which is now obvious) is natural or manmade – there is nothing we can do about it either way.

    Our world demand for energy of all types seems to be increasing at about 18,000 TWhrs/decade, with the Indian sub continent, Africa and S America all striving (understandably) to catch us up. The rate of installation of ‘renewable’ energy (primarily wind) seems to be no more than 3,000TWhrs/decade. So, every decade we are having to fill a shortfall of 15,000 TWhrs, with coal being dominant. So we are not even ‘treading water’ in our efforts to go ‘green’. To build and install much quicker is a challenge of material supply, labour and money.

    To roll over in front of the hysterics, slashing our use of fossil fuels without substitutes being available, would lead to mass starvation and suffering, with the ‘poor’ taking the brunt. So we must keep on expanding our use of fossil fuels for the foreseeable future, and if that does bring more damaging climate change we just have to put up with it and mitigate against the consequences as best we can.

    When speaking to interested groups I bring up the atmospheric CO2 graph (Mona Loa records) saying, ‘Despite all the billions of research money, all the wind turbines and solar panels, all the pious speeches by politicians and scientists, all the international conferences (COP This and COP That), over the decades we have made not the slightest impression on the upward trend of that graph.’ It is a sobering observation.

    If we measure the detrimental effect of climate change by human death rates, then the overall figures have plummeted, despite more extreme events, because our technology now sees them coming, be it cyclone, flood or tornado. And (ironically) COLD weather continues to be the biggest killer by far of all the various weather types.

    So we are setting policy, funding and intellectual effort to something that, compared to war, poverty, health and famine, is a ‘non problem’. We should divert our resources to more worthy causes.

    Keith Stevens, UK, Physicist, retired company director, engineering coatings industry.

    • Ken says:

      Randall Carlson says there were ice sheets a mile thick over North America only a few short thousands of years ago; a blink of an eye in geological terms.

      Climate change is real. Else the ice would still be here.

    • Clint R says:

      Thanks for some reality, Keith.

      As you likely already know, when this warming trend ends, atmospheric CO2 will drop with colder temperatures.

    • gbaikie says:

      “Ive come to the view that it does not matter whether our climate change (which is now obvious) is natural or manmade there is nothing we can do about it either way.”

      We are in an Ice Age, and are going to remain in an Ice Age, but in the future, we could cool Venus, but there not much sense in cooling Earth, nor even having government controlling Earth global climate, at all.
      Particularly when there far more important things government should do, like not have wars.
      But we might cool Venus because we simply want the “free sunlight” of Venus orbit with having billions people living there wanting that sunlight’s energy which could otherwise keep Venus surface very hot.

      Earth is not particularly good hub of our solar system, but as we continue to lower the cost of leaving the Earth surface, industry will move off world, to use the energy of the sun, and we make telescopes in space, to answer question are we alone in this universe- and answer question, where are they, why aren’t they here, already?
      Though it’s possible they are here, and we don’t know it.

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:

      Keith Stevens, UK, Physicist, retired company director, engineering coatings industry.

      The reason the current climate change – which is mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels & release of heat trapping greenhouse gases – boosts all heat waves is because small changes in the average of the distribution of temperatures yields huge changes in extremes.

      Holding warming below 2°C is ambitions but still realistic. The ship has sailed on 1.5°C though.

      As the Earth reaches its required energy equilibrium, with as much energy leaving the planet as entering, the global temperature will finally begin to plateau and will remain at around this level for about 10,000 years before starting, very slowly, to cool.

      Finally, some context: The planet has warmed by 6°C since the last peak glacial, the first 5°C of warming rose at 1°C per 2000 years, the last degree took less than 100 years with most of that in the last 40 years.

      • Clint R says:

        Ark, that’s all just your cult beliefs. You can’t describe how CO2’s 15μ photons can raise the temperature of Earth’s 288K surface. Because it can’t happen!

        You just keep repeating the same old nonsense, regardless of reality. Your beliefs would mean that you can boil water with ice cubes. You know that’s not possible, right?

        So why do you cling to false science? Do you believe it makes you look smarter? Some people buy “smart” phones and “smart” cars believing they will appear smart. Maybe you should buy some “smart” toilet paper….

      • Anon for a reason says:

        Arkady, do you really believe that the energy balance is constant from day to day, month to month and year to year? Do you really believe that it’s only co2 that is the driver for any change.

      • Willard says:

        Do you really dispute the laws of thermo, and do you really believe that someone, somewhere holds that only CO2 affects temperatures?

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        Anon for a reason;

        do you really believe that the energy balance is constant from day to day, month to month and year to year?

        I did not say that did I. You are simply projecting. Here’s the twenty-four-year record of energy imbalance measurements showing that the relevant calculation is the long-run average: https://imgur.com/Zh0Hykk

        Do you really believe that it’s only co2 that is the driver for any change.

        No, I do not “believe” that CO2 is the “only” climate-relevant greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere. There is ample physical evidence that the non-condensing greenhouse gases are the terrestrial atmospheric components most relevant to climate change.

        CO2 is well-mixed and does not condense or precipitate out of the atmosphere at current temperatures, whereas water vapor and clouds respond rapidly to changes in temperature and pressure by evaporating, condensing, and precipitating out in a feedback response to the CO2 forcing.

        The physics of the greenhouse effect and climate change have been well established for at least 200 years.

      • Clint R says:

        Sorry Ark, but you’re supporting your cult beliefs from cult sources. NASA CERES is where this EEI nonsense breeds.

        It’s a meaningless value. It’s not even “energy”. They’re trying to balance flux, which does not balance.

      • Norman says:

        Clint R

        Are you one who believes that if you repeat your opinions enough times on a blog they will become scientific facts?

        You: “Its a meaningless value. Its not even energy. Theyre trying to balance flux, which does not balance.”

        Fluxes are in balance if an object temperature is remaining constant. Flux is amount of energy per unit time (the area only matters if it is changing, not happening with the Earth). It is a flow of energy. You have a flow in and a flow out. If these balance the temperature will remain the same.

        No one can help you understand this fact. You are in denial of reality and think making up stuff is real.

        Again you provide zero evidence for you claim that fluxes do not balance. You just repeat false points over and over regardless of what evidence is given you. Anyway carry on with your made up reality.

      • Clint R says:

        Norman, the reason you’re stalking me is because I destroy your cult beliefs.

        But, it’s not really me, it’s reality that is destroying your cult beliefs.

        Fluxes don’t balance. Go back and study my example of a cone in space. 900W/m² in does NOT equal 180 W/m² out.

        More simply, since you don’t understand physics, “flux” is NOT “energy”.

        What will you try next?

      • Willard says:

        Puffman keeps denying SI units established by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.

      • Archie Debunker says:


        The International System of Units (SI) defines flux in various forms, depending on the physical quantity being described.

        Flux generally refers to the flow rate of a quantity through a surface. The SI unit of flux depends on the specific quantity in question (e.g., electric, magnetic, energy).

        Energy flux refers to the rate of energy transfer through a given area per unit time. It is defined as the energy passing through a unit area perpendicular to the flow of energy per unit of time.

      • Willard says:


        The SI units have well established equivalences between energy and irradiance flux density. The relevant unit has the dimensions MT-3.

        Mind one’s units properly makes any equivocation disappear.

      • Archie Debunker says:


        Consistent with the terms I originally specified, and in alignment with my exact phrasing.

      • Willard says:


        I’m just waiting for Puffman to jump on “irradiance” to repeat his usual bit, so that I can remind him that exitance has the same units.

        Please don’t tell him.

      • Archie Debunker says:


        It is common knowledge that irradiance and exitance are two sides of the same coin, the radiative flux (energy per unit area) coin. They both describe energy transfer, but from opposite perspectives: incoming (irradiance) versus outgoing (exitance).

        I wish you success in your endeavor.

      • Eric says:

        You lack persuation there – what you said is like China has locked our future. IMO it’s also not interesting how little colder a glaciation was – we’re not living averages. New York under a mile of ice is not just 5C colder. What’s the life now we got an extra degree? I say it’s better not worse. The calamities are still extremely speculative, their pushers lack not the chutzpah but the credibility.

        Persuade us. Don’t FUD. Don’t exaggerate. Don’t repeat. Don’t improve your words. Don’t cherry pick. We can forget Maldives, if it comes to it. We WILL if the choice is an energy poor future. That’s how the humanity works. ’96 months’, remember? That kind of a lie costs the souls. Dr hons theol Thunberg, ditto.

        And ignore Clint R.

  22. Milton Hathaway says:

    I quit reading comments on this page years ago. The signal-no-noise ratio is painfully low, unfortunately. If I enjoyed people squabbling endlessly and repetitively while talking over each other (or the written equivalent thereof), I’d watch The View.

    With all the recent progress in AI, maybe in the future we will see AI-assisted commenting. For example, if a comment contains logical fallacies (e.g., ad hominem is extremely common here), the AI could add a tag to that effect, so I could filter it out. To assist commenters, the AI should be available on request to pre-examine a comment on to check what tags the AI will apply to it.

    This David Appell fellow strikes me as very lazy, resorting to ad hominem and argumentum ad populum, instead of addressing your arguments with facts and logic. Arguing from logic is hard.

    • RLH says:

      There has been progress in AI?

    • Anon for a reason says:

      David Appell has been on various forums with a constant flow of bitter, often paranoid attacks on anyone who doesn’t support his views. When he started claiming that a hot summer could kill him I checked his bio. Funny how someone who is overweight & doesn’t exercise can’t see where the real threat is to his health.

      If people can’t see the David Appells for what they are then it’s a shame.

  23. Eben says:

    David Appell was the biggest creep on this board until he got kicked out and Bindidong picked up his torch

    • Bindidon says:

      Aaaah, the ankle-biting stalker is here again, and of course can’t refrain from spouting his dumb dachshund barking.

      Weiter so, dachshund, weiter so.

  24. CO2isLife says:

    Willard says:
    September 5, 2024 at 11:03 PM
    And so Life denies what he can see with an infrared camera, i.e. that CO2 is obviously a greenhouse gas. Perhaps has he forgotten to install Elliotts plug-in? Here it is:


    That way, hell be able to see this experiment that focuses on measuring the infrared:


    We wish him luck with his other requests.

    OMG!!! Just look at what Willard posted. It is evidence that CO2 would COOL the atmosphere. His sophistry identified a video using a “Hot Plate” to show that CO2 Lowered the temperature, ie is trapped heat passing through a bag of CO2.

    News flash, the earth isn’t 330 degree F, but the Thermosphere is. What does that mean? CO2 in the outer atmosphere would prevent heat from reaching the lower atmosphere. Wilard accidentially debunked CO2 causing warming. That literaly isn’t a joke. Watch the garbage video he posted as evidence to support his position.

    Once again, understand this chart, and you understand everything you need to know, and you suddenly understand the “experts” are anything but.

    • Willard says:

      According to Life, an experiment that shows how CO2 is trapping heat is evidence that it would COOL the atmosphere. In a way, he’s right. Depending by what he means by atmosphere:

      That sustained stratospheric cooling, the authors report, is evidence that the warming of Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere is not a natural occurrence.


      Stratospheric cooling is indeed on the main prediction made by the theory of the greenhouse effect. It is almost as old as Manabe himself.

      Alas, since CO2 is trapping heat, the idea that it would cool the atmosphere overall would deserve due diligence. And the contention that H2O alone is responsible for the greenhouse effect might fail to explain stratospheric cooling.

      Perhaps Mack could chime in, with an explanation that the Earth has been cooling since the dawn of times?

      • RLH says:

        Is that H2O in clouds or vapor?

      • Willard says:

        Pick your poison.

      • RLH says:

        Well clouds are not modeled.

      • Willard says:

        Is there anything to support that denial?

        Denial that is not relevant to Life’s point, BTW.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Williard, trust me, just stop. The thermosphere is heated from OUTSIDE. The INCOMING Radiation warms the thermosphere. If CO2 does “trap” the heat as your plastic bad and 300 Degree F “Hot Plate” experiment demonstrates, it would do just what the experiment that you highlighted, it would prevent heat from passing through it. Basically from your experiment imagine the plastic bag surrounding the earth. Incomeing heat would drop by 15 degrees as it heads towrds the earth. That is literally what is demonstrated in the video that your posted. Your sophistry backfired, and you don’t even understand the concepts expressed in the nonsensensical videos you post.

        Trust me, just stop. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

      • Willard says:


        You can’t even recognize an infrared camera when you see one. You can’t even realize that you admitted that CO2 was trapping heat. And now you seem to be looking at the problem in the wrong direction: it’s not the entrance that matters (it just reduces the input), it’s the exit.

        Which is why you ignore stratospheric cooling.

        If I do stop, it’ll be out of mercy.

        You might as well peruse Roy’s little memento:


        Best of luck.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Willard says:
        September 6, 2024 at 3:22 PM

        You cant even recognize an infrared camera when you see one. You cant even realize that you admitted that CO2 was trapping heat. And now you seem to be looking at the problem in the wrong direction: its not the entrance that matters (it just reduces the input), its the exit.

        Willard, please stop. Trust me, you just keep digging. I’ve always maintained that the GHG effect is do to the thermalization of OUTGOING LWIR. I’ve posted graphics of GHG absorption spectrums. That is all the data you need to understand.

        CO2 thermalizes 15 micron LWIR. If you use an IR Camera you will see that dry ice at -80 C emits 15 Micron LWIR.

        How do you address that? You show a video of CO2 absorbs SWIR being emitted from a “Hot Plate.” News flash, the earth is 64 Degree F, not 300. You are a pure sophist, or ignorant on a biblical scale.

      • Willard says:

        [LIFE, OR IS IT AFRO SPARTAN?] CO2 thermalizes 15 micron LWIR.

        [ALSO LIFE, ELSEWHERE] CO2 thermalizes 2.7, 4.3, and 15 micron LWIR. No one denies that.

        Perhaps Life or Afro Spartan spoke too quickly. Perhaps also he still believes that 15 Micron won’t penetrate water. He definitely dodges the point about stratospheric cooling.

        In any event, he still cuts short his rigmarole. Factoids can’t stand alone: they need to work within an explicit argument. So what is it, is it still the “black body of -80 C” thing?

        That would need to be spelled out, even if Life or Afro Spartan repeated that line hundreds of times already.

      • CO2isLife says:

        “Stratospheric cooling is indeed on the main prediction made by the theory of the greenhouse effect.”

        That is pure nonsense. A GHG absorbs and emits LWIR. That LWIR eventualy leaves the atmosphere. Depending on the density the GHG can either warm of cool. The thinner the air, radiation is the quickest way to remove energy from the system. The Stratoshere is thin and has 400 ppm CO2 just like the surface. The gaps behind molecules is huge compared to the surface and it is less likley to collide with another molecule, so it simply speeds the energy to leave the system literally at the speed of light. That is why higher CO2 could COOL the stratosphere. Also, look at where the strosphere bottoms out. It bottoms out at about -80 C. Guess what, that is the same temperaterature, wait for it, associated with 15 Micron LWIR.

        Once again, physics limits climate change. You are trying to warm the oceans and cause global climate change based on a minute increase in a GHG that absorbs the very cold end of the spectrum. It is pure nonsense.

      • Willard says:

        > That is pure nonsense.

        Stratospheric cooling has been measured.

        Alright. To get a flavor of Life or Afro Spartan’s looping, astute readers might wish to confer to the other thread:


        Elsewhere in that thread he celebrates a touchdown by misreading a very small penetration depth of infrareds in water as an absence of penetration.

        He’s one of yours, guys. Treat him well.

      • RLH says:

        “”clouds are not modeled.”

        Is there anything to support that denial?”


        “What makes cloud modeling hard is the wide range of relevant length scales from the microphysics of droplet formation and agglomeration that can lead to ‘rain’ to the vast turbulent motions in the Earth’s atmosphere which we call ‘wind.'”

        It is just SO easy.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Willard says:
        September 6, 2024 at 5:52 PM
        > That is pure nonsense.

        Stratospheric cooling has been measured.

        Willard, what part of “That is why higher CO2 could COOL the stratosphere. Also, look at where the strosphere bottoms out. It bottoms out at about -80 C. Guess what, that is the same temperaterature, wait for it, associated with 15 Micron LWIR.”

        Don’t you understand? You continually misrepresent and distort facts and comments. Any honest person wouldn’t need to misrepresnt things, but that is what sophists do.

        Facts, heat moves by conduction, convection, and radiation. COnduction and COnvection are far more important in the lower atmopshere. As the air thins, radiation becomes far more important. In the thin stratosphere radiation dominates, so higher CO2 would help speed heat exiting the system. There is no H2O up there, so CO2 is the most important GHG. Also, my bet is the reason we are having the temperature spike is because the HT VOlcano did push H2O up into the stratosohere.

      • Willard says:

        > It is just SO easy.


        It is very easy to switch from clouds are not modelled, which is false, to clouds are hard to model, which would be hard to say if we did not model clouds in the first place.

      • RLH says:

        “clouds are not modelled”

        Show me where clouds are modeled in the real world. Actual modeled not generalized.

      • RLH says:

        “What makes cloud modeling hard is the wide range of relevant length scales from the microphysics of droplet formation and agglomeration that can lead to ‘rain’ to the vast turbulent motions in the Earth’s atmosphere which we call ‘wind’.”

        Just as chaos is easy to model, regardless of scale.


      • Willard says:

        > Show me where clouds are modeled

        Read back the page you cited, Richard.

      • RLH says:

        “Cloud physics is the largest source of uncertainty in the short term in predicting the climate”

        Modeling uncertainty is just like predicting chaos.

      • RLH says:

        “Small differences in initial conditions, such as those due to errors in measurements or due to rounding errors in numerical computation, can yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction of their behavior impossible in general”

      • Willard says:

        There are just four maxims, Richard. Once again you failed them all.

        Climate is chaotic. We model climate. Deal with it, in a more responsible manner than by contriving imaginary goalposts like “actual modelled.”

      • RLH says:

        “long-term prediction of their behavior impossible in general”

        But we model it anyway! SO Accurate.

      • Willard says:

        People like Richard should only get life insurance from companies that do not model anything it can predict.

        Contrarians who don’t pay with their wallets are not worth anybody else’s time.

      • RLH says:

        Insurance companies do not model chaos.

      • RLH says:

        Insurance companies cost of cover is mostly derived from past history (in order to make a profit).

  25. gbaikie says:

    After another Boeing letdown, NASA isnt ready to buy more Starliner missions
    Boeing could earn nearly $2 billion more from NASA if it fully executes on the Starliner contract.
    Linked from https://instapundit.com/

    NASA has agreed to buy 3 more, but it’s total contract is to buy 6, or the 3 more would earn “nearly $2 billion”.
    SpaceX has already completed it’s 6, and is working it’s extended contract. Or:
    “Since then, NASA has extended SpaceX’s commercial crew contract to cover as many as 14 Dragon missions with astronauts, and SpaceX has already launched eight of them.”

    Or 6 left is present agreement, and NASA could in the future add more.
    And NASA orginally agreed to buy 3 more from Boeing, and then will decide if NASA wanted 3 more {which amounts to “nearly 2 billion dollars”]
    But Boeing may decide not to do the next 3 even though NASA has agreed to buy them, but it’s only after Boeing starts delivering the 3, that NASA moves to decide whether in will buy the next 3.

  26. Arkady Ivanovich says:

    Dr Spencer wrote:

    …I’m not sure why exactly I am a ‘denier’; that has always mystified me.

    This video addresses some of the reasons: https://youtu.be/29QDGEJC1fg


    • Clint R says:

      The fact that these people are so motivated to attack Spencer shows their frustration.

      He likely knows that….

    • Tim S says:

      I think the video says more about you and the narrator than it does about Dr Spencer. It is not objective, balanced, or fair. Some would call that dishonest or propaganda. It has a very sarcastic tone.

      His beliefs and opinions have evolved over time as the evidence and science has evolved. That is how science works, and it shows honesty on his part.

      UAH as been revised over time. That is how science is done. Every legitimate criticism has been acknowledged and fixed — more science.

      Dr Spencer is very open about his religious beliefs. He apparently is a member of the organization quoted. The partial quote from that organization seems to represent him, but his public statements and research publications demonstrate clearly that he believes increasing CO2 is human caused and is having an effect. That particular smear fails on its face.

      • DMT says:

        “I think the video says more about you and the narrator than it does about Dr Spencer. It is not objective, balanced, or fair. Some would call that dishonest or propaganda. It has a very sarcastic tone.”

        I don’t think so.
        If you go public with your criticisms of the science and scientists then you had better be ready to admit you were wrong in the face of credible evidence.
        Has Roy ever admitted to his faulty predictions over time and expressed any semblance of remorse? It appears not.

        There is such a thing called “intellectual humility” and research has showed that as religious commitment increases, a lack of intellectual humility increases the risk for depression, anxiety, and doubts about ultimate meaning.


      • Anon for a reason says:

        Must admit I wasn’t aware from what Dr Roy Spencer what his views were outside of his expertise on climate. To drag religion or politics into it is very dishonest.

        If people really believe scientific facts are dependent on religion/politics then they really need to grow up.

      • Willard says:

        The Nature-is-Healing hypothesis coheres more with the Cornwall Declaration credo that The earth, and with it all the cosmos, reveals its Creators wisdom and is sustained and governed by His power and lovingkindness than with recent concerns about a still hidden urban island effect in time series that compete with UAH. Time series that have been downplayed since the 90s by various *non-partisan* entities such as the Competitive Entreprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, etc.

        And the claim that unfounded or undue concerns include fears of destructive manmade global warming is not far from pure denial. It is at least minimization, whether this declaration is honest or not, a question that only God could settle. Or TS, it should go without saying.

      • Sig says:

        Anon: ” To drag religion or politics into it is very dishonest.
        If people really believe scientific facts are dependent on religion/politics then they really need to grow up. ”

        I couldn’t agree more. When Spencer signed the statement below it really was a sign of scientific immaturity:

        “We believe Earth and its ecosystemscreated by God’s intelligent design .are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.”

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:


      You linked to a very interesting article.

      I am a man of science who is also devoted to his religion. The assertion at the heart of the referenced research, that intellectual humility is negatively related to the strength of religious belief, is not factual in my experience.

      I, and many of colleagues as well, believe that God often works through Man. God does not always act directly or miraculously but instead inspires, guides, or empowers individuals to carry out His purposes. We are instruments or agents of God’s plan, fulfilling divine intentions through our decisions, actions, and moral choices.

      To that end, we humans have been endowed with unique intellectual abilities and curiosity to understand and interact with the physical world. These faculties are gifts from God, giving us the tools to improve the world, alleviate suffering, promote justice, and care for the earth.

      Our curiosity to delve into the unknown, to question, and to seek understanding is the divine spark that drives progress and human flourishing. By unlocking the mysteries of the universe, we are not only gaining knowledge for its own sake but also positioning ourselves to more effectively contribute to God’s work on Earth.

      All this to say that faith and intellectual humility must be positively correlated since both are essential to fulfilling God’s work. IMHO.

    • Tim S says:

      Maybe some people just need a lesson in reading comprehension and the patience or honesty to include the whole quote. For those who are too lazy to scroll up to the top:

      [And Im not sure why exactly I am a denier; that has always mystified me. Im even part of the supposed 97% that believes the climate system is warming partly (maybe even mostly) from our CO2 emissions. John Christy and I even published a climate sensitivity paper that assumes ALL recent warming is from CO2 emissions.

      Also, I routinely allow comments here from people who disagree with me on the science. Very few people have been blocked, and those from bad behavior.]

    • Eric says:

      You just removed more credibility from yourself by drive-by-linking smearjobs in the worst style of the team Michael Mann vs. the honestly critical scientists.

      You need to stop hate speech to persuade anybody than your own team. I regard Soencer’s high moral as an axiom. Any attack against that is a prove of the contrary.

      See how persuading works? We don’t care about any arguments assuming corruption where there is none. You have to yield to win.

  27. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    SOI values for 7 Sep, 2024
    Average SOI for last 30 days 8.94
    Average SOI for last 90 days 0.57


  28. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    True faith is the belief that the Earth does not evolve with the Sun, that the distribution of radiation is constant, that the Earth does not lose the energy of its core. We don’t even have a clue what is happening now in the stratosphere in the tropics. https://i.ibb.co/WBs0Ff3/Polar.gif

  29. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    Our faith has no effect on the change of seasons and winter is imminent in the northern hemisphere, interesting because of the weak La Nia.

  30. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    CO2 as a heavy gas probably increases the mass of the troposphere by a fraction of a percent, but what is the human contribution?

  31. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    We don’t even know what this year’s ozone hole will be, which varies over a wide range every year, depending on the strength of the stratospheric polar vortex.
    So do we know to what extent the Earth’s climate science is settled?

  32. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    Shouldn’t the focus, for example, be on safeguards against tropical cyclones?

  33. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    Due to the number of spots counted, solar activity is high, but due to solar wind speed and geomagnetic activity is low. There is nothing solid under the Sun.

  34. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    A tropical storm is developing over Yucatan and will reach the southern US.


    • Eric says:

      You should observe over a longer period – warm seas, record warm, yet class 5 hurricanes not common. According to attribution science, the number were negative if there wasn’t greenhouse effect to make hurricanes more common and energetic and precipitative.

      I like science, but I’m noting that most of the claims we hear are not really review science, and that most of science is not worth looking into.

      That leaves us with a wicked problem with less than useful opinion from both non-scientists and scientists.

      So what warmed the oceans two years ago? Who modelled it? If not robustly modelled, what we can say about the attribution models? Smoke and mirrors, weak confidence. In short, shitribution. Advocates writing FUD against optimists.

  35. gbaikie says:

    Is space hard?
    Did God give us a Moon, so we could be spacefaring?
    Is becoming spacefaring, hard?
    Could Space Aliens be dumber than humans?

    I think Star travel is hard- if you mean going light years of distance and want to do it, within say, 100 years.
    And if you live in a star system like Sol.

    But Sol has been better in the past and will be better in the future. But that was a long time ago, and it will be long time into the future.

    So if God gave us the Moon to be spacefaring, Then He didn’t apparently, want us to be starfaring.
    But one could restate this, and say God didn’t want starfaring civilization, interfering with Earthlings.
    Or it’s hard to leave Sol, but it’s also hard to get to Sol- and no particular or apparent “reason” to go to Sol.

    But if space alien were dumber than humans, they might “accidentally” end up in our solar system- maybe dead but still end up here, by mistake. And if they happen to be alive, no chance of leaving this place.

    Maybe it’s our origin story, dumb space aliens, got trapped in Sol.
    And they picked Earth, because it had a Moon
    And apparently didn’t know Earth’s Ice Age, would colder, rather than warmer.

    • Entropic man says:


      There is no intelligent life on Earth, ourselves included.

      We are the equivalent of a fungus gnat. They land on a mushroom, feed and rapidly reproduce until the mushroom is gone. The last generation then disperse in search of the next mushroom.


      Humanity is doing the same, turning resources into population until the resources are all gone. The only snag is that for us there is no next mushroom.

      • gbaikie says:

        Space was “tonnes” of solar power- a lot of water.
        And 55 mph speed limit only applies within 55 km of official/certified human settlement.
        And there is nothing wrong with mining lots of sand/dust, there is a lot of dust in space.

      • Eric says:

        On the contrary, humans build Turing-complete computers, humans are probably as intelligent as anything in our world can be, just reaching singularity that might or might not end us as biological creatures.

        God is a hard concept, but I like to understand nature as a fully Pythagorean realistic system that leaves the supernatural out, so that we will not understand God with our logical means.

  36. gbaikie says:



    ● Alan Dershowitz Announces Departure from Democratic Party, Citing Anti-Zionist DNC.

    ● Democrats React to Dick Cheney Endorsing Kamala Harris and Expose Themselves in the Process.

    UPDATE: More complete list of preseason and opening weekend trades found here: —
    –TO BE FAIR, THIS IS THE 21st CENTURY WE WERE PROMISED: The Moon is slowly drifting away from Earth and its beginning to impact us.

    Slowly drifting away? Brother you have no idea what we were told the 21st century would portend!–

    So New York Trumps get the Biden remains, wow.
    And California Harrises get the Cheneys- but that’s not surpising.

    • RLH says:

      “It is the second generation of ARM architecture intended for Apple’s Mac computers after switching from Intel Core to Apple silicon”

      Apple changed from Motorola to Intel and then to ARM. Consistency is not their strong point.

  37. Steve Myers says:

    Dr Roy,

    As a non-expert who reads this blog to gain alternative perspectives, I’m a little unclear on your statement that you are one of those who believes “the climate system is warming partly (maybe even mostly) from our CO2 emissions”. I thought your standpoint was that global warming was caused mostly by natural factors.

    If your standpoint is the former (ie global warming is mostly due to CO2 emissions), have you changed your position?

    If your standpoint is the latter (mostly natural), has there ever been a period in known or estimated history when global temperatures have risen naturally as quickly as they have in the last 50 years? If so, in lay terms, what natural factors were responsible then and now for such a rapid rise?

  38. CO2isLife says:

    jim karlock says:

    Please note:
    1-Evidence of warming, unusual weather, storms, floods IS NOT evidence that mans CO2 is the cause.
    2-Correlation is not causation
    3-An experts assertion, governments assertion, consensus of experts, polls or majority belief are not evidence. They are hearsay.
    4-Climate models are not evidence.
    5-Warmest weather in 100 years means it was warmer 100 years ago when CO2 was lower.
    6-If an event is NOT unprecedented, then you have to explain why whatever caused the earlier events is NOT the cause of the latest occurrence of that event.

    Evidence is actual data PRO AND CON with reasoned analysis and logical conclusions while FULLY CONSIDERING OPPOSING evidence.

    Add to that list that every observation blamed on man made CO2 must be supported by the quantum mechanics of the CO2 molecules.

    Every observation such as warming of the oceans must be explained with this explaination. Vibrating 1 out of every 2,500 molecules in the atmosphere with the energy consistent with 15 micron LWIR warms the oceans. As we know that is nonsense because 15 Micron won’t warm water and if you can’t tie CO2 to the warming oceans you can’t tie CO2 to global warming and climate change.


  39. gbaikie says:

    Sept 7 (Reuters) – SpaceX will launch its first uncrewed Starships to Mars in two years when the next Earth-Mars transfer window opens, Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said on social media platform X on Saturday.
    “These will be uncrewed to test the reliability of landing intact on Mars,” Musk said, adding if those landings go well, his space company will launch its first crewed flights to Mars in four years.

    It seems they send hundreds of starlink satellite, first. And what else would do with Starships but land them on the Mars surface.
    And use the satellites as the Starship are landing on Mars surface.

    I think they should land the Starship in deepest spot on Mars, Hellas basin- and even if it crashes, it’s scrap metal would be useful.

  40. Thank you, gbaikie, for your response.

    Also it should be noticed, that Earth’s 288K average surface temperature, it is actually Earth’s the annual average surface temperature.


    • gbaikie says:

      It’s about, 288 K in terms of it’s average annual global surface air temperature. And it appears it was about 1 K cooler about a century ago. And surface global air temperature is traditionally averaged over a 30 year time period.
      But the average temperature of Earth ocean, does not vary much over century of time [or over much longer periods] and it’s averages about 3.5 C, and this cold ocean indicate that we are in an Ice Age. And if ever got as cold as, an average of about 2 C, then it’s possible that the global climate could be called a Snowball Earth.

      And has to be much warmer than 5 C, not to be in an Ice Age.

      • gbaikie says:

        Also, I will mention that, if Earth somehow did “an Al Gore”, the average temperature of ocean with all that ice somehow falling in it, very suddenly and dramatically and magically, then it should cool the ocean to about 2 C.

      • Thank you, gbaikie, for your response.

        “It’s about, 288 K in terms of it’s average annual global surface air temperature. ”

        Can you, please, provide a reference/references that 288K is average global air temperature.
        Air temperature, and not the average global surface temperature.


      • gbaikie says:

        “Air temperature, and not the average global surface temperature.”

        Global temperature is supposed to be measuring surface air temperature in the shade. A white box which is 5 feet above the ground within natural environment {ie, not in a parking lot}.

        The highest surface land temperature during hottest time of day can be about 70 C, and where sun is close to zenith {summer or regions nearer tropics where sun stays pretty close to zenith at noon] and clear sky, the ground temperature can be about 60 C. Or in terms of K: 70 C = about 343 K and 60 C = 333 K

        With ocean, the top surface of ocean is about the same temperature as it’s surface air temperature in the shade.

      • gbaikie says:

        And I will add what I always said, the average surface temperature of our ocean {70% of planetary surface] controls/rules/dominates global average surface air temperature. Or roughly ocean surface temperature, makes global average surface air temperature which is measured 5 feet in shadow in a white box.
        Becauses it’s 70% and because the ocean has higher average temperature [it doesn’t cool down during the night].

        And a bit different topic, but I am always saying it, is tropical ocean is Earth heat engine and warms the entire Earth surface air temperature, and it always [over millions of years] remains around the same temperature [regardless of all the glacial or interglacial periods].

  41. CO2isLife says:

    This is a must watch video for anyone that wants to know the truth.

    String Theory is Climate Change and Global Warming. Eric Weinstein does a great job pulling back the curatin on what has happened to academia.

    Climate Change is simply an admission card to the club. People that agree with it are the ones that agree 2+2=5, Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace, Love is Hate, and Ignorance is strength. They are the people that make 1984 reality.

    That is why on this blog I can literally post a link to the actual physics behind CO2 and its one an only mechanism by which it can affect climate change and global warming.

    This entire nonsense is about 1 out of every 2,500 molecules being being vibrated with the energy of a black body of -80 C causing catastrophic effects. That very molecule absorbs the same wavelengths as H2O, so the absorption of 15 micron LWIR is stturated in the lower atmospshere with our without CO2. 15 Micron LWIR doesn’t and won’t warm water, and on one has every bothered to test that in a lab.

    Once again, watch this video and you will understand why you can host comments like I just did and get attacked by the “experts.” Climate Change proves we are now living in 1984, and the people that promote it are the vilians detailed in 1984 and Atlas Shrugged.

    • Entropic man says:

      There’s a journal devoted to beat and mass transfer. Let me know if you find anything interesting


    • bobdroege says:


      You have greater than one misunderstanding per sentence in this

      “This entire nonsense is about 1 out of every 2,500 molecules being being vibrated with the energy of a black body of -80 C causing catastrophic effects. That very molecule absorbs the same wavelengths as H2O, so the absorption of 15 micron LWIR is stturated in the lower atmospshere with our without CO2. 15 Micron LWIR doesnt and wont warm water, and on one has every bothered to test that in a lab.”

      Atmospheric CO2 is being vibrated by the 15 micron photons from the emissions of the Earth at between -80 C and 50 C.

      You get the saturation argument wrong, for example if a sponge absorbs all the spill water, is it saturated, or could it absorb more. CO2 emits almost as soon as it absorbs, allowing it to absorb more, as it transfers the energy to the rest of the atmosphere.

      Water absorbs 15 micron photons and the added energy eventually increases the kinetic energy of the water.

      Yes it’s been done in a lab, too bad I threw the spectrograms away, but others have done the same work.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Here you go Bob. Please explain where I am wrong.

        Pay special attention to the 310k-210k Plank Curves. -210k is basically the temperature CO2 absorbs and note how it peaks over 15 Microns. That isn’t a coincidence. -210K = -63C, or basically the temperature CO2 absorbs.

        Note how the black Plank Curve peaks over the CO2 absorption Spectrum. Note the temperature = 210K or -63C.

        That is all you need to know. 1 out of every 2,500 molecules absorbs the energy from a 210K or -63C BlackBody. Note, CO2 doesn’t absorb the full Blackbody spectrum, only a small fraction, so it is even less energy than reflected in that Plank Curve.

        Now that we have undeniable facts, and agreement on the data, please explain how CO2 caused Global Warming using that data.

        Once again, if you add ice to coffee, does it warm the coffee? Nope, CO2 simply adds -63C energy to the atmosphere. That is exactly why the stratospere bottoms out near -63C.

      • bobdroege says:


        It’s really simple, CO2 in the atmosphere does not absorb as a blackbody.

        There is no temperature on your graph.

        CO2 absorbs no matter what the temperature is.

      • CO2isLife says:

        bobdroege says:
        September 10, 2024 at 8:26 AM

        Its really simple, CO2 in the atmosphere does not absorb as a blackbody.

        There is no temperature on your graph.

        CO2 absorbs no matter what the temperature is.

        That response is truly shocking, and is something I would expect from Willard.

        1) I’m pretty sure I stated this in the post “Note, CO2 doesnt absorb the full Blackbody spectrum, only a small fraction, so it is even less energy than reflected in that Plank Curve.” Did you not read the post, or don’t you understand its meaning?

        2) Do you not know how to read that graphic? Just what do you think 210k-310k means? Kilometers? That is degree Kelvin. As I stated, the 210k or -63C Plank Curve peaks right about the CO2 absorption. Just what do you think that means?

        3) The only band of LWIR relevant to CO2 is 12 to 18 LWIR, peak of 15 Microns. That is the one and only band that ties CO2 to the GHG Effect. You clearly don’t understand the very basics of the GHG Effect.

        Trust me Bob, your post just proved you and Willard are way over your Skis and should stop digging now that you have found youself in a hole. Trust me, anyone that understands the quantum mechanics of the CO2 molecule and how it ties to the GHG Effect now knows that you don’t have a clue, and are spewing nothing but nonsense. You don’t even know how to read the most basic of GHG Effect Charts. You just failed elementary school level GHG Effect understanding. You litterly exposed yourself as being clueless in your own post.

      • bobdroege says:


        “Pay special attention to the 310k-210k Plank Curves. -210k is basically the temperature CO2 absorbs and note how it peaks over 15 Microns. That isnt a coincidence. -210K = -63C, or basically the temperature CO2 absorbs.”

        No, that is not true, CO2 absorbs at any temperature.

        “2) Do you not know how to read that graphic? Just what do you think 210k-310k means? Kilometers? That is degree Kelvin. As I stated, the 210k or -63C Plank Curve peaks right about the CO2 absorption. Just what do you think that means?”

        That’s just a blackbody spectrum of the Earth’s surface.

        The curve peaks where CO2 absorbs, yes that is true.

        “Note, CO2 doesnt absorb the full Blackbody spectrum, only a small fraction, so it is even less energy than reflected in that Plank Curve.”

        Is 70% to 85% a small fraction?

        “Trust me, anyone that understands the quantum mechanics of the CO2 molecule and how it ties to the GHG Effect now knows that you dont have a clue, and are spewing nothing but nonsense. You dont even know how to read the most basic of GHG Effect Charts.”

        So they teach quantum mechanics in elementary school?

        I wasn’t in elementary school when I took quantum mechanics.

        Did you take quantum mechanics?

  42. CO2isLife says:

    Dr.Spencer you should do an entire blog post on this video. This helps pull the curtain back on the Climate Change Industrial Complex and how the Matrix really works.


    • CO2isLife says:

      I found some of the comments hard to believe like the Government Banning Math to stop the progression of AI.

      This is what I found. It looks like the meeting actually happened. People behind Climate Change, and those that know the truth and are going along to get along, are the ones that sat on their hands while or caused the world to devolve into Chaos of the 1930s.


    • Gordon Robertson says:

      co2…I am normally onside with your views but I found the video to be far too dry and off the wall. If I got Weinstein right, he was defending Sabine Hossenfleder at one point and I have found her rants to be anti-science.

  43. remmons says:

    Since there is no direct measure of global average temperature, how do scientists test to verify that the estimates from satellites and ground thermometers are accurate?

    • Entropic man says:

      Research calibration.

      • remmons says:

        Thanks for your answer, but it is not exactly what I meant to ask.

        Model development can be in 3 stages: conceptualization, calibration, testing. Data is needed for all 3 stages. My question is about the data. Calibration is not testing.

        Models must be tested against data. There is no thermometer that measures average global temperature. We can only estimate it from thermometers placed at specific locations around the globe. The question I raise is how do we know the estimates accurately reflect the actual global average temperature when we cannot measure the global average temperature. It is kind of a chicken and the egg situation.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      First, you have to define average temperature and what it means from the perspective of any person experiencing it directly. I have pointed out several times that temperatures here in the Vancouver, Canada area have been well below the current global average.

      From my perspective here in Vancouver, although we’ve had our share of hot days, since early June, we’ve had more days that were cooler than normal.

      There are truths working against any meaningful average. For one, we are hurtling through space at a tremendous rate and our axis is tilted in such a manner as to give us more, or less, sunlight at certain times of the year. One hemisphere is in winter while the other is in summer.

      What does a seriously hot day in Darwin Australia have to do with someone in the Canadian Arctic with no solar input and temperatures around -50C? Yet you can average temps like that and declare an average temperature for the planet of 15C.

      What does it mean? It’s not very comforting in the Arctic and Antarctic with no sunlight and temperatures at 050C to know the global average is 15C.

      • remmons says:

        Here is how I define global average temperature. You divide the surface of the earth into many equal sized sections, and place a thermometer in each section. You add up all the temperatures and divide by the number of sections to get the average temperature. You decrease the size of the sections and increase their number. As the size approaches zero, the average approaches the average global temperature. Yes there are problems with mountains, valleys and other stuff, but this is the general idea.

        We estimate a global average temperature from surface thermometers and satellite data. My question is this. Is there any testing to verify that the global average temperature we estimate is close to the global average defined above.

  44. remmons says:

    See http://GudMojo.com for a list of about 30 prominent scientists who are publicly on the record as skeptical of certain catastrophic global warming. The list includes:

    * 4 Nobel Prize in winners in Physics or Chemistry *
    * 5 Professor Emeriti at Princeton, MIT, GIT

    • Entropic man says:

      Clarke’s Law.

      If an elderly and distinguished scientist says something is possible they are probably correct. If they say it is impossible they are probably wrong.

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:


      Here’s the Reuters list of the world’s top 1000 climate scientists: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/climate-change-scientists-list/

      I didn’t take the time to see how many from your list made it into the Reuters list. Given the political nature of your source I’m glad I didn’t.

      • Ken says:

        So weight of papers written is a marker on how to determine whether they have something to say? That mode of thinking would make Robertson the authority on everything written on this website, And, we know that’s not true.

        All of real climate science and actual data can be summed on one small piece of paper with the following:

        Climate is driven by the sun.
        Climate is moderated by ocean currents.
        There is no artifact of carbon dioxide in any salient data.

        The climate models are wrong, and, if the experiment doesn’t match the data then the hypothesis is wrong.

      • Entropic man says:


        “Climate is driven by the sun.
        Climate is moderated by ocean currents.
        There is no artifact of carbon dioxide in any salient data. ”

        Two out of three ain’t bad. The third one turns out not to be the case.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:


        Good to see you’re putting your degree from Dunning-Kruger University to good use.

      • Ken says:

        “Two out of three aint bad. The third one turns out not to be the case”

        Evidence required.

        I’ve looked at data for floods fires droughts hurricanes tornadoes etc; the salient data. Maybe I’m missing something … but evidence is not there.

        There isn’t anything to suggest CO2 is having an effect on climate.

        The only exception might be argued in that the planet is greening because CO2 is plant food.

      • remmons says:

        Thank you for the list. How many are publically on the record stating that it is CERTAIN that global warming will result in a catastrophy and that it is caused by mainly by humans?

        Gudmojo is not my source. It is my website. My sources are strictly personal statements by the scientists listed. The statements are articles, videos, their own websites, interviews, etc. The are pretty much all well known skeptics. Many have endured having their reputations ruined by being branded deniers.

        Anyone viewing GudMojo is invited to point out errors in the list of certain catastrophic anthropomorphic global warming skeptics or provide the names of scientists who are PUBLICALLY on the record saying that they are certain of catastrophic anthropomorphic global warming.

  45. Willard says:


    The Tariff Act of 1930 (codified at 19 U.S.C. ch. 4), commonly known as the SmootHawley Tariff or HawleySmoot Tariff, was a law that implemented protectionist trade policies in the United States. Sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley, it was signed by President Herbert Hoover on June 17, 1930. The act raised US tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods.


    This act, bearing the names of the two Republicans who wrote it, has been passed under a Republican government. The consensus over historians and economists is that it turned a recession into the greatest one in financial history. That consensus includes monetarists.

    Those who wish to elect a guy who promises to do the same ought to beware.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Willard, educate yourself. Simply read the Book FDR’s Folly. If you think a Trade Tariff during an era when trade represented a small fraction of the US Economy, you will believe anything.

      Exports literally represented 10% of less. The US was still largely an agricultural economy. FDR literally paid farmers not to produce to increase the price of apples during an era when people couldn’t afford food. He paid farmers to not produce which forced many largely black sharecropers to lose their jobs. He had a 90% Tax Rate, constantly changing regulations, and literally trigered something refered to as the Roosevelt Recession. He literally increased taxes during the Depression.

      Facts are, the US and Global Economy had had countless economic downturns and depressions prior to 1929 but there is only 1 GREAT Depression. Why was that? Cerainly not Trade. Europw, Canada and the rest of the world recovered long before the US did. Europe was at war and the US was still stuck in a Depression. Why? Because the insane politics of FDR literally added Great to the Great Depression. The Great Depression only ended when the Japanees forced the US to abandon the insane policies of FDR.

      • Willard says:

        > If you think

        Life imitates teh Gordon:

        The SmootHawley Tariff Act was passed in the United States on 17 June 1930, having been proposed the year prior. Ostensibly aimed at protecting the American economy as the Depression began to take root, it backfired enormously and may have even caused the Depression. The consensus view among economists and economic historians (including Keynesians, Monetarists and Austrian economists) is that the passage of the SmootHawley Tariff exacerbated the Great Depression, although there is disagreement as to how much. In the popular view, the SmootHawley Tariff was a leading cause of the depression. In a 1995 survey of American economic historians, two-thirds agreed that the SmootHawley Tariff Act at least worsened the Great Depression. According to the U.S. Senate website, the SmootHawley Tariff Act is among the most catastrophic acts in congressional history.


        We should celebrate when economists reach any consensus.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Yep, the Biden Admin did suggest/threaten regulating math.

      • Willard says:

        Yep, Life has returned to spamming:

        The Indiana pi bill was bill 246 of the 1897 sitting of the Indiana General Assembly, one of the most notorious attempts to establish mathematical truth by legislative fiat. Despite its name, the main result claimed by the bill is a method to square the circle. The bill implies incorrect values of the mathematical constant π, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The bill, written by a physician and an amateur mathematician, never became law due to the intervention of C. A. Waldo, a professor at Purdue University, who happened to be present in the legislature on the day it went up for a vote.


        *This* is an example of regulating math.

        Eric Weinstein comes from a long tradition:

        His ideas all flowed from his One Law of the Universe, which he explained in his self-published opus A New Physical Truth: Universal Inequality of the Law of all Creation, All change depends on an inequality in the adjustment of forces whereby particles and aggregates compress to and repel from centres while acting in lines least resisting. Goodwin claimed that God had given him the true value of pi in March of 1888, and his mathematical work flowed from there.


        For this who miss the connection:


  46. CO2isLife says:

    The consensus view among economists and economic historians (including Keynesians, Monetarists and Austrian economists) is that the passage of the SmootHawley Tariff exacerbated the Great Depression

    No one would disagree with that, it is the weight of the impact that is what matters. If you understand basic economics, Tariffs both help and hurt. Producers of the imported product benefited, and those that relied on imported inputs were hurt, so Tariffs would certainly “contribute” to some of the economic downturn…but to claim it as a major factor without confidering all the other factors is a complete and utter joke. BTW, did FRD reverse the SH Tariff? Nope, just like Bidend didn’t reverse the Trump Tariffs.

    BTW Williard, you are so far out of your league, it is laughable.

    “While FDR did not directly repeal the Smoot-Hawley Act, he effectively reversed its protectionist policies by signing the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934, which gave him the power to negotiate lower tariffs with other countries, significantly reducing trade barriers and promoting international trade; this is widely considered a reversal of the Smoot-Hawley Act’s high tariffs.”

    News Flash, he did so in 1934, the Depression ended in 1942-45. If the SH Tariff was cause, why didn’t the depression end when it was reversed? Your logic is truly laughable.

    • Willard says:

      Life accepts that the tariff was a protectionist measure, and that this protectionist measure made the recession worse, He presumably quotes someone saying that FDR removed the protectionist measure. Then he blames the democrat president who having repaired the damages left by irresponsible conservatives.

      Lionized by this absurd argument, Life then makes another sammich request.

      We definitely need better contrarians.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Williard, you do understand that almost 100% of the entier world has protectionist policies againt the US? Europe, Japan, South America, Canada, etc etc etc all have highlhy punitive tariffs against the US. WHy aren’t they in a depression?

        All products entering the European Union are classified under a tariff code that carries information on duty rates and other levies on imports and exports, any applicable protective measures (e.g., anti-dumping); external trade statistics, import and export formalities, and other non-tariff requirements.

        Willard you are so ignorant of even the most basic of facts it is laughable. Your inability to apply even basic logic is shocking.

        Once again, the world has countless tariffs being applied against the US, why aren’t they in depression?

      • Willard says:

        Life has a knack for asking incredulous questions that anyone could answer with rudimentary research skills, e.g.:

        The law raised the tariff by approximately 20%, prompting other countries to impose high tariffs on U.S. exports as retaliation. It led to U.S. exports falling from $7 billion in 1929 to $2.5 billion in 1932. Farm exports were down by one-third from their 1929 levels by 1933. International trade plummeted 65%.


        It should also be noted that, around that time, more than 20% of the American workforce was in agriculture.

  47. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    The potential weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in response to anthropogenic forcing, suggested by climate models, is at the forefront of scientific debate. A key AMOC component, the Florida Current (FC), has been measured using submarine cables between Florida and the Bahamas at 27N nearly continuously since 1982. A decrease in the FC strength could be indicative of the AMOC weakening. Here, we reassess motion-induced voltages measured on a submarine cable and reevaluate the overall trend in the inferred FC transport. We find that the cable record beginning in 2000 requires a correction for the secular change in the geomagnetic field. This correction removes a spurious trend in the record, revealing that the FC has remained remarkably stable. The recomputed AMOC estimates at ~26.5N result in a significantly weaker negative trend than that which is apparent in the AMOC time series obtained with the uncorrected FC transports.

    • Ireneusz Palmowski says:

      I think there was an error in the measurements. I’m afraid that satellite measurements w should also be corrected, depending on the drift of the satellites.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      Got no time for Greta and her views but this guy seems obsessed by her. He’s almost stalking her. I’m wondering if she showed up at his door, wearing a skirt and heels and said, ‘Hey big boy, let’s play, if he’d change his tune.

      Hormones have a way of affecting men’s minds, similar to drugs. Hormonal reactions are usually mistaken for love and a man fascinated by a woman often criticize her while hoping secretly that the woman will take an interest in him.

      Don’t know if the pre video commercials are the same but when I was viewing there was a guy in a commercial lamenting the lack of response from women who he had texted. He has no yet grasped that he is hormone-driven and if she did respond and she told him straight up she was not interested in anything physical, if he’d maintain his interest.

      What’s this thing about texting anyway? It has to be one of the lamest forms of communicating I have encountered. I think a guy who texts a woman to arouse her interest needs a few lessons in how to go about it.

  48. A higher CO2 content in ice cores samples may as well testify for a much colder temperatures at the times the ice was formed.

    At very low temperatures the CO2 got freezed out of the air, had fallen on the glacier and had sequestered in the ice – thus a higher CO2 content in ice core samples.

    1562 kg/m3 (solid at 1 atm (100 kPa) and −78.5 C (−109.3 F))
    1101 kg/m3 (liquid at saturation −37 C (−35 F))
    1.977 kg/m3 (gas at 1 atm (100 kPa) and 0 C (32 F))


  49. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    It is already a very strong tropical storm. Cloud tops are radiating even at temperatures as low as -90 C, and this is already the stratosphere. Only a strong vortex can act like this.

  50. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    Northern Australia may have a wet summer.
    SOI values for 9 Sep, 2024
    Average SOI for last 30 days 9.95
    Average SOI for last 90 days 0.84

  51. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    Heavy rainfall is beginning on the southern coast of the US.

  52. Brad Lena says:

    Im disappointed, the descriptor denier lacks the gravitas of heretic or apostate, now those are burn at the stake worthy aspersions. Denier is just too pedestrian. In any case, there are much bigger fish to fry than Dr. Spencer.

    Carbon Emissions from Energy Production

    China- 12,604 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (2022-2023 +6%)
    USA- 506 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (2022-2023 -2.7%)

  53. CO2isLife says:

    Dr. Spencer, I think I’ve stumbled upon a way to expose the climate activists that post on your blog. If you read my posts above, you will see that Willard and bobdroege will eagerly, entheusiatically, and voluntarilly expose themselves as expert sophists. Simply start a blog post addressing the most basic and foundational graphic and data related to CO2 and the GHG Effect. Just watch what they will post. They expose an ignorance of such biblical proportions it is truly astounding.

    Simply start a discussion about this elementary school level graphic explaining the basics of the LWIR Absorption Patterns of GHGs and how they tie into temperature. They don’t even understand the basics. It is truly shocking.


    By doing so, everyone on your Blog will understand who is credible and who isn’t.

    You should do what Google does, and everytime Willard and Bob post something have a disclaimer linked to their post identifying them as expert sophists that have demonstrated a shocking level of ignorance regarding the most elemantary of facts regarding the GHG Effect.

    • Ireneusz Palmowski says:

      Water vapor near-UV absorption is an overlooked subject of core importance to atmospheric science. We constructed a cavity ring-down spectrometer with a bandwidth comparable to those of field UV spectrometers and determined water vapor absorption cross sections at 1-nm intervals in the 290- to 350-nm region. We also measured water vapor absorption cross sections at 0.05-nm intervals surrounding major absorption bands. We provide field evidence to support laboratory water vapor near-UV absorption measurements and present comparisons of the estimated optical depth spectra of ozone with those of water vapor for the standard U.S. and tropical atmospheres. Our findings suggest that water vapor near-UV absorption will significantly affect ozone retrieval from UV measurements, particularly in the tropical region. Incorporating cross-section data into a radiative transfer model, we estimated that the energy budget of water vapor near-UV absorption was about 0.26 W/m2 for the standard U.S. atmosphere and 0.76 W/m2 for the tropics. Since it was not thought that water vapor could have near-UV absorption, the effect of such absorption is not currently included in radiation and climate simulation models. Our work on water vapor near-UV absorption is expected to change the paradigm in atmospheric measurements from UV remote sensing observations and how atmospheric radiation and climate are modeled.
      We found that water vapor near-UV absorption will significantly affect ozone retrieval from UV measurements, particularly in the tropical region. Incorporating water vapor near-UV absorption cross-section data into a radiative transfer model yielded an estimated energy budget (of additional absorption of solar radiation by the atmosphere) of 0.26 W/m2 for the standard U.S. atmosphere and 0.76 W/m2 for the tropics. Near-UV solar radiation induces photochemical changes in the troposphere and affects pollutant formation and atmospheric oxidant levels. Thus, water vapor near-UV absorption has impacts not only on atmospheric physics but also on atmospheric chemistry. Results of the current study are expected to facilitate field detection of water vapor near-UV absorption, enable assessment of the radiative and climate impacts of this absorption, and improve ozone retrievals.

      • gbaikie says:

        I wonder if there water vapor in Venus upper atmosphere {which has more UV].
        If think of Venus a boiling pot, and doesn’t much spin, it seems Venus lack of water vapor, could be related to it.
        Venus is getting water, as Venus of being impacted with space rocks.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Thanks Ireneusz Palmowski, did you ever measure if 15 micron LWIR can warm water? You are dealing with near UV (I would imagine that is simply the visible spectrum of Blue, Indigo and Violet), and I can see how those high energy very short wavelength ranges can warm water, and they penetrate water as well (that is why the oceans are blue afterall).

        Anyway, while you are testing H2O, would you also test samples with H2O and H2O and CO2? My bet is they both will absord 100% of the 15 Micron LWIR associated with CO2. In that case, with or without CO2, 100% of the energy is thermalized in the atmopshere and CO2 adds absolutely nothing to the energy budget. Only when H2O is removed does CO2 alter the energy balance and that doesn’t occur until you are up near the stratosphere.

      • Ball4 says:

        CO2isLife 2:46 pm, in assuming 100% of the energy is thermalized in the atmosphere and additional CO2 ppm adds absolutely nothing to the energy budget, you are assuming the atm. temperature profile does not change in the process. Emission from the atmosphere to Earth depends on emissivity (absorp_tivity) but it also depends on the atm. temperature(z) profile & that profile changes with any added IR active gas.

        It is as unreasonable to expect an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to eventually result in some asymptotic value for infrared atmospheric surface irradiance as to expect it to increase indefinitely.

    • bobdroege says:


      You haven’t shown how that graph ties into temperature.

      The graph shows CO2 absorbs infrared, so it actually supports there being a greenhouse effect.

      • Clint R says:

        bob, after all the time you’ve spent here, you’re still clueless.

        We’re going to have to assume you can’t learn, so having NOTHING, you can only stalk.

      • Willard says:

        Puffman, after all these years under various sock puppets that got banned, you still forgot to note that Bob has been mentioned by Life.

        So you’re the one doing the stalking right now.

      • Clint R says:

        Wrong again, child.

        I bring boatloads of reality. That ain’t stalking. You bring NOTHING.

        YOU are a big stalker here, only beat out by gordon (word-count).

      • Willard says:

        Life mentioned me too, Puffman.

        NOTHING brings you here.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Bob, just curious, when the 3 Plank curves are labeled 210-310K, just what do you thihk that is referencing? Kilometers?

      • Willard says:

        Quick question, Life –

        Did you get the graph from Clive’s post where he explains Doubling CO2 and basic physics?

        This looks a lot like what you’re asking Roy.

        Oh, and if you could tell us why you used another name to comment there, that’d be great.

      • bobdroege says:


        It’s wavelength vs intensity for 3 temperatures of a blackbody.

        What do you think?

      • bobdroege says:

        Clint R,

        “bob, after all the time youve spent here, youre still clueless.

        Were going to have to assume you cant learn, so having NOTHING, you can only stalk.”

        I’m glad that you didn’t put any of your fake science in your post so I don’t have to tell you that you are wrong.

  54. gbaikie says:

    Solar wind
    speed: 392.8 km/sec
    density: 1.02 protons/cm3
    Daily Sun: 10 Sep 24
    Sunspot number: 213
    The Radio Sun
    10.7 cm flux: 215 sfu

    Thermosphere Climate Index
    today: 32.05×10^10 W Hot
    Oulu Neutron Counts
    Percentages of the Space Age average:
    today: -8.3% Low

    11 numbered sunspots. 1 leaving to farside, none coming from farside, yet.

    –Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
    09 September – 05 October 2024

    Solar activity is likely to be at moderate levels
    (R1-R2/Minor-Moderate), with a slight chance for X-class events (R3-Strong), throughout the outlook period. This is due to complex regions on the visible disk, as well as the anticipated return of complex regions.

    No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

    The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels.

    Geomagnetic field activity is expected to range from quiet to G1-G2 (Minor-Moderate) storm levels. Enhanced activity to G1-G2 (Minor-Moderate) levels are likely on 10-11 Sep due to anticipated CME activity. Quiet to unsettled activity is expected on 09 Sep, 17-18 Sep, 28-29 Sep and 05 Oct, with G1 (Minor) levels likely on 26-27 Sep, all due to anticipated recurrent CH HSS occurence.
    Mostly quiet levels are expected on 12-16 Sep, 19-25 Sep, 30 Sep and 01-04 Oct. —


    • Bindidon says:

      Sunspot number: 213 ???

      Are you serious?

    • Bindidon says:

      Sorry, I forgot the SILSO link:


      • gbaikie says:

        This SILSO thing seems more reasonable, to me.
        But the point is, I am using whatever, spaceweather.com says.
        And don’t we all agree, sunspots don’t matter, anyhow?
        What does this SILSO, say about neutron counts.
        And if anyone tell me about neutron counts at Mars distance that would be even better. And/or Neutron from Earth orbit, preferable at GEO or not in a high inclination at LEO. {like the dumb, ISS is in}.

      • Bindidon says:

        ” What does this SILSO, say about neutron counts. ”

        Why are you fixated on your neutron count? It is no more than one of many measures.

        And as I explained to you:


        All four sources show the same.

      • gbaikie says:

        “Why are you fixated on your neutron count?”

        That is sole reason I am following this solar cycle 25.

        I have been interested in space exploration for quite a long time, and it’s an issue in regards to the amount GCR, and the needed shielding from it- for longer travel times.

        It’s not much of issue in terms of crewed lunar exploration, as one can travel quickly to the Moon and it’s quite easy to shield against galactic cosmic radiation, in terms of living on a lunar base.

        And if mining water {which is mining a lot of water- and selling it at profit] and/or living in some lava tube, then it’s a not issue at all.

        Anyway, your graph indicates less GCR, which is given for any Solar Max.
        But when does it start to go down, and far does it go down and how long?
        Have we left the solar grand maximum, and are now in a solar grand minimum?
        And long is the solar grand minimum going to last.
        As said the issue of grand solar minimum is the part of cycle at Min.
        Musk going to send non crew mission to Mars in two years, and in next Mars window [2.1 years, later] send crew to Mars.

    • gbaikie says:

      Solar wind
      speed: 352.8 km/sec
      density: 1.55 protons/cm3
      Daily Sun: 10 Sep 24
      Sunspot number: 147
      The Radio Sun
      10.7 cm flux: 215 sfu
      Thermosphere Climate Index
      today: 32.00×10^10 W Hot
      Oulu Neutron Counts
      Percentages of the Space Age average:
      today: -8.3% Low

      11 sunspot. 3822 grew on nearside. No spots coming from farside, yet.

      Oh, dear, maybe soon, I will be spotless days, soon.
      Again. But I will wait a day or two.
      The 3822 spot might rapidly grow much bigger, or maybe, fade away.

    • gbaikie says:

      Solar wind
      speed: 415.5 km/sec
      density: 14.85 protons/cm3
      Daily Sun: 12 Sep 24
      Sunspot number: 179
      The Radio Sun
      10.7 cm flux: 207 sfu

      Thermosphere Climate Index
      today: 32.00×10^10 W Hot
      Oulu Neutron Counts
      Percentages of the Space Age average:
      today: -7.5% Low

      10 numbered sunspots. 3824 popped up on nearside. 3822 didn’t do any more popping or submerging. 3823 appeared close where it will go to farside in couple days.
      There is suppose to be spots coming from farside {big/active ones} but I don’t see any coming from farside, yet.

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 505.9 km/sec
        density: 0.33 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 12 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 160
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 207 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 32.00×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -7.5% Low

        10 numbered sunspots. A couple spots will be leaving farside.
        Still no spots coming from farside, yet.

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 462.1 km/sec
        density: 0.37 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 13 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 160
        “A new sunspot is emerging at the circled location. It is crackling with M-class (and already one X-class) solar flares.”
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 201 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 31.96×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -8.1% Low

        9 numbered spot, and one coming from farside hasn’t given a number, yet. Not sure how many are leaving, say, 2 ??

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 402.8 km/sec
        density: 1.97 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 14 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 127
        “New sunspot AR3825 has a mixed polarity magnetic field that poses a threat for X-class solar flares.”
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 186 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 32.64×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -8.1% Low

        7 numbered sunspots. Spot 3825 arrived, no other ones seem to coming from farside, yet and some are leaving to farside, it seems at least 1 and maybe 3. Within 2 or 3 days only 3 could leave. Or 3814 will take at least three days before it goes to farside.
        It seems possible 2 will go within 24 hours and 3rd one leaves within 2 days.

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 465.4 km/sec
        density: 1.77 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 15 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 136
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 172 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 32.74×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -8.0% Low

        7 numbered spots. 3826 popped up on nearside. Still no spots coming from farside, 2 spots going to farside.

        It seems NOAA experimental forecast will continue be alive thru the Sept month, but guessing Oct will put it on life support. Could be spotless days in Oct, but it seems very likely for Sept.

      • gbaikie says:

        “but it seems very likely for Sept.”
        but it seems very unlikely for Sept.

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 458.1 km/sec
        density: 3.82 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 16 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 68
        “New sunspots are emerging at the circled locations.”
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 173 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 32.64×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -7.0% Low

        5 numbered sunspots. As said above 2 sunspots are coming from farside. And don’t think any spots leaving within a day, And only 1 will leave in two days

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 558.6 km/sec
        density: 3.37 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 17 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 103
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 170 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 32.61×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -8.1% Low

  55. gbaikie says:

    Tropical storm {expected to become Hurricane] Francine is near Boca Chica village Texas {Starbase}
    2 distrubances have 30% and 40% chance of cyclone formation, both nearer to Africa, nearest to Africa has the 40%.

    My side, Pacific, has 1 with 30% chance of cyclone formation.

    • gbaikie says:

      Francine is Cat 2 hitting Louisiana, 1 of the two, disturbances became the tropical depression Seven, and 1 other chance was added giving 2 with 10% and 30%, and 30% is closer to Africa.
      My side now has 70% chance to become depression in 48 hours.

      • gbaikie says:

        Weather, here going to drop to 53 F at night and and in less than week, drop to 49 F at night. Or less than 10 C.
        10 C is cold at night, but, I might not need to heat up my house, yet.

      • gbaikie says:

        My side has tropical storm Nine-E, which forecasted to get “somewhere” close to me.
        Atlantic, still got tropical depression, Francine, and tropical depression, Seven is forecast to become a storm.
        The other disturbances, have 20% and 0% chance in 48 hours, and 20% is closer to windward islands.

  56. Bindidon says:

    Maybe CO2isLife looks at these two correlating papers, written by the same authors, and tries to grasp their contents?

    (1) Absorption coefficient of water vapor across atmospheric troposphere layer

    Peng-Sheng Wei, Hsuan-Han Chiu, Yin-Chih Hsieh, Da-Lun Yen, Chieh Lee, Yi-Cheng Tsai, and Te-Chuan Ting (2019)


    (2) Absorption coefficient of carbon dioxide across atmospheric troposphere layer

    Peng-Sheng Wei, Yin-Chih Hsieh, Hsuan-Han Chiu, Da-Lun Yen, Chieh Lee, Yi-Cheng Tsai, and Te-Chuan Ting (2018)


    The extreme similarity between Leleigh’s image (click on the right pic)


    continuously posted by CO2isLife, and that visible at the two papers’ begin, is quite interesting, isn’t it?

    Btw: note that both images rely on the same source (published long time ago by R.A. Rohde).

    A bit disturbing however is the discrepancy between atmospheric absor~ption as depicted by Rohde’s image and the absor~ption wavelengths enumerated in the papers.

    Absorption bands of water vapor are considered to be in wavelength ranges centered at 71, 6.3, 2.7, 1.87 and 1.38 μm.

    Those of carbon dioxide are centered at 15, 4.3, 2.7, and 2 μm.

    It seems that CO2 (carbon dioxide) does NOT quite absorb/emit at the same wavelengths as H2O (water vapor), does it?

    And that it doesn’t is definitely shown by a Spectral Calc comparison of H2O and CO2 (under consideration of their atmospheric abundance) in the wavelengths between 5 and 40 microns, at two different altitudes.

    1. At the surface:


    2. At an altitude of 5 km:


    At the surface, H2O’s maximal intensity is about 100 times higher than CO2’s; at an altitude of 5 km, the atmospheric abundances become very different.

    But what finally matters in the comparison is not so much the maximal intensity; rather it is the sum of all intensity lines.

    Why do the charts stop at 40 microns?

    Simply because when you move to higher wavelengths resp. lower frequencies, the energy becomes negligible.

    • Clint R says:

      Bindi is confused, again: “But what finally matters in the comparison is not so much the maximal intensity; rather it is the sum of all intensity lines.”

      Sorry Bindi, but it is wavelength that matters. You’re STILL believing more energy means higher temperature. You’re STILL trying to boil water with ice cubes.

      Any wavelength above about 10.2 μ is useless for raising the temperature of a 288K surface, no matter how many photons you have.

      That’s just basic physics.

      Speaking of basic physics, did you ever find a viable model of “orbiting without spin”?

      • Ball4 says:

        That’s just basic impossible physics, Clint R 4:02pm. Just another humorous gaffe by Clint.

        Any wavelength absorbed above about 10.2 μ must raise the temperature of a 288K solid surface as required by the 2LOT in any real process. Same is true for an ideal gas initially at 288K in a constant volume process absorbing radiated energy such as the atm.

        Clint just likes to add humor to the blog constantly making basic physics mistakes; Clint’s gaffes are so funny to read.

        NB: Observing “orbiting without spin” is our Moon as observed from Earth.

    • Bindidon says:

      Why is this Clint R denial boy all the time fixated on photons warming the surface, ice cubes boiling water, lunar spin based on the ‘NASA cult’ and passengers flying backward?

      Start reading papers, Clint R, and finally begin to learn all what you persistently ignore, instead of endlessly stalking us with your stubborn ‘cult’ mania.

      • Ball4 says:

        Tragedy is when a blog participant makes a basic physics mistake; comedy is when Clint R comments consistently violate 1LOT and 2LOT.

      • Clint R says:

        Bindi, are you going to dodge the question?

        You have all those “reading papers”, yet you don’t know what “orbiting without spin” looks like?

        Why run from reality? You can’t win. Your cult makes you a loser.

      • Eric says:

        Mixing the gross energy flows with the resulting thermodynamic, statistic net flow is like the Monty Hall problem that just makes some people idiots by forcing them to explain. Stop it. Ignore people who stuck in their thoughts.

  57. Arkady Ivanovich says:

    2024’s unusually persistent warmth

    with temperatures remaining elevated into September 2024, it’s looking increasingly less likely that last year’s elevated temperatures were a mostly transient phenomenon. Rather, some combination of forcings or changes in feedbacks may be driving higher global temperatures going forward.

    • Clint R says:

      Yes Ark, the HTE was/is a definite influencer.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        I guess you have not heard of that really new thing called science. I mean, it’s only been around for 1000’s of years. You should look it up. And then get someone to explain it to you. No, not your classmates down at Dunning-Kruger University.

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:

      No credible scientist says HT can explain any significant part of the warming of 2023/24. if someone says that, they demonstrate that they are profoundly unserious.

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:

      A paper just published last week found an increase of 0.015 °C globally from the HT event (reasonably in-line with other estimates that are slightly positive or slightly negative due to aerosols counterbalancing water vapor). As far as I know there are no peer reviewed estimates that have much more than 0.05 °C contribution to global mean temperatures.


      • Gordon Robertson says:

        Would not expect a different guesstimate from climate alarmists. You certainly keep strange bedfellows. There are no sexual illusions in that just that you share the same ideas.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        might I suggest that you take more of an interest in the science I am discussing.

        Right now, you are busy building a negative case about me because you cannot obviously discuss science on the level I am offering.

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:

      Clint R,

      It’s sad seeing you pretend to play at science. You haven’t read a peer reviewed science paper in your life. The deniosphere crap you read on the internet is designed to fool laymen like you. When will you learn?

      • Stephen P Anderson says:


        Is that a peer reviewed paper you linked above?

      • Stephen P Anderson says:

        I’m talking about the Climate Brink link.

      • Clint R says:

        Ark, the way I read a “peer-reviewed science paper” is to first read the Abstract/Introduction. If there is a violation of the laws of physics, I’m done. If not, I go directly to the Conclusion. Again, if there is a violation of the laws of physics, the paper is rejected.

        A cult does NOT get to pervert reality.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        clint…so you can read can you? Come on…it’s a joke.

        A lady friend, before taking a picture of me, asked if I showed up on a photographic film. She wanted to make sure I am not a vampire. Apparently not since I show up fine on older film. I wonder if vampires show up on the newer digital cameras?

        So what would your reaction be if she had asked you that? I laughed and tried to get her back later.

        Lighten up bro, we need energy to beat off the alarmist hordes.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        ark…what difference does it make if a paper is peer reviewed or not? Is it not the science it contains that is important?

        Reminding you of Barry Marshall, the Ozzie scientist who won a Nobel for discovering that duodenal ulcer are caused by the bacteria H. Pylori. When he first submitted his paper it was rejected by the journal editor before reaching the peer review stage. The editor claimed it was one of the ten worst papers submitted to him.

        Had Marshall’s paper been accepted, as it should have been, and published, it would have benefitted the public much earlier than it did.

        How much good science is being rejected by the klowns posing as editors and reviewers?

      • Clint R says:

        gordon, you don’t have any “lady friend”. That story never happened. You live in a fantasy world.

        Get some professional help. Maybe you and Ken could get a group rate….

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        Can’t let the bitterness go, can you?

      • Sig says:

        Clint says: ” Ark, the way I read a peer-reviewed science paper is to first read the Abstract/Introduction. If there is a violation of the laws of physics, Im done. If not, I go directly to the Conclusion. Again, if there is a violation of the laws of physics, the paper is rejected. ”

        A rare confession that Clint suffers both from the Dunning-Kruger effect and Confirmation bias.


    • Gordon Robertson says:

      ark…two quote from your link by Zeke.

      1)the heat arrived much earlier in 2023 than it did in 2015…


      Where did this heat arrive? It’s an average not intended to represent any one location.

      Re what this means…

      2)Though Ive already been wrong enough times about the global temperature trajectory over the past 18 months that who really knows at this point!


      So, this alarmist can’t say what it means because he doesn’t know where it’s going. Not just an opinion, please offer a scientific explanation to back up your opinion.

      How about you, Ark, care to say what it means and where it is going?

  58. Gordon Robertson says:

    ken…”That mode of thinking would make Robertson the authority on everything written on this website…”


    Gee, Ken, and I didn’t think you cared.

    • Ken says:

      I wrote:

      “So weight of papers written is a marker on how to determine whether they have something to say? That mode of thinking would make Robertson the authority on everything written on this website, And, we know thats not true.”

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        The point is, Ken, no one agrees with you anyway, so what’s with the ‘we’?

        As Einstein put it when confronted with the news that 200 scientists disagreed with him, ‘it only takes one to prove me wrong’.

        I have never claimed to be an authority on anything even though you seem to depend on authority figures like Will Happer. Whereas I respect Happer, I have supplied science to show where he has erred. You not only failed to rebut my proof, you took umbrage at me contradicting Happer.

        You also took umbrage at me contradicting your claim that the Moon orbits the Sun. That suggests you are far to influenced by emotions to be objective.

  59. Gordon Robertson says:

    co2…”Every observation such as warming of the oceans must be explained with this explaination. Vibrating 1 out of every 2,500 molecules in the atmosphere with the energy consistent with 15 micron LWIR warms the oceans. As we know that is nonsense because 15 Micron wont warm water and if you cant tie CO2 to the warming oceans you cant tie CO2 to global warming and climate change”.


    I agree with you in principal but we must be careful with the science. I get what you are saying about 15um IR being unable to heat water, but what is the problem?

    You can use microwave energy at a much lower frequency (longer wavelength) than IR and use it to heat water to the boiling point. The magnetron in a microwave oven is essentially at a very low temperature, even lower than the water it boils, and that appears to contradict the 2nd law. It doesn’t because it’s not about heat transfer, it’s about radiative power transfer. That is, the magnetron emissions are virtually coming from a hotter temperature than the boiling water.

    So, what is the difference in science?

    Starting with the magnetron in a microwave oven, it radiates high power energy by causing electrons to be circulated in a cavity at extremely high speeds and the electrons give off microwave radiation at sufficient power to agitate the weak molecular bonds in water. The agitation produces the heat.

    Even though the magnetron body may be at a lower temperature than the water it is heating, the radiation emitted is equivalent to a higher temperature body.

    The reason is that the electrons are accelerated in the magnetron by a high potential voltage of several kilovolts. That’s where the electrons get their energy.

    Note that the speed of electrons has a lot to do with this.

    With CO2, the electrons in the CO2 molecule are getting additional energy from the Earth’s surface via IR. Therefore, the electrons in the CO2 are at much lower energy levels than those at microwave frequencies in a magnetron. Furthermore, the energy in the electrons decreases with altitude, hence temperature.

    You’ll find that a heat lamp can heat with IR because it’s frequencies are in the higher wavelength IR band. Also, the source of the IR is a heated electrical filament at several thousand degrees C. That is not the case with surface IR and definitely not the case with CO2 in the atmosphere whose radiation intensity decreases with altitude. Also, the higher the altitude of the CO2, the greater the losses at the surface due to the inverse square law.

    That’s why IR from CO2 cannot heat anything on the surface. It has nothing to do with the 15um wavelength it is simply about temperature difference. It is not possible to transfer heat from a colder region of the atmosphere to a hotter surface, no matter how many thought experiments and re-definitions of the 2nd law are provided.

    • Clint R says:

      gordon, that is the most amount of nonsense yet. You’re clearly someone with NO knowledge of science. You just pound on your keyboard with no appreciation for reality.

      Please stop clogging this blog.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        clint…anyone with even a basic understanding of science should be able to successfully rebut my information if it is wrong. All you supply are insults.

        However, insults run off my back like water off a duck’s back. Try actually proving me wrong.

  60. Clint R says:

    The cult is still in denial about the HTE. Here is some recent data, supplied by Richard M.


    • Arkady Ivanovich says:

      You deny Earth’s natural GHE.

      You deny that increasing CO2 concentration by 140 ppm since the pre-industrial era has enhanced Earth’s natural GHE.

      Yet, you are adamant that an increase of less than 1 ppm in stratospheric water vapor (from your graph) is responsible for the warming seen the past 14 months.

  61. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    The upper low is over the Great Lakes, and there is a high in the southwest that pulls a tropical wave over Florida into Louisiana. This promises very heavy rainfall in the south.

  62. CO2isLife says:

    Dr. Spencer, read the above posts. Many of the “Experts” that post on your blog don’t even grasp the very basics on the GHG Effect. Some even seem to challenge the authenticity of this graphic.

    That graphic is a great discussion point for a interview resume to screen out the sophists from the true experts. You shoud do a blog post on the basics of the GHG Effect and just let the sophists work their magic. They will expose themselves.

    At its very essense, Climate Change is a physics problem, that is it. You have to understand the basic physics to understand anything.

    For the nth time, there is one and only one defined mechanism by which CO2 can affect climate change. That is the thremalization of 15 micron LWIR. It doesn’t “trap heat” it simply converts EM energy into kinetic evergy by taking LWIR and using that energy to trigger a vibration of the molecule. That in a nutshell is the GHG Effect.

    From that, everything has to rest on that foundation. Problem is, CO2 is only 1 out of every 2,500 molecules in the atmosphere. 15 Micron LWIR is very low energy EM. Is it plausable that vibrating one out of every 2,500 molecules with very low energy LWIR can materially impact the kinetic energy of the remaining 2,499 molecules? The answer is no. You will also see that 15 LWIR doesn’t have enough energy to warm the oceans, and given the atmosphere over the oceans most likley contains H2O in it already, with or without CO2, 15 Micron LWIR will be absorbed fully.

    The finger print of the impact of CO2 is seen only after H2O precipitates out of the atmsphere in the stratosphere. You will see that the Stratosphere bottomw out around -60 to -80 Degree C. Why? Because that is the temperature of thermalizing 15 micron LWIR.

    Please do a post on this issue and use it as a method to separate the wheat from the chaff of posters, and expose the sophists and climate activists.

    • bobdroege says:


      ” That is the thremalization of 15 micron LWIR. It doesnt trap heat it simply converts EM energy into kinetic evergy by taking LWIR and using that energy to trigger a vibration of the molecule.”

      Kinetic energy of molecules is heat, so you can say CO2 traps heat by absorbing IR, exciting molecular bonds and then transferring that bond energy to the other gases in the atmosphere.

      “You will also see that 15 LWIR doesnt have enough energy to warm the oceans, and given the atmosphere over the oceans most likley contains H2O in it already, with or without CO2, 15 Micron LWIR will be absorbed fully.”

      If the oceans absorb the 15 LWIR, then the oceans gain the energy of that IR, and it’s expressed as the temperature of the ocean.

      “The finger print of the impact of CO2 is seen only after H2O precipitates out of the atmsphere in the stratosphere. You will see that the Stratosphere bottomw out around -60 to -80 Degree C. Why? Because that is the temperature of thermalizing 15 micron LWIR.”

      15 micron LWIR does not have a temperature.

    • Bindidon says:


      ” Many of the ‘Experts’ that post on your blog don’t even grasp the very basics on the GHG Effect. Some even seem to challenge the authenticity of this graphic.


      You behave a bit dishonest, don’t you?


      Please first manage to technically contradict the post above, instead of arrogantly discrediting what others write.

      It should be evident even to people like you that the graph posted by U Leleigh and even by the Chinese team is a bit outdated with regard to your allegation of any superposition of H2O and CO2 absorp~tion lines in the LW infrared region, isn’t it?

      By the way: what kind of ‘expert’ are you exactly?

      • Clint R says:

        Bindi, you don’t have to be much of an expert to know that ice cubes can’t boil water.

        You are obsessed with your cult’s nonsense. That’s why you can’t provide a viable model of “orbiting without spin”.

        Like gordon, you have NOTHING.

      • Ball4 says:

        Though enough absorbed radiation from those ice cubes can increase water temperature as demonstrated in Dr. Spencer’s experiments to cause boiling at 1atm. in Alabama at night.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        A bit dishonest? Look at the graph, dishonesty in itself.

        The entire blue part to the right should be in the same proportion as the far right red graph. They have amplified IR radiation grossly to fit it on the same graph, which is unscientific.

      • Ball4 says:

        Gordon misses the graph maker told readers the graph is art & sunlight intensity adjusted to make the story more clear, except to Gordon.

      • CO2isLife says:

        “You behave a bit dishonest, dont you?”

        Please explain. This graphic has everything you need to know.

        Just what did I post that was “dishonest?” I literally try to support everything I say with a link to supporting data, and that graphic is pretty solid evidence that by position is correct.

        If I said something “dishonest,” please post the exact statement and let me address it.

      • Ball4 says:

        CO2isLife you have posted a cartoon in which your source told readers: “blackbody spectra were adjusted to have the same height for ease in presentation.”

        Your claim “Some even seem to challenge the authenticity of this graphic.” implies readers should not challenge its authenticity when your cartoon source even informs the cartoon is not authentic.

        Your position is not correct. Yes, you should address it. A good start would be using the original piece by its author and explaining his adjustments.

      • Eric says:

        Clint R

        ‘Bindi, you dont have to be much of an expert to know that ice cubes cant boil water.’

        nobody says so

        but water irradiated during the day cools more quickly in presense of cold objects such as the deep space and less quickly when there is something in between. This leaves the water warmer averaged over time. Enjoy.

  63. CO2isLife says:

    Dr. Spencer, I think I’ve discovered a very simple controled experiment that any University Lab should be able to run.

    Observation: Both CO2 and H2O absorb 15 LWIR, and its absorption is saturated within a close distance from the surface (you can test that in the gas cell available on SpectralCalc).

    Hypothesis: With or without CO2, 15 Micron LWIR absorption is saturated, so CO2 is irrelevant in the lower atmosphere. You can only absorb 100% of 15 Micron LWIR, and H2O does that without CO2.

    Control = Insulated Bucket of water with an open top and enclosed in an atmospheric controlled room which holds 415 PPM CO2.

    Experimental Sample = Insulated Bucket of water with an open top and enclosed in an atmospheric controlled room which holds 0.00 PPM CO2

    Have the celing of the atmospherically controlled room have an EM absorming Black Celing representing outerspace.

    Warm the buckets to 120F/50C (basicallly the hottest the earth gets)
    Measure that rate of cooling, and final low temperature.

    My bet is that you will not be able to identify a difference between the rate of cooling or the final low temperature.

    That simple experiment would go a long way to debunking CO2 can warm water and cause climate change. That fact that that controlled experiment hasn’t been run prety much proves people aren’t looking for the truth.

    • Entropic man says:

      CO2 is life

      This is just a more complicated version of Roy’s experiment, whose results you rejected.

      • CO2isLife says:

        No, what I described is a controlled experiment in a laboratory that isolates a single factor. Dr. Spensor’s experiment demonstrates that water vapor in the atmosphere can slow cooling. It does nothing to isolate CO2.

      • Ball4 says:

        Not added water vapor. Dr. Spencer’s experiment demonstrates that added radiation from icy cirrus cloud from the nighttime Alabama atmosphere can measurably and theoretically show a higher temperature several inches deep in ambient surface water than nearby control water not in view of the added cirrus clouds.

        His experiment wasn’t intended to isolate added radiation from CO2 ppm increase; its warming effect from absorbed added radiation over control water would be consistent with this experiment.

    • gbaikie says:

      “Hypothesis: With or without CO2, 15 Micron LWIR absorption is saturated, so CO2 is irrelevant in the lower atmosphere. You can only absorb 100% of 15 Micron LWIR, and H2O does that without CO2.”
      There normally isn’t much H20 in upper atmosphere, but is CO2 and CO is in upper atmosphere.

    • Nate says:

      “Hypothesis: With or without CO2, 15 Micron LWIR absorption is saturated, so CO2 is irrelevant in the lower atmosphere. You can only absorb 100% of 15 Micron LWIR, and H2O does that without CO2”

      Yes it is saturated in the lower atmosphere, but the point is that it is the whole atmosphere that matters here.

      Because the upper atmosphere is where most of the radiative forcing takes place, which results in it warming. If the upper atmosphere warms, then each layer below it, which must cool to the upper atmosphere layers, will now also warm. The entire lapse rate curve shifts slightly warmer, even down to the surface.

  64. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    Once ashore, the hurricane will move along the Mississippi River and what increases instability in the atmosphere.

  65. Entropic man says:



    Here’s the DLR spectrum for a day in Winsconcin.


    Note that the maximum occurs around 15 micrometres, the main emission wavelength of CO2.

    Here’s an old friend, the OLR spectrum.


    Note the 50% drop in OLR around 15 micrometres, the wavelength at which CO2 absorbs and reradiates most intensly. You can match it to the reradiated IR at 15 micrometres in the DLR graph.

    These are evidence that CO2 plays an active role in the greenhouse effect.

    It’s past my bedtime. More tomorrow.

    • CO2isLife says:

      What that is showing is that CO2 is basically only GHG up at 70km. That has nothing to do with temperatures near the surface. CO2 and H2O overlap near the surface. You only get that dip at 15 Microns once you remove H2O from the atmpshere. BTW, up 70km the temperature is about -60 C, do there is no warming up there.

      • Nate says:


        Up there is where the radiative forcing takes place. If olr is reduced up there because of increased CO2, then the Earth has an energy imbalance, a net energy gain. That is exactly what is happening.

    • CO2isLife says:

      BTW, what is important is the marginal change in outgoing energy. What is important is the spectrum at 310 and then at 410 PPM. The change results in about 1.6 W/m^2 at 70km. BTW, pay attention to the 294K Black Body. That is 145 Degree C. The only range that happens is the thermosphere, and that is warmed by incoming radiation and COOLs as it approaches earth.

    • Clint R says:

      Ent throws more slop against the wall.

      But, as usual, he can’t explain how 15μ photons can raise the temperature of a 288K surface.

      • Ball4 says:

        An increase in thermodynamic internal energy from the absorbed 15μ photons explains the raise in temperature as required by the 2LOT in the real process & same for a 288K ideal gas.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        Progress!!! B4 now admits internal energy is partly heat. Clausius, who defined U for internal energy in the 1st law claimed that internal energy is part heat and part work related to atomic vibrations. However, heat is required to cause the atomic vibrations.

        Good work, B4, soon we’ll have to converted to a skeptic.

      • Clint R says:

        An increase in internal energy does NOT always mean an increase in temperature. Temperature corresponds to kinetic energy of molecules. And that kinetic energy corresponds to molecular vibrations, with higher frequency vibrations being able to increase kinetic energy over lower frequency vibrations.

        IOW, it takes the “right kind” of energy to raise temperature. That’s why you can’t boil water with ice cubes, no matter how much ice you have.

      • Ball4 says:

        Not partly, Gordon, the measure of total thermodynamic internal energy is Clausius’ heat so there is no heat (as experimentally proven by James Prescott Joule) or work entity in any massive object.

      • Ball4 says:

        There is no hope for Clint R 7:42 am to be correct since that comment humorously goes against the 2LOT.

        For any real process, 2LOT informs an increase in thermodynamic internal energy DOES always mean an increase in temperature over the isolated process time. Just another funny gaffe by Clint.

      • Clint R says:

        Cult children like Ball4 believe adding more ice to a pot of water can raise the water temperature because more energy has been added.

        Children can be so funny.

      • Ball4 says:

        No Clint R 8:45 am, now you’ve erroneously added mass with your own 15μ photons in your new example not just added thermodynamic internal energy from absorbing radiation from those 15μ photons.

        Chalk up another humorous science gaffe for Clint R.

      • Clint R says:

        The amount of internal energy. in a quantity of ice is “Ei”. The amount of internal energy in a bucket of water is “Ew”. Now add the ice to the water. The total internal energy is then “Ei + Ew”. But, the temperature goes DOWN.

        Even many children could understand this. But not cult children.

      • Eric says:

        ‘Even many children could understand this. But not cult children.’

        Please stop feeding this process. Clint R thinks we’re children-like. That’s quite bad, not fixable.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      ent…your 2nd link is a hypothetical graph. There is no way to determine Ir radiation at TOA from CO2 since the wv and CO2 emissions overlap.

      Besides, if you accept the 18 W propaganda, that means CO2 absorbs 10% or less of surface emissions.

      • Entropic man says:


        Neither graph is theoretical.

        The DLR graph is taken directlly from Ellington’s paper. The OLR graph is taken from the satellite data Ellington used, plotted using ModTran.

        They were both measured in the same place on the same sunny day in Winsconcin. The DLR was measured from the surface and the OLR from orbit.

        The only theoretical part is the red line on the OLR graph. This is the radiation from the surface, calculated from the SB equation for the local surface temperature.

        The fun thing is that GHG theory predicts that SB radiation – OLR = DLR.

        You can test this. Measure SB-OLR across the spectrum from the OLR graph. Plot the difference and you get the DLR graph.

        Remember this is how you test a theory. Compare its predictions with observation and see if they match.

        Yes, you are correct. The OLR and DLR graphs illustrate the combined effect of water vapour and CO2. Both vary considerably across the spectrum. Compare them with the absor*btion spectra, that CO2 is life linked, for the individual gases and you find that around 15 micrometres the dominant actor is CO2. Around 7 micrometres the dominant actors are O3 and H2O.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        ent…”The OLR graph is taken from the satellite data Ellington used, plotted using ModTran”.


        Not possible, Ent, the WV spectrum overlies the CO2 spectrum and shields it from the instruments. The graph is nothing more than an estimate.

      • Ball4 says:

        No Gordon 3:21 am, incoherent photons cannot shield (Gordon term) other photons since those photons do not interact with other photons. They pass by and just wave at one another.

      • Entropic man says:


        In this example the surface is radiating about 430W/m^2.

        Of that 36W/m^2 is absorbed by CO2, That is 36/430*100= 8.8%.

        Of that, half is reradiated to space and half becomes downwelling longwave radiation.

        The overall effect of CO2 is to reduce the outward longwave radiation by 18W/m^2 or 4.4%.

    • Bindidon says:

      Entropic man

      ” Around 7 micrometres the dominant actors are O3 and H2O. ”

      O3, dominant actor at 7 microns ???

      There is no dominant O3 trace at about 7 micrometers; it is known that O3 has a strong peak at 9.6 micrometers.

      This is best shown by having a look at Spectral Calc’s output for the wavelength range 5-20 microns at the surface (under consideration of their atmospheric abundance):


      Looks strong! But a look at the intensity scale lets it look quite different.

      A comparison to CO2


      and H2O


      makes it clear: while H2O’s intensity peaks at the surface at max ~ 5E-2 and CO2 is at ~ 1E-3, O3 keeps below 3E-8, i.e. ~ 34K times less than CO2 and 1.7M times less than H2O.

    • Entropic man says:

      Bindidon I wonder if you’ve made the same mistake as CO2 is life. This is a graph of downwelling radiance.

      You would expect maximum radiance at wavelengths where H2O and CO2 are absorbing and reradiating IR from the surface most intensely, around 15 micrometres. That’s what you see in the graph.

      You would expect minimum downwelling radiance in the atmospheric window where most of the surface radiation is escaping directly to space, and that’s what the graph shows.

      Nothing weird and nothing impossible, just the system behaving as expected.

    • Clint R says:

      Even Bindi caught Ent throwing slop against the wall!

      Either Bindi is getting better or Ent is getting worse….

  66. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    Since the troposphere in the tropics is warmer a kilometer above the surface, and this effect is not seen near the surface, it is logical that some of the sun’s radiation is retained in the upper troposphere and does not raise the temperature near the surface.

  67. Gordon Robertson says:

    Dug this article up for a friend and decided to post it again. It demonstrates the lengths to which alarmist politicians will go to smear a skeptic. They have gone so far today that any information that contradicts their propaganda is considered misinformation. They are putting pressure on the media and Internet outfits to block posts y skeptics.


    In the article, Fred Singer explains how he co-wrote a paper with Roger Revelle cautioning people not to read too much into catastrophic global warming claims. The paper was smeared by associates of Al Gore who claimed Revelle was senile when he wrote it and that Singer had taken advantage of him. Singer sued and won.

    As of 1991, Revelle and Singer did not think enough information was available to take action against anthropogenic gases. Today, there is no more information than in 1991. It’s all conjecture that has turned to hysteria.

  68. CO2isLife says:

    Dr. Spencer, more evidence that you have sophists and climate activist posting on your blog. They don’t even seem to understand the basic graphcs they are posting as evidence above. This is the most recent one. It is an OLR Graphc (Outgoing Longwave Radiation) not a DLR (Downwelling). Just look at the Blackbody Temperture it is being measured against, 294k. If you use MODTRAN to relicate that grapic the settings would be “looking down” from 70km or higher. The only thing this graphic shows is that CO2 exists in the atmosphere at that altitude, and is still absorbing 15 micron LWIR. It has nothing to do with melting glaciers on the surface.

    The proper way to measure the energy impalance would be to do a DLR measurement from the surface and then again from the top of a mountain with a glacier, basically the troposphere. What do you find when you do that? As long as H2O is in the atmosphere, CO2 is 100% irrelevant. Simply use MODTRAN to test that theory. It is all math and has nothing to do with the “opinions” of the sophists and climate activists that post on your blog.

    • Entropic man says:

      Read the post, you fool.

      I put up two graphs.

      This is the DLR for a sunny day in Winsconsin.


      This is OLR for the same time at the same location.


      They are directly comparable.

      • Clint R says:

        Wrong Ent, those graphs are NOT comparable in any meaningful way. You’re trying to pervert reality, as usual.

        The important “take away” from those graphs is that photons with wavelengths greater than about 10μ (or wavenumber less than 1000/cm) can NOT raise the temperature of a 288K surface.

      • CO2isLife says:

        This clearly shows “Zenith atmospheric Emmission.” Are you saying this is DLR? Once again, so what, this is looking down or up from the Zenith. Just what does that prove to you?

        This graphic is clearly done from the Thermosphere looking down.

        Once again, just what are your trying to demonstrate? That the GHG Exists? No one denies that. The question is can changing CO2 from 310 to 410 cause warming of climate change in the troposphere dominated by H2O? That is done by looking at the diferential between a DLR Sprectrum from the surface and again from about 5 km where H2O precipitates out.

        I don’t know this for sure, but I bet the Thermpsphere has a huge temperature range between day and night, and you are focused on about 1.6 W/^2.

        Yep, look at the temperature range and you are worried about minute energy differences due to CO2. Really?

        The temperature range in the thermosphere typically spans from around 500C to 2,000C (932F to 3,632F)

        This is just more evidence Dr. Spencer that the “experts” that post on your blog don’t have a clue about the graphics they rely on. They are pure sophists.

      • Entropic man says:

        CO2 is life

        Zenith atmospheric emission is what is measured by an infrared spectrometer looking vertically upwards from the Earth’s surface. It is also called downwelling longwave radiation (DLR, DWLR or sometime just LWIR) It’s also called back radiation.

        Whatever the name, it is infrared radiation emitted by GHGs or reflected by clouds and heading from the atmosphere dow
        nwards towards the surface.

        What the graphs show is a pattern of energy flow. Longwave radiation from the surface flows upwards through the atmosphere to space. Some of it is reflected by clouds or reradiated downwards by GHGs. The downwelling radiation is absorbed by the surface which becomes less cold than in the absence of the downwelling radiation. That is the greenhouse effect.

        Using the graphs you can show that at this time and location the amount of outward longwave radiation to space measured by satellites is the upward surface emission minus the downwelling radiation measured at the surface.

        Tell.me you’ve understood that and we can move on to discssing the effect of increasing CO2.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Once again, jsut what is this showing you?

        1) H2O and CO2 literally absorb the same LWIR Spectrum (Note the H2O and CO2 Lines showing the range overlaps)
        2) It shows CO2 and H2O absorb wavelengths outside the Atmospheric Window (So what?)
        3) CO2 occupies the laft part of that grapic with CO2 and H2O absorbing 666 wavenumber 15 Micron LWIR.
        4) Nothing this chart demonstrates addresses the marginal impact of 100ppm CO2.

        Your chart literally proves nothing.

        Go to Modtran and do marginal impact studies within the Troposphere, that is where things matter, and CO2 doesn’t impact anything in the range up to 5km because H2O dominates.

      • Bindidon says:

        Entropic man

        Maybe you might refrain from posting links to pictures like


        dated 1996 and based on data recorded in 1991.

        This picture is either hopelessly out of date or shows something completely different than what you want to show!

        Just look at the H2O absorp~tion window: It not only includes CO2’s, which CO2isLife tactically illustrates.

        It also includes 100% of the atmospheric window, which CO2isLife tactically hides (or doesn’t even perceive as an absolute problem).

        If the picture were correct, we wouldn’t even exist, because no IR radiation would penetrate the atmosphere.

        No: the dumb, stubborn, ignorant Pirani gauge blah blah won’t help here.

      • Entropic man says:


        It is 1991 data, but it has the advantage of matching. Both graphs originate from Ellington(1996) and they show SB surface radiation, OLR and DWLR for the same day. It’s difficult to find matching data like that, with the opportunity to test energy budget theories directly.

        If you have something more recent that does the same job, it would be interesting to compare them.

        It does seem to have confused CO2 is life. Hopefully he’ll have learned a bit of physics.

      • CO2isLife says:

        You guys known you can replicate those graphics with MODTRAN…right?

        Here is the link:

        The one and only issue is what happens to the change in outgoing W/M^2 in the lower troposphere when CO2 changes from 310 to 410ppm.

        You will see that as long as H2O is present, CO2 is meaningless.

        Once again, H2O and CO2 absords the same wavelengths. You can only absorb 100% of anything, and H2O does that.

        What you will see, CO2 driven climate change depends on 1.3 W/m^2 being able to alter the climate of the entire earth. Simply change the cloud cover setting and you will see 1.3W/m^2 is well within the margin of error.

      • Entropic man says:

        CO2 is life

        At 15 micrometres the combination of H2O and CO2 does absorb 100% of the surface radiation and reradiates 50% of it downwards.

        This does not mean that the downwelling radiation cannot increase. When the surface temperature increases the upwelling longwave radiation increases. The GHGs still reradiate 50% downwards so the amount of downwelling radiation increases in proportion to the increased upwelling radiation. GHGs are still reradiating 50% of the pie downwards, but 50% of a bigger pie.

        Try using Modtrans to increase the surface temperature and observe how the downwelling radiation changes.

      • Entropic man says:

        CO2 is life, Bindidon

        We seem to be using different models of how longwave radiation and energy flow through the atmosphere. I want to think about this, so I’m off to bed and will continue tomorrow.

      • CO2isLife says:

        CO2 is life

        At 15 micrometres the combination of H2O and CO2 does absorb 100% of the surface radiation and reradiates 50% of it downwards.

        You completely miss the point. There is only100% to absorb. H2O absorbs 100%. The 100% absorption of 15 LWIR is reached very very close to the surface with our without CO2. The absorption is saturated. If I have one Mole NA and 10 Moles of CL, if I mix them I’ll only get 1 Mole NACL. I can keep adding CL, but it won’t change the amount of NACL that gets produced.

      • Clint R says:

        (Don’t tell Ent that all those 15μ photons can’t raise the temperature of Earth’s 288K surface. We don’t want him educated.)

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        ent…”At 15 micrometres the combination of H2O and CO2 does absorb 100% of the surface radiation and reradiates 50% of it downwards”.


        Come on Ent, you’re an educated man, you can reason better than that. Explain scientifically how gases with average concentrations of 0.04% and 0.3% can block 100% of surface radiation at 15 um or any other wavelength.

        This is all theory, it has never been verified by measurement. The instruments required simply don’t exist since there is no instrument with the bandwidth to measure flat across such a wide spectrum.

        And what good is the back-radiated energy when it cannot be absorbed by a warmer surface?

        Even if the energy could be absorbed, it can’t even begin to make up for losses let alone add to solar input. Ergo, no warming would be possible till the losses are made up.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        ent…”We seem to be using different models of how longwave radiation and energy flow through the atmosphere”.


        A better understanding of energy is required. The only energy flowing through the atmosphere is radiation, that is electromagnetic energy. perhaps after a good sleep this becomes more apparent to you.

        Thermal energy cannot ‘flow’ through the atmosphere, it can only move through it via the bulk transport of air molecules via convection.

      • Entropic man says:

        CO2 is life.


        This is elementary stuff.

        In the band between 13 and 17 micrometres CO2 and H2O absorb 100% of the upward longwave radiation from the surface. They then reradiate 50% upwards and 50% downwards.

        In the example described in Ellington(1996) the upward longwave radiation is about 430W/m^2.

        In the 13-17micrometre band the GHGs absorb 36W/m^2 and reradiate it. Half, 18W/m^2, reradiates upwards. The other half, 18W, reradiates downwards.

        When you measure the effect you see that the outward longwave radiation is reduced by 18W/m^2 from 430W/m^2 to 412W/m^2 and the downward longwave radiation is increased by 18W/m^2.

        Since 1991 the upward longwave radiation from the surface has increased by about 1.5%. In 2024 the absorbed radiation in our band is up from 36W/m^2 to 36.5W/m^2. DWLR has increased to

        With a climate sensitivity of 3 and a warming response of 0.25C/W/^2 that is a predicted warming of 0.375C since 1991. Observed warming is 0.6C.

      • Clint R says:

        Ent, you don’t understand any of this.

        Your figures are all made up, based on your cult’s beliefs. Both the EEI and “climate sensitivity” are bogus.

        Earth can be emitting energy, but still warming. Or, Earth can be emitting energy, and cooling. Solar input varies by about 90 W/m² in one year. Yet we don’t see such a drastic change. In fact, UAH reports an inverse correlation, ie, Earth is warmer with less solar and cooler with more solar. We don’t have enough data to make any meaningful statements about Earth’s energy balance. Your cult even tries to balance flux instead of energy! Like you, they don’t have a clue.

        Like with the rest of your cult, I have no expectation that you will learn any of this. You believe passenger jets fly backward.

      • Bindidon says:

        Entropic man

        ” I’m having to educate CO2 is life and Bindidon about energy budgets before I can even have a sensible conversation with them. ”

        You don’t need to educate me about such stuff like


        You first should admit that trying to convince (pseudo-)skeptics with pictures showing H2O absorbing IR even within the entire atmospheric window is absurd – simply because they use the same kind of nonsensical information.

        Doing that, you confirm their assumption that CO2 can’t add anything to what H2O has already done.

        Yes: sigh.



        This is what must clarified in front of any energy budget discussion.

        For data and pictures newer than


        you’ll have to search by your own, I have enough to do with processing climate data.

    • Willard says:


      Don’t tell Puffman that he has been banned multiple times on this site and always came back under various sock puppets, and let him cling to the idea that there are special photons.

      He has concepts of plans for them.

      • Entropic man says:

        This is like wading through treacle. I’m having to educate CO2 is life and Bindidon about energy budgets before I can even have a sensible conversation with them.

        I would expect that of CO2 is life, but I thought Bindidon understood this stuff!

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        Entropic man,

        Pardon the intrusion, but if your purpose is didactic, you may want to consider using Petty’s Figure 8.2, along with the associated description and exercise question:


        Let’s now take a look at how the atmospheric emission spectrum changes depending on whether you are looking down from above or looking up from the surface. Fig. 8.2 gives us a rare opportunity to compare the two perspectives for the same atmospheric conditions: an aircraft flying at 20 km altitude measured the upwelling emission spectrum at exactly the same time and location as a surface instrument looking up measured the downwelling spectrum. The measurements in this case were taken over the arctic ice pack and are therefore comparable in some respects to the arctic spectrum already discussed. The following exercise asks you to provide the physical interpretation: …

      • Entropic man says:

        Arkady Ivanovich

        My purpose is to have fun with the science, check what the scientists are saying for myself and perhaps even debate with the sceptics.

        Thank you, this is just the sort of thing I’m looking for.

      • Clint R says:

        Thanks Ark, this is a perfect example of what I’m talking about.

        Supposedly this Figure 8.2 is of two spectra taken at the same place/time, one looking down and one looking up. If that is true, then:

        1. Does the flux balance? Does “flux balance” have any useful meaning?

        2. Can the flux be converted to energy, in a way that means anything?

      • Entropic man says:

        Arkady Ivanovich

        My purpose is to have fun with the science, check what the scientists are saying for myself and perhaps even debate with the sceptics.

        Thank you, this is just the sort of thing I’m looking for.

        CO2 is life, Bindidon.


        Look at the ozone signal on Petty’s graphs. At that wavenumber ozone is saturated.

        The upward radiance from the surface is 50 units, all of which is absor*bed by the ozone. 25 units is then reradiated upwards and 25 units downwards.

        On the first graph looking down you see the 25 units of upward emission.

        On the second graph looking up you see the 25 units of downward emission.

        Between 12 and 8 micrometres is the atmospheric window, with very little GHG absorbtion. Looking down you see all the surface radiation reaching the aircraft. Looking up you see very little downward radiation, because hardly any of the outward radiation is redirected.

        For the 15 micrometres band it is more complex because there H2O absorbing bands within the wider CO2 band.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        2. Can the flux be converted to energy, in a way that means anything?

        Are you asking if energy flux can be converted to energy? Please elaborate.

      • Clint R says:

        Whichever you prefer. The Figure 8.2 graphs have units of “mW/m²*sr*cm^-1”. The bogus “EEI” uses units of W/m².

        Can either be used for “balance”?

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        Your supposed superior knowledge of Physics should carry you past this simple units conversions problem. But I digress.

        By conservation of energy:

        Energy In – Energy Out = Accumulation

        If accumulation = zero, temperature is constant;

        if accumulation > zero, temperature is rising;

        if accumulation < zero temperature is falling.

      • Bindidon says:

        Entropic man

        ” For the 15 micrometres band it is more complex because there H2O absorbing bands within the wider CO2 band. ”

        This becomes a bit stubborn, doesn’t it?

        Please show me definitely, in these two pictures describing absorp~tion/emission intensity as a function of wavelength, altitude and atmospheric abundance, where CO2 and H2O overlap in the range of 5-20 microns:



        This is based on the newest data available: the HITRAN-2020 data base.

      • Clint R says:

        Ark, that can only mean your answer is “yes”.

        Sorry, that’s wrong. Those units don’t “balance”. They’re NOT energy.

      • Entropic man says:


        My apologies, I misunderstood.

        I accepted CO2 is life’s word that there was H2O absor*btion in the 13-17 micrometres band.

        If, as you show, there is no H2O absor*btion in the band, then all of the absor*btion in the 13-17 micrometres band is due to CO2 and CO2 is life is talking complete nonsense.

        I hope he’s reading this.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        So you don’t know how to do units conversions!

        Out of curiosity, have you ever heard of Solid Angle, Steradian, and/or Wavenumber?

        Rhetorical question. I know you haven’t.

      • Clint R says:

        Ark, you’re not paying attention. False accusations don’t bother me. It just means you have NOTHING.

        Fluxes don’t “balance”. A radiative flux is NOT the same as energy. Energy balances, but flux doesn’t.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        I note that you never answer a question.

        A radiative flux is NOT the same as energy.

        The difference between the two is that Energy is a scalar quantity, whereas radiative flux is an energy transfer rate that depends on time and area.

        Energy balances, but flux doesn’t.

        A specific Energy Balance Equation is an application of the Law of Conservation of Energy, accounting for the energy inflow, outflow, generation, and accumulation within a defined system boundary.

        Where did you learn such malarkey?

        Will you ever provide one reference to a scientific text that supports your assertions? Rhetorical question; there isn’t one single reference that supports your opinion!

  69. Arkady Ivanovich says:

    Now there’s antelope grazing
    in range of my gun

    Come opening weekend
    you won’t see a one

    They’ll vanish like ghosts
    ’cause somehow they know

    But now they’re up to the
    fence in the early dawn.

  70. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    The low is still fed by two tropical waves.
    The animation shows another tropical low approaching Florida.

  71. gbaikie says:

    “It appears Joe Biden is now the newest Democrat to jump ship and endorse Trump”

    linked from: https://instapundit.com/

    Maybe he not getting his meds, anymore?

    • RLH says:

      He doesn’t endorse him so your position is false.

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:

      Biden played up his cognitive issues to ensure that he remained the target during the Republican National Convention, then blind sided them by withdrawing which had been decided some weeks before. It’s obvious the GOP have no strategy vis-a-vis Harris/Walz which an earlier withdrawal would have allowed.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        They don’t need a strategy re Harris/Walz. Both are bs artists. Harris has been a lame duck VP, much like Al Gore, who with his wife, Tipper, made a name for themselves looking out for Satanic verses in rock songs.

        Biden made a fool of himself debating Trump then fought vigorously the notion of stepping down. Of course, as he does with climate alarm, he strongly denies the truth.

        Walz lied about his military record in which he claimed to have served abroad. He was a failure as a governor. In a similar manner, Harris was a hypocrite as a lawyer and government official. She campaigned against the death penalty yet helped to enforce it. She fought vigorously to keep wrongfully convicted people in jail.

        As VP, she helped illegal immigrants cross the US southern border and she has opposed oil production. She has been silent on other Dem policies that are killing the US.

      • Willard says:

        > alarm

        That counts as an A-word too.

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:

      I am an Eisenhower Republican and today’s GOP is unrecognizable to me.

      It’s been a wild journey from “America is the greatest country ever, and you’re a traitor if you disagree!!!” conservatism to Trump’s “America is a filthy shithole, but perhaps, with hard work and a lot of deportations, we might rise to the level of Hungary” line.

      Seriously. Why do MAGAs hate this country so much?

      • Clint R says:

        Ark, you obviously have closed your eyes to the increased perversion of society in the USA. And the REAL hatred comes from the Left.

        Maybe take your blinders off?

      • Stephen P Anderson says:


        As usual, you have it back asswards. So, what is an Eisenhower Republican? What did he do that makes you admire his Presidency so much? Trump’s run for Presidency was in response to Obama’s Hope and Change Presidency; bigger government, open borders, weaponizing federal agencies, weakening our military, attacking the Bill of Rights, attacking our children. MAGA understands that making America great means reducing spending and debt, securing our borders, strengthening our military, shrinking federal agencies, protecting our children, and protecting the Bill of Rights. Trump was created by MAGA, not the other way.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        Trump was created by MAGA, not the other way.

        Okay, let me ask you this then: Since I had no idea we had to hide our pets from immigrants and that Kamala Harris was performing transgender surgery on immigrants; is happening before or after they give birth and execute their babies?

    • Bindidon says:

      I am amazed at all the people here who talk endlessly about Biden and his (obvious) shortcomings.

      Because it seems to me that none of them really noticed how desperately Trump lacked self-control halfway through the debate with Harris.

      Immigrants eating Americans’ pets?

      Is this the level you can expect from a real statesman during such a major debate about America’s future?

      All I have seen is a more and more aggressive old man who cannot escape his catastrophically ridiculous claims.

      • Eric says:

        Biden was *forced out* from the ’24 race because he performed worse than Trump. Joy did not perform much better, but will the assigned president nevertheless.

        Pets is a *meme*. To keep the talk at the border czar that wasn’t much czar or border anything. Trump ran on the wall. Democrats ran on doubling down on the illegal immigration.

        I hope this explains it a bit. The US is totally destroyed by the good people lying about politics, making Trump look like the better option!

        Say it is not so, because it is.

      • Willard says:

        > Democrats ran on doubling down on the illegal immigration.

        At least you tried.

  72. Gordon Robertson says:

    clint…”An increase in internal energy does NOT always mean an increase in temperature. Temperature corresponds to kinetic energy of molecules. And that kinetic energy corresponds to molecular vibrations, with higher frequency vibrations being able to increase kinetic energy over lower frequency vibrations.

    IOW, it takes the right kind of energy to raise temperature. Thats why you cant boil water with ice cubes, no matter how much ice you have”.


    Heat corresponds to KE, in fact, heat is defined as the KE of atoms. Temperature is simply a human invention to measure the relative level of heat. Actually, Clausius, who defined internal energy for the 1st law, claimed it is a summation of heat (thermal energy) and the work (mechanical energy) in the vibration of atoms in a mass. He specified that heat is required to activate the vibrations.

    Yes, thermal energy, aka heat, is the right energy to raise temperature.

    • Clint R says:

      Sorry gordon, but you’re wrong again.

      In thermodynamics, “heat” is defined as the transfer of energy from “hot” to “cold”. Typically, that corresponds to an increased temperature of the “cold”, and a decreased temperature of the “hot”. “Internal energy” is different. An increase in internal energy does not always result in an increase in temperature.


      (I have no expectation that you will learn any of this. You can’t learn. You don’t even know what time it is.)

      • Ball4 says:

        Gordon 1:01am: temperature is not heat. Clausius heat is defined as a measure of the total KE of atoms in an object.

        Clint 6:03 am: Humorously since in thermodynamics “an increase in internal energy does not always result in an increase in temperature” violates 2LOT in any real thermodynamic process, such is only true in Clint’s faulty imagination, not in real experiments.

        But then Clint R doesn’t do experiments thus Clint R is free to imagine any real process in science.

      • Entropic man says:


        To further confuse Clint R, there is one way to add internal heat without raising the temperature.

        When you melt ice at 0C in a glass you add heat to break the bonds between H2O molecules. The extra heat become kinetic energy of the molecules in the liquid, but the temperature remains at 0C until the last of the ice melts.

        The amount of latent heat used to melt the ice is surprisingly large. Adding the same amount again would increase the temperature of the water by 80C!

        If you have a glass, some ice and a thermometer you can try this at home. Ain’t science fun!

      • Ball4 says:

        No Clint R, you humorously missed a minus sign. The massive object added has a temperature colder than the object to which it is added so the thermodynamic internal energy is reduced in the combination.

        Clint’s faulty imagination is at work again but funny to read his comments.

      • Clint R says:

        Sometimes I actually feel sorry for the cult kids.

        Here, poor Ball4 has imagined a “massive object”, where none was mentioned. Then, he demonstrated his ignorance of thermodynamics by claiming adding internal energy requires a minus sign!

        I said he wouldn’t be able to understand, so Ball4 proves me right, again.

      • Ent,

        “When you melt ice at 0C in a glass you add heat to break the bonds between H2O molecules. The extra heat become kinetic energy of the molecules in the liquid, but the temperature remains at 0C until the last of the ice melts.”

        Interesting, how you add heat? What is the process of adding heat?
        Can you describe a mechanism of adding heat?


      • Ball4 says:

        Clint R 1:05 pm now forgets his own comment proving Clint wrong yet again: “where none was mentioned” even though Clint mentioned: “in a quantity of ice”.

        Very funny new gaffe Clint; your status as top blog laughing stock remains intact.

      • Clint R says:

        Keep proving me right Ball4.

        I can take it.

      • Entropic man says:

        Christos Vournas

        You don’t have to make any special arrangements to add heat to a glass of ice.

        The last time I did this with my nephew I just left the glass of ice on the table and the heat from its surroundings was enough to thaw the ice.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        b4…”Gordon 1:01am: temperature is not heat. Clausius heat is defined as a measure of the total KE of atoms in an object”.


        Once again, KE does not reference any particular energy, it is only a descriptor for any energy in motion. When Clausius defined heat as the KE of atoms he was obviously referring to the sum of the internal heat and the internal mechanical energy (work) in atomic vibration. If you read him further, he defined internal energy as the sum of the heat is a body and the vibrational energy of atomic vibration.

        Therefore the total KE in a body internally is KE(heat) + KE(work).

        However, heat is the critical factor. As Clausius explained, heat added to a solid is used partly to increase internal vibration and partly to raise temperature.

        We know that it true because heating a solid like iron causes it to expand. The overall increased vibrations actually cause the dimensions to increase.

        Then, along came Einstein and tried to foist the propaganda on us that a steel ruler will change its dimension by traveling at speeds closer to the speed of light.

        Yeah, pull the other leg, Albert.

      • Ball4 says:

        Gordon 11:28 pm, your written words are very confused. To have any credibility at all, when referencing Clausius, write for clarity Clausius’ own translated words in his memoirs for any general thermodynamic process:

        “I consider my original definition of (U) as representing the sum of the (measure of (the particles KE)) added to the quantity already present and of that expended in interior work, starting from any given initial state, as perfectly exact”

        “the increase in the quantity of (the measure of (the particles KE)) actually contained in a body, and the (measure of (the particles KE)) consumed by interior work during a change of condition, are magnitudes of which we commonly do not know the individual values”

        which in context resulted in Clausius’ eqn. for any thermodynamic process over time:


  73. CO2isLife says:

    Entropic man says:
    September 13, 2024 at 5:26 AM
    CO2 is life.


    This is elementary stuff.

    In the band between 13 and 17 micrometres CO2 and H2O absorb 100% of the upward longwave radiation from the surface. They then reradiate 50% upwards and 50% downwards.

    Ugh, what part of you can only absorb 100% don’t you understand? H2O saturates absorption, you done need CO2.

    1 mole NA + 1 Mole CL = 1 Mole NACL

    1 mole NA + 10 Moles CL = 1 Mole NACL

    Adding more to a saturated system doesn’t change the outcome.

    • Entropic man says:

      Returning to my original OLR graph.


      Look to the left of the CO2 band at wavenumber 500. The gap between the black OLR line and the red surface emission surface emission line above it is about 30 flux units, which is half what the H2O is absor*bing, 60 units.

      Move slightly right to wavenumber 650 and the middle of the CO2 band. The gap is now 230 flux units, half the total absor*btion by CO2 and water, 460 flux units.

      If the total absor*btion is 460 units and H2O is absor*bing 60 units, then CO2 is absor*bing 460-60 = 400 units.

      The C02 is doing 400/460*100 = 87% of the absor*bing and H2O is absor*bing 13%.

      In this band CO2 is absor*bing more than six times as much upward radiation as H2O and is clearly the dominant factor.

    • Entropic man says:

      A 6 inch pizza has an area of 30 square inches.

      A 9 inch pizza has an area of 60 square inches.

      Eating 100% of a 9 inch pizza you are eating twice as much food as eating 100% of a six inch pizza.

      When you add extra CO2 to the atmosphere it makes the absorption band wider and makes more energy available to be absorbed.

      Today the band is four micrometres wide and CO2 absorbs 400 radiance units. In the past with less CO2 the band was only 3 micrometres side and only 300 radiance units were available.

      In both cases the CO2 absorbed 100% of the energy available.

      Increased band width means that 100% absorption gives you more DWLR as the CO2 concentration increases.

      • CO2isLife says:

        “When you add extra CO2 to the atmosphere it makes the absorption band wider and makes more energy available to be absorbed.”

        So the quantum mechanics of the CO2 molecule actually change? Vibrational states are determined/impacted by the concentration? How? Especially considering it is only 1 out of every 2,500 molecules? Are you saying changing CO2 from 1 out of every 3,333 molecules to 1 out of every 2,500 alters the quantum mechanics of a molecule? I could see that maybe at high concentrations, but 0.04%?

        Even if I agree with your point. H2O can be 4 out of every 100 molecules, and H2O also absorbs a wider band, in fact they absorb most of the LWIR SPectrum.

        Once again, you can only absorb 100% and H2O does that. Simply go test it at MODTRAN.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        co2…”So the quantum mechanics of the CO2 molecule actually change? Vibrational states are determined/impacted by the concentration? How? Especially considering it is only 1 out of every 2,500 molecules?”


        This is what alarmists don’t understand. A gas with a concentration of only 0.04% cannot possibly absorb a significant amount of surface radiation. And it definitely has nothing to do with the quantum mechanics of surface atoms which have already dissipated their heat as the radiation occurs. Ergo, neither Co2 nor WV can trap heat or affect the rate of heat dissipation.

        The rate of heat dissipation at the surface is totally dependent on the average temperature of all air molecules in contact with the surface. Since they are in thermal equilibrium for the most part no heat should be transferred. However, due to gravity and heated air molecules rising, the heated air is replaced by cooler air from above, allowing a heat transfer surface to atmosphere.

        As you claim, there is only 1 CO2 molecules per 2500 molecules of N2 and O2. Just a sunlight penetrates those molecules, outgoing surface radiation penetrates the air molecules as well so much so that only less than 10% of the surface radiation is affected.

        BTW…quantum mechanics applies only to the electrons of atoms in molecules. Talking about molecular vibration is ingenuous since all pertinent vibration is produced by electron orbitals, including the bonding molecules that connect atoms to make a molecule. The positive charge on the nucleus protons is important but it is a static quantity. The variable affecting vibration is all in the electron bonds. They are the only ones affected by heat and EM radiation.

    • bobdroege says:


      “Ugh, what part of you can only absorb 100% dont you understand? H2O saturates absorption, you done need CO2.”

      No such thing as saturation, both CO2 and H2O vapor still have plenty of molecular bonds in the ground state, able to absorb IR.

      CO2 and H2O vapor both absorb, so both are working together.

      If the surface gets warmer and emits more, the CO2 and H2O will still absorb most all of the radiation in the bands it can absorb.

  74. CO2isLife says:

    opic man says:
    September 13, 2024 at 11:30 AM
    CO2 is life

    Bindidon just made clear to me that there is no H2O absor*btion in the 13-17 micrometres band.

    ???? That isn’t even debaitable.

    You can also test that at Spectral Calc.

    It depends on the concentration and length of the Gas Cell, but both CO2 and H2O absorb between 12 and 18 Micron Peak 15. CO2 is more efficient than H2O but the both absord the same wavelengths…unless the computer is wrong…which it isn’t.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Entropic man says:
      September 13, 2024 at 11:14 AM

      My apologies, I misunderstood.

      I accepted CO2 is lifes word that there was H2O absor*btion in the 13-17 micrometres band.

      If, as you show, there is no H2O absor*btion in the band, then all of the absor*btion in the 13-17 micrometres band is due to CO2 and CO2 is life is talking complete nonsense.

      I hope hes reading this.

      What are you guys talking about. Yes, H2O does absorb between 12 and 18 Micron Peak 15. It certainly absorbs 15 Micron. That is demonstrated by every graph and using the Gas Cell at Spectralcalc.

  75. Entropic man says:

    CO2 does not just absorb at one 15 micrometer wavelength spike. Either side for several micrometers are other smaller spikes. The amount absorbed by the various spikes varies with CO2 concentration and the presence of other gases including N2, O2 and argon.

    I’ll let the sceptic Clive Best explain the details.


    • CO2isLife says:

      Once again, go to SpectralCalc and use the GasCell Function. Yes, H2O absorbs in those ranges but yes CO2 absorbs more at a lower concentration and a shorter distance.

      Either way, what is important. 12 to 18 Micron, peak 15 is to the right of the atmospheric window. What does that mean? To the left of the bottom of the atmospheric window are temperatures above 64F/18C. If you go to the right of the atmospheric windowds you are dealing with temperatures below 64F/18C. 15 micron is literally -80C, so CO2 is very eficient at absorbing outgoing radiation in very cold environoments. That makes since because H2O precipitates out below 0C, so practically, only CO2 exists anyways in those environoments, and all CO2 does is put a floor in the temperature, like it does in the stratoshpere, it doesn’t result in warming…unless adding ice can warm coffee.

  76. John W says:


    “CO2 makes up 390 ppm (0.039%)* of the atmosphere, how can such a small amount be important? Saying that CO2 is “only a trace gas” is like saying that arsenic is “only” a trace water contaminant. Small amounts of very active substances can cause large effects. “

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      john…I don’t read fiction from sites like skepticalscience. The leader of the group, John Cook, is an undergrad who passes himself off as a solar scientist. He does not work in science he is a cartoonist.

      He created a bs analysis that offered the conclusion that 97% of scientists support the AGW theory. His analysis was royally panned by real scientists.

      Note in the following link how Cook is wearing a Nazi uniform. Is this what you support?


      Cook’s identity left of physicist Lubos Motl.


      • Willard says:

        > an undergrad

        Cranky Uncle is created by John Cook, a senior research fellow at the Melbourne Centre for Behaviour Change at the University of Melbourne. He obtained his PhD at the University of Western Australia, studying the cognitive psychology of climate science denial. His research focus is understanding and countering misinformation about climate change. In 2007, he founded Skeptical Science, a website which won the 2011 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for the Advancement of Climate Change Knowledge and 2016 Friend of the Planet Award from the National Center for Science Education. John authored the book Cranky Uncle vs. Climate Change, that combines climate science, critical thinking, and cartoons to explain and counter climate misinformation.


        This app could be useful for those who pay attention to the comment section of this blog.

    • Bindidon says:

      John W

      I suddenly see below your comment:

      ” Note in the following link how Cook is wearing a Nazi uniform. Is this what you support? ”

      As always, ignoramus-in-chief Robertson posts links to what he has no knowledge about.

      You just need to spend a few minutes in Google to discover that the source of the picture (of course locally) posted by the McIntyre boy is not 100% identifiable. It was probably posted at SKS in the comment section and quickly pasted by someone just before it was removed.

      You find the same stuff at WUWT


      at Jonova


      even at the harsh pseudo-skeptic site


      and finally, also at a ‘religious’ site (hmmmmh)



      The very best is to see how dirty it gets step by step when you look at the populartechnology site’s head post about the picture:

      ” Skeptical Science is a climate alarmist website created by a self-employed cartoonist, John Cook (who apparently pretends to be a Nazi). ”

      This IS EXACTLY what the disgusting boy Robertson, as a friend of discrediting, denigrating and lying, 100% supports.

      • John W says:

        Thanks for the links. Being falsely labeled a Nazi online is one of the most damaging accusations someone can face. I sympathize with Mr. Cook.

        This situation also exposes the irony in climate skeptics’ claims that the other side is silencing or discrediting them unfairly.

  77. Gordon Robertson says:

    ent…”When you melt ice at 0C in a glass you add heat to break the bonds between H2O molecules. The extra heat become kinetic energy of the molecules in the liquid, but the temperature remains at 0C until the last of the ice melts”.

    The amount of latent heat used to melt the ice is surprisingly large. Adding the same amount again would increase the temperature of the water by 80C!”


    The scary part for me is that you are a teacher and you are filling kids heads with your pseudo-science.

    It is not latent heat per se melting the ice, it is added, external heat. You asked Christos with great naivete, where the added heat comes from? Where else can it come from with a glass of ice sitting on a table when the ambient temperature is room temperature (20C). It comes from air molecules.

    The latent heat part is a reference only to the external heat that serves to break ice molecule bonds while keeping the temperature relatively constant.

    Of course, according to Clint, this is not heat. He has defined heat as a mysterious energy that is being transferred hot to cold. He won’t name the energy being transferred but he insists it is not heat. I keep asking him to name the energy being transferred but all Clint offers is insults and ad homs.

    In a similar manner, you are talking about latent heat and how amazing it is, yet you appear to have no idea what it is. The latent heat of melting ice is the heat absorbed to enable ice molecules to break into a liquid. The heat with a glass of ice on a table must come from the room air molecules. However, latent heat in this situation only refers to the transition phase from solid to liquid.

    You are an alarmist who is an alarmist out of sheer emotion. You have adopted a cause and you lack the science to support it. Of course, with skeptics like Clint supporting you it makes it more difficult for skeptics to get the real science message across.

    • Clint R says:

      gordon, you’re doing the same things again. You’re misrepresenting me and falsely accusing me. You’re doing the same things over and over, hoping for different results. That’s insane.

      Nonsense from you: “He won’t name the energy being transferred but he insists it is not heat.”

      That’s a complete fabrication. I have explained it to you several times. I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you. You have a hard time with “truth”.

      More nonsense from you: “Of course, with skeptics like Clint supporting you…”

      Another false accusation. I continually admonish Ent for his made-up crap, as I admonish you for yours. Neither of you can learn because you both are in cults — separate cults, but cults nevertheless.

      You have a hard time with truth and reality. Please seek professional therapy. You’re a sicko.

  78. Gordon Robertson says:

    More on latent heat, a subject that can prove controversial.

    Latent heat is not a magical heat that appears from nowhere. Technically, it is defined for a change of state from solid to liquid, or liquid to gas. The terms applied are the latent heat of fusion and latent heat of evapourization. Both occur at only one temperature at STP, either 0C or 100C.

    Both require the addition of external heat.

    How about evapouration that takes place between 0C and 100C? I certainly does not take place at a certain temperature, it can occur at any temperature between the two limits. The degree of evapouration in between depends on the humidity, or the amount of WV in the air.

    It would seem that latent heat applies only at the freezing point and boiling points of water. However, you will see people applying the latent heat of vaporization at temperatures between 0c and 100C.

    Obviously, if solar energy is converted to heat in sea water, it can break the weak bonds holding water molecules together. As the bonds break, heat is released. According to the experiment of the scientist Joule, agitating water with a small paddle releases heat in the water. It would appear that the heat is a result of broken water bonds.

    Some of the water molecules could conceivably escape as vapour and that would be a result of mechanical action rather than thermal action. it seems then that evapouration could conceivably be the result of another process than heat.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Gordon, I think this is backwards.

      “Obviously, if solar energy is converted to heat in sea water, it can break the weak bonds holding water molecules together. As the bonds break, heat is released.”

      I think evaporation creates the latent heat and evaporation releases it. That is one way heat is transfered out of the system. Water absorbs heat, evaporates, carries the heat to altitude, condences, and releases the heat at a higher altitude.

      “Yes, when water condenses, it releases heat into the surrounding environment; this is because as water vapor turns back into liquid, the molecules become more organized, releasing energy in the form of heat.
      Key points about condensation and heat release:
      Latent heat: The heat released during condensation is called “latent heat”.”

  79. Earth is a planet, like any other planet we know in solar system.

    Neither Stefan, no Boltzmann said anything about planets being ideal blackbodies.

    Hansen compared the theorized planet UNIFORM surface temperature
    (the Earth’s EFFECTIVE temperature Te =255K) with the Satellite Measured Earth’s average surface temperature Tmean =288K.

    Those temperatures, the planet UNIFORM surface temperature, and the planet AVERAGE surface temperature are different Physical Terms.

    By Hansen’s idealized Formula, when considering a planet AVERAGE surface temperature, it cannot mathematically exceed the same planet idealized UNIFORM surface temperature.

    Thus, Hansen resumed, the satellite measured Earth’s AVERAGE surface temperature Tmean =288K,
    is at least +33Cwarmer than the theorized Earth’s UNIFORM temperature 255K.

    The +33C had to be somehow explained. So it was attributed to the not existent (the very insignificant) the Earth’s atmosphere Greenhouse Effect.

    Also, it was asserted, the above very confusing and very mistaken conclusion (the Earth having at least +33C (Greenhouse Effect), it was asserted the above was in full accordance with the 1st Law of Thermodynamics (1LOT).

    They ignored the INITIAL Fundamental Mistake, they had made.

    The Stefan-Boltzmann emission law cannot be used wise-versa. One cannot determine a surface temperature by simply measuring the radiative flux’s intensity falling upon it.


    • Gordon Robertson says:

      christos…the original Stefan equation had no emissivity parameter in it. It was strictly a relationship between the colour given off by a platinum filament wire heated electrically between the temperatures of about 500C and 1500C. Stefan did not care about emissivity, just the colour of EM given off, which indicated the frequency/wavelength (colour temperature). That gave him an idea of the ratio of temperature to EM intensity.

      Stefan’s student was Boltzmann. He was a theoretician who applied probability theory to imaginary atoms in a gas and he would be the influence on Stefan re expanding the simply Stefan equation into the more complex and theoretical form it is in today.

      In my opinion, Boltzmann was wrong in his theories. He started the theory that entropy could be stated using statistical mechanics, thus leading generations of scientists in the wrong direction. Entropy was defined by Clausius, who based it on the infinitesimal sum of heat quantities used up in a reaction. Boltzmann related entropy to disorder and for some reason his definition has been adopted by many.

  80. Clint R says:

    Don’t worry, this isn’t the start of a new ice age. Earth is just showing off one of its cooling systems:


  81. CO2isLife says:

    Will someone please explain the relavance of GHGs not being ideal Blackbodies?

    Neither Stefan, no Boltzmann said anything about planets being ideal blackbodies.

    The whole point is that the Blackbody represents the TOTAL energy.

    A GHG will absorb and rediate A SMALL FRACTION of a blackbody.

    Why is that important? That is important because when CO2 is matched againts a blackbody “THAT OVERSTATES THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY THAT CO2 COULD ACTUALLY ABSORB AND RE-RADIATE.

    By comparing CO2 to a BLackbody like I and others do, we are erroring to the high side of any possible effect CO2 can cause. The Blackbody represents a MAXIMUM, when in realty CO2 is only a small fraction of the total energy represented under a Blackbody.

    • Willard says:

      > Will someone please explain the relavance of GHGs not being ideal Blackbodies?

      Greenhouse gases are real.

      You’re welcome.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Willard, you are completely missing the point. A blackbody represents a Maximum amount of energy represented by radiator. In this case the earth is the radiator and no it is not a Blackbody. The earth emits a spectrum consistent with a body of temperature 64F/18C. That is why the atmospheric window is centered around 9 Microns. 9 Microns is consistent with temperature around 64F/18C. The key point is that physics determines the GHG Effect. There is extremely little energy between 12 and 18 Microns Peak of 15, AND CO2 DOESN’T ABSORB 100% of IT. A blackbody OVERREPRESENTS the energy CO2 can contirbute to warming. That is the whole point, a blackbody OVERSTATES the possible affect of CO2 on climate change. BTW, the one and only defined mechainism by which CO2 can affect the climate is through the thermalization, ie warming, of the atmosphere. It can not cause cooling as defined by the vibrational states of a CO2 molecule. Vibrations can only cause warming.

      • Willard says:

        > OVERSTATES

        Not really, for that idealization is normalized throughout the spectrum.

        A model is a model is a model.

      • bobdroege says:


        “It can not cause cooling as defined by the vibrational states of a CO2 molecule. Vibrations can only cause warming.”

        Yes it can cause cooling, that’s what is does in the stratosphere.

        By emitting to space.

    • A black body, by definition, has uniform surface temperature.

      Also a blackbody, by definition, is already warmed at some temperature body. When emitting, a blackbody has a steady temperature, which is supported by an unlimited inner energy source.

      A blackbody is not supposed to get warmed by any kind of incident on it radiation. A blackbody, by definition, simply absorbs all incident on it radiation (it is a not reflecting body).

      But that’s it. When a blackbody absorbs the incident on it radiation, by definition, nothing happens to the blackbody surface temperature.


      • Entropic man says:

        Christos, CO2 is life

        Real world objects are not black bodies, they are known as grey bodies because they absor*b and radiate slightly less energy than an ideal black body.

        This is allowed for in the Stefan-Boltzmann equation by adding the emissivity term.

        For water you can measure absor*ption and emission and you find that they absor*b and radiate about 95% of the values predicted for an ideal black body. The emissivity for water is therefore 0.95. Factoring this into the SB equation allows you to calculate the real world behaviour of water.

        And yes, physicists have sufficient wit to include emissivity in their calculations, though sceptics struggle with the concept.

      • Neither Stefan, no Boltzmann said a word about term emissivity.

        They used a single coefficient “σ”.

        Emissivity “ε” is a different coeffficient for every different surface.

        Thus, there is the combained coefficient “ε*σ”, wich is different for every different surface.


      • CO2isLife says:

        Entropic man says:
        September 14, 2024 at 10:20 AM
        Christos, CO2 is life

        Real world objects are not black bodies,

        Ugh!!! Please explain how that is relevant to the GHG Effect, the earth’s IR radiation, and the CO2 molecule.

        No one denies they aren’t blackbodies, I’ve explained that above. Please explain how you think that benefits your belief that CO2 is the cause of all climate change? Please put things in context. Note, anything less that a blackbody contains LESS energy to cause climate change with. That is the whole point. Not being a blackbody doesn’t help your case.

      • CO2isLife says:

        bobdroege says:
        September 14, 2024 at 10:20 AM

        It can not cause cooling as defined by the vibrational states of a CO2 molecule. Vibrations can only cause warming.

        Yes it can cause cooling, thats what is does in the stratosphere.

        By emitting to space.

        I stand corrected, you are correct. My point was relevant to the CO2 molecule itself and near the surface where climate is affected.

        In reality, CO2 does warm the stratosphere, that is why it doesn’t fall below -80C. It does help move energy out of the system, but the vibrating CO2 molecules prevent it from falling below -80C.

      • Entropic man says:

        What case? Emissivity is what it is.

      • bobdroege says:



        But CO2 does not warm the stratosphere, Ozone does that, CO2 cools the stratosphere.

    • Ken says:

      Aren’t absorption and emissivity characteristics measured and recorded in HITRAN?

  82. Willard says:


    To understand the partisanship and bitterness of American politics today, you have to consider what happened in 1994. Steve Kornacki, National Political Correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC, steps back from the Big Board to tell the origin story of the 1994 Republican “revolution,” the midterm election when the GOP took the House majority for the first time in four decades. It was set in motion by Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich, who – over the course of 15 years – pushed Republicans in a direction of confrontation and conservatism. Steve talks with Newt’s allies and adversaries about backroom strategy sessions and dramatic battles on the House floor. As yet another midterm threatens to upend the political landscape, Kornacki hears echoes of 1994 everywhere. Follow now and join Steve Kornacki through all six episodes, out October 31st.


    So if there’s one guy to blame for the MAGA craze (it too shall pass), blame Newt.

    • gbaikie says:

      Newt was part of the story of how a New York Dem, won a republican presidential primary. But in terms of “MAGA craze” an significant factor related to this is the Trump Derangement Syndrome, one could blame Newt for causing it, but going so far as saying he “knowingly caused it” seems rather unlikely to me. I tend to think of pols as rather simple creatures, and not god like geniuses.

  83. Bindidon says:

    Regardless what some people might think about CO2, one thing remains, namely that we measure since quite a while at numerous places a lot of radiative components, e.g.:

    – downwelling SW
    – upwelling SW
    – downwelling LW
    – upwelling LW


    For example, Fort Peck in Montana, USA:


    with data:


    A plot of data for Sep 1, 2024:


    As anyone can see, the surface does not stop emitting infrared at night, when the sunny boy does not shine.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      You did not mention that conduction/convection is 260 times more efficient at removing heat than radiation. By night time, most of the heat has been dissipated by convection.

    • Bindidon says:

      As usual, the pseudo-skeptic Robertson fool once more ‘forgot’ that his Shula/Pirani nonsense has been disproven and that convection is also a 100% non-sequitur in relation to what I wrote.

      The graphs I posted links to, show data recorded by pyranometers and pyrgeometers (of course, devices that coincidentally have always been discredited by all pseudo-skeptics).

      And to make this clear once and for all, the graphs above do not show heat, but… long-wave infrared radiation produced as the Earth’s response to short-wave solar radiation.

      But like always, Robertson deliberately will ignore that his lies and nonsensical statements were contradicted, and repeat them ad nauseam, like the non-existence of time, GPS needing no relativistic corrections or even German courts having allegedly supported by ruling Lanka’s denial of the existence of the measles virus, etc etc etc.

  84. gbaikie says:

    SpaceXs Starship Plans Thrown Off Course! Whats Really Going On?

    Indeed, what is going on. A lot- and not enough.

    An incomplete future launch list:

    September 16 Falcon 9 Galileo FOC FM26 & FM32
    September 18 Falcon 9 Starlink 9-17
    NET September 25 Falcon 9 Crew 9
    TBD Vulcan Certification Flight 2
    October 7 Falcon 9 Hera
    NET October 10 Falcon Heavy Europa Clipper
    NET November New Glenn NG-1
    TBD Vulcan Centaur Dream Chaser 1
    NET Spring 2025 New Glenn EscaPADE

    A lot of ones missing are the many falcon-9 starlink launch- I guess there is too many to list them.
    And no one knows when Starship will launch.
    My latest “theory” is starship 6 will launch before 5.
    And I would say what we are “really waiting for” is the building enough Raptor 3 engine. And due to delay from FAA, it seems we are waiting for new launch tower to be completed.
    Or critical path to NASA lunar crew landing is having 2 launch towers, and Musk will probably get 4 launch towers or more to actually do that crew landing on the Moon.

    • gbaikie says:

      Other things within next 6 months:
      Second ispace lunar lander planned for launch in December
      Jeff Foust September 12, 2024

      ?Resilience is just one of three lunar landers proposing to launch late this year or early next year on separate Falcon 9 flights. Firefly Aerospaces Blue Ghost 1 lander arrived at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for environmental testing in August ahead of a launch the company says is scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year. Intuitive Machines is also preparing for its second lunar lander mission, called IM-2, set for launch in December or early January.

      The missions, though, will take different paths to the moon after launch. IM-2 will follow a direct trajectory, with a landing about a week after launch. Firefly said its Blue Ghost lander would spend a month in Earth orbit before going into lunar orbit for two weeks ahead of a landing attempt.

      At the briefing, ispaces Ujiie said Mission 2 will follow the same low-energy trajectory as the first mission, with a landing four to five months after launch. “

  85. John W says:


    “You smear Trump Supporters and ignore the real risk threatening democracy.”

    I would say this is threatening to democracy:


    Wouldn’t you say?

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      Just good-old boys having a protest. Seriously over-analyzed by the fake news outlets.

      Here in Canada, the truckers convoy protested covid vaccines being mandatory for some. Our government called them insurrectionists, suggesting they planned to overthrow the country. They froze bank accounts of the truckers and their supporters and made inflammatory statements.

      Now our PM supports giving Ukraine long range weapons so they can attack Russia. Putin has already warned about that, claiming he will use nukes in retaliation.

      We are on the bring of a nuclear war and you are splitting hairs while pushing propaganda about catastrophic climate change.

      At least here in the province of BC, our Premier is showing signs of sanity. He is looking into getting rid of our carbon tax.

    • CO2isLife says:

      “I would say this is threatening to democracy:”

      Really, have you bothered to watch the actual videos? Listen to the Jan 6th Committee’s deliberately misrepresent, obstruct, and conceal evidence? They repeatedly tell lies about a Cop being killed. They selectively targeted people to prosecute. They didn’t however prosecute the obvious agitators. Who were those people dressed like Antifa breaking the windows? Why weren’t they arrested. Who built the gallows? Why weren’t they arrested. Why hasn’t the FBI found the pipe bomber? Why didn’t Nancy Pelosi call in the guard and why would she have her Daughter there to film everything.

      I guess you think the 51 Spies that Lied did so honestly even though the FBI had the laptop for a full year, and then the FBI worked to censor the news on social media.

      You never cried when Democratic burned, rioted and looted for 4 years, and you don’t seem to care about the unequal application of the law, and the fact that the Democrats literally just pulled off a Coup and we now have a candidate that is running for president without ever getting a single vote.

      Those are real threats to Democracy.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Endless lies promoted by the Media

      Putin endorces Kamala

      BTW, Putin knew there was no “Russian Collusion” and he remianed the Democrats to impeach Trump. Putin has a 2nd Hunter Laptop and there have been no leaks. Biden and Hunter aided Ukraine, Russia, and China develep CONVENTIONAL ENERGY Project and worked against domestic production and Biden approved the Nordstream and banned the Keystone and ANWR. Simply connect the dots.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Google “Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List (Updated)
      By Sharyl Attkisson | August 22, 2024”

      Link won’t post. A corrupt media is a real threat to democracy.

    • CO2isLife says:

      The media lies and gaslights everything

    • CO2isLife says:

      2nd Assisination attempt on President Trump, and John W and others like him are obsessed with the False Flag Jan 6th Operation. They will believe anything, accept every hoax, fall for every False Flag, because they simply see what they want to see. If President Trump loses, Democrats may put him is prison. Want to end Democracy, that would do it.

      • Willard says:

        For some reason Life left some details:

        Follow the latest news on the [Donold] shooting as suspect is identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, who voted for [Donold] in 2016 before writing this year he wanted to see him ‘gone’


        Who had a Republican-gun-nut-who-is-a-Haley-fan-but-voted-for-Donold-in-2016 on their bingo card?

      • John W says:


        There is no evidence to support the extremist idea that January 6th was a ‘false flag operation.’ There have been extensive investigations by the FBI and various congressional committees that have found the violence was primarily driven by supporters of Donald Trump, acting on his DISinformation and extremist rhetoric. Do you want to discredit the FBI?

        Mitch McConnell also described January 6th as a ‘violent insurrection.’ His stance is very significant and is in alignment with the views of many politicians across the political spectrum.

        Respectfully, your views strike me as extremist.


      • Nate says:

        “The alignment and corruption of the FBI, CIA, NAS, Academia, Judiciary, Media, NGOs, and Big Tech against the America people is the greatest threat to democracy.”

        Uggh, is there anyone you might be forgetting who may have already joined this ‘massive conspiracy’?

        What about the Jewish space lasers? Taylor Swift? Disney? The KC Chiefs?

        Remember, they are all out to get ya, CO2islife!

      • Nate says:

        “If President Trump loses, Democrats may put him is prison. Want to end Democracy, that would do it.”

        Right, because according to MAGA world, some people are above the law!

        Recall how DT said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue, and people would still vote for him!

        This seems to be more true than ever.

  86. gbaikie says:

    –LEO BEATS GEO: United Airlines bumps GEO operators off fleet for Starlink Wi-Fi.

    United, which has more routes across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans than any other airline, plans to offer passengers high-speed, low-latency Starlink Wi-Fi for free.

    Everything you can do on the ground, youll soon be able to do onboard a United plane at 35,000 feet, just about anywhere in the world, United CEO Scott Kirby said in a statement.

    According to United, supported Starlink services would include live streaming, gaming and the ability to connect multiple devices at once under one user.

    On the one hand, yay, progress. On the other hand, I usually dont even connect to existing aircraft wifi because I enjoy reading my book in peace.
    Posted at 9:00 pm by Glenn Reynolds —

    • gbaikie says:

      Also linked from:
      NEO Surveyor: NASAs Next Leap in Asteroid Defense
      By Jet Propulsion LaboratorySeptember 14, 2024
      “NASAs NEO Surveyor, an infrared space telescope, is under construction at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, aimed at detecting hard-to-find asteroids and comets that pose a threat to Earth.

      Set for a 2027 launch, this spacecraft will operate from the L1 Lagrange point, using advanced infrared detectors to spot and track near-Earth objects, including dark asteroids and potential Earth Trojans. Its mission is enhanced by a collaborative effort across institutions, ensuring a robust approach to planetary defense.”

      “Targeting launch in late 2027, the spacecraft will travel a million miles to a region of gravitational stability called the L1 Lagrange point between Earth and the Sun. From there, its large sunshade will block the glare and heat of sunlight, allowing the mission to discover and track near-Earth objects as they approach Earth from the direction of the Sun, which is difficult for other observatories to do. The space telescope also may reveal asteroids called Earth Trojans, which lead and trail our planets orbit and are difficult to see from the ground or from Earth orbit.”

      Hmm, finding more Earth Trojans, would be cool, also.

  87. gbaikie says:

    HARMONY OF RESILIENCE (Violin cover) by Sarah Gillis | Rey’s Thttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD1ixTr4JWYheme by John Williams | Polaris Dawn

    Linked from:

  88. Gordon Robertson says:

    co2…”I think evaporation creates the latent heat and evaporation releases it. That is one way heat is transfered out of the system. Water absorbs heat, evaporates, carries the heat to altitude, condences, and releases the heat at a higher altitude”.


    Evapouration is the result of water molecules breaking the bonds that hold them in liquid form. Therefore it is simply a description of that process. it doesn’t describe the underlying atomic process.

    Ask yourself, how do the water molecule bonds get the energy to break apart? They are held together by weak hydrogen bonds, which are bonds formed by dipole action.

    If you look at a hydrogen molecule it has one oxygen atom covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms by electron bonds. In this case, the oxygen is not a molecule but a simple atom. The angle formed between the bonds is about 105 degrees. The oxygen end is relatively more negative than the hydrogen ends which is relatively positive. Therefore you have two dipoles with a common oxygen atom end.

    If this interests you, look up electronegativity, a term coined by Linus Pauling to describe the affinity certain atoms have for attracting orbiting electrons. Put simply, oxygen has 8 electrons and hydrogen only one. Therefore the bonds formed between the O-atom and the H-atoms is a natural dipole. This is because, as the electron orbits both the O- and H-atoms, it spends more time at the oxygen end of the bonds, making it more negative than the H-ends.

    If those dipoles in a water molecule interact with the dipoles in another water molecule, the negatives attract the positives and vice-versa. To break such a bonds, energy is required in the form of heat or EM. That’s because the electrostatic forces binding the water molecules needs energy to break them.

    Remember, those bonds are electrons orbiting both the O- and H-atoms. If you give the electrons more energy, it affects the orbits and that affects the dipole bonds that are fairly weak compared to the O-H bonds. There is also vibration in the bonds and increasing the energy of the electrons in the bonds, likely causes the weak dipole bonds to break apart.

    Breaking these bonds occurs right down to ice, where vapour can be formed via sublimation, where the solid ice converts directly to WV gas. It appears then, that direct sunlight on ice or snow can cause WV release.

    Therefore, evapouration requires external heat or radiation (sometimes an electrical current) to break the hydrogen bonds to free the individual water molecules as vapour. Latent heat refers to the heat absorbed while the process is at a constant temperature. However, the latent heat must be supplied externally to produce evapouration.

    With electrical currents, the stronger O-H bonds themselves can break to produce oxygen and hydrogen.

    • Clint R says:

      gordon appears to be confusing “phase change” with “dissociation”. He know NOTHING about the science. He just keeps pounding on his keyboard, obvious to reality.

      • Ball4 says:

        Clint R 6:56 am sometimes does stumble into writing words that really do point out poor science in comments. Gordon’s 9:52 pm comment is really confused & scientifically incorrect writing in context:

        “Evapouration is the result of water molecules breaking the bonds that hold them in liquid form.”

        The process called “evaporation” is when, every now and then, a water molecule near the liquid water surface acquires enough kinetic energy in collisions with its fellow water molecules to escape their attraction. In that situation, freed up water molecules enter the space above the liquid.

        Thus, evaporation depends on the state of the liquid not the state of the gas above the liquid.

      • Bill hunter says:

        both of you are merely describing the same process as Gordon.

        ”To make water evaporate, energy has to be added. The water molecules in the water absorb that energy individually. Due to this absorption of energy the hydrogen bonds connecting water molecules to one another will break. The molecules are now in the gaseous state; this is called water vapour.”


        Perhaps you can tone down your lack of knowledge some and try to learn something.

      • Clint R says:

        Sorry Bill, but I understand the chemistry. What we have to face is gordon’s incompetent rambling about things he doesn’t understand. Want an example:

        “If you look at a hydrogen molecule it has one oxygen atom covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms by electron bonds.”

        He fills the blog with garbage like that incessantly.

      • Bill hunter says:

        From Google AI:

        ”When an oxygen atom is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms, it forms a water molecule, with the chemical formula H2O; this means one oxygen atom is connected to two hydrogen atoms through shared electron pairs, creating a covalent bond between them.”

        I don’t know what the difference is and I suppose 99.9% of people who are not chemists know. But you might consider reviewing a lot of your own posts about how precisely you print something in here then consider taking a chill pill.

      • Clint R says:

        Bill, a hydrogen molecule does NOT have “one oxygen atom covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms by electron bonds.”

        gordon has incorrectly stated the situation, as usual. And you have obediently tagged along like an obedient puppy dog, now snapping at people that bring you reality.

        Glad you’re joining his cult. He needs membership….

      • Ball4 says:

        Bill 1:27 pm believes what he hears from his daddy without him providing any reliable support for the idea. Bill needs to consult a more informed, critical expert – you know, one with reliable equations backing the prose.

        If I put a bowl of tap water right in the refrigerator, the water still evaporates, Bill. Though at a reduced rate from when the water was equilibrated with the 1bar room temperature
        Evaporation is a cooling process as the avg. KE of the water molecules left behind decreases. Perhaps Bill can tone down his lack of knowledge some and try to learn something.

      • Bill hunter says:

        When an oxygen atom is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms, it forms a water molecule, with the chemical formula H2O; this means one oxygen atom is connected to two hydrogen atoms through shared electron pairs, creating a covalent bond between them.

        Clint R says:

        ”Bill, a hydrogen molecule does NOT have one oxygen atom covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms by electron bonds.”
        Clint seems to think there is a material difference between a ”bond” and a ”sharing electron pairs”.

        As I see it you are trying to play some kind of ”queen’s english” game with Gordon. Sharing is like marriage like a bond. . .like your child.

        Ball4 says:

        ”Evaporation is a cooling process as the avg. KE of the water molecules left behind decreases. Perhaps Bill can tone down his lack of knowledge some and try to learn something.”

        And then Ball4 chimes in with something I wasn’t even talking about as if he actually believes he is telling me something I don’t already know.

        You two are neck and neck for my nomination for the jerk of the month award in this forum. Don’t either of you have a better use for your time?

      • Ball4 says:

        Correcting Bill’s faulty 1:27 pm comment is a decent use of time since to make water evaporate – energy does not have to be added contrary to his comment. Thermal energy can be subtracted as in the experiment I noted and water will still evaporate but at a slower rate and lower temperature than STP. I do understand name calling is Bill’s only available defense.

      • Bill hunter says:


        The only thing I posted at 1:27 was a quote from the website of a company in Holland that specializes in water technology.

        And we have Ball 4 with his horrible reading comprehension skills attributing that to me, attacking the company as incompetent when he apparently as absolutely no credentials and no doubt never rose to a senior staff position in any science based profession.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        Bill…thanks for your input. It helps to have a measured voice of reason when attacked by climate alarmists and their friends.

      • Ball4 says:

        Bill now attempts to distance himself from his 1:27 pm link & laughs at it. Good move Bill. The blog remembers.

  89. Gordon Robertson says:

    clint…”Nonsense from you: He wont name the energy being transferred but he insists it is not heat.

    Thats a complete fabrication. I have explained it to you several times. I can explain it to you, but I cant understand it for you. You have a hard time with truth”.


    Still no humour. You have never explained what energy is transferred, you have only inferred that internal energy is actually thermal energy. That’s only partially true since Clausius defined internal energy for solids as internal heat plus the internal work in vibrating molecules. Clausius had no problem referencing thermal energy as heat.

    Therefore there are only two energy forms available to transfer: heat and work. Since the work related to vibrating atom in a solid cannot be transferred per se, that leaves only heat to be transferred. According to you, heat is then a transfer of heat.

    Come on, Clint, cheer up and let’s have some humour out of you. If you are dour about science, and bitter, your image/ego gets in the way of the science.

    • Clint R says:

      gordon, I’ll let you handle the childish humor, as evidenced both above and below. But, I try not to laugh at people with mental sickness….

      Get professional help.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      Still no explanation from Clint as to what energy is allegedly transferred by heat. The deafening silence on that illustrates that Clint has no answer and is reduced to ad homs and insults.

      As for clogging the blog, it is filled with similar outbursts from Clint, laden with insults and ad hominem arguments, which he liberally advances in lieu of real science.

      I have urged Clint recently, in friendly terms, to lighten up and apply some humour but he only increases his volume of angry outbursts.

  90. Gordon Robertson says:

    I don’t thinks CO2 can cool the atmosphere, there is only a fraction of the CO2 at sea level and it doesn’t do anything significant there.

    As Ren has pointed out, the stratosphere warms when oxygen molecules absorb UV and warm. However, there are only a fraction of O2 molecules in the stratosphere compared to the surface, so there won’t be a significant warming. I am sure no human could survive there in shorts and a tee shirt without supplemental oxygen.

    No one can survive above 8000 metres in a tee shirt and shorts, it’s far too cold. Also, no one can survive long above 8000 metres unless well acclimatized. The stratosphere is considerably higher than 8000 metres.

    On the other hand, there is plenty of O2 in the troposhpere and we know it absorbs microwave radiation. Therefore it must be warming the atmosphere. I don’t see that source of warming mentioned in the GHE or AGW theories. Furthermore, if the O2 is warmed independently, CO2 and WV can’t transfer any heat in them to O2.

    • Clint R says:

      Now gordon is confusing “microwaves” with “microwave ovens”. Photons in the microwave band have “hottest” wavelengths about 100μ, which corresponds to a WDL temperature of about -405F, or -243C. Microwave ovens use photons in the same band, but the photons are “driven” unnaturally (the entropy is lowered by engineering and adding energy).

      gordon, you don’t understand any of this and you can’t learn. Please stop clogging the blog, just because you have nothing else going in your life but pounding on your keyboard.

      Get professional help, before it’s too late.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        No confusion here, a microwave is a microwave. The definition is based on frequency, not intensity.

        Once again, Clint, lacking any humour whatsoever, challenges me in a field with which I have considerable expertise, and makes a fool of himself.

        The microwave spectrum is roughly 0.3 Ghz to 300 Ghz. A microwave oven operates at roughly 2.5 Ghz whereas oxygen in the atmosphere radiates in the 60 Ghz band. Cell phones operate between about 0.6 Ghz and 39 Ghz.

        If you place a glass of water in front of a cell phone transmitter or in front of O2 molecules in the atmosphere, the water won’t warm, yet in a microwave oven, similar microwaves boil the water in a minute or so. What’s the difference?

        Clint is arguing that 15um IR is significant because it is 15 um. It is far too weak in intensity to produce significant warming in GHGs, not only because it is weak, but due to the fact the atmosphere has only 0.04% of CO2. O2 on the other hand makes up 22% of the atmosphere, therefore has a far greater warming effect than CO2 or WV.

        In a microwave oven, a magnetron is used to accelerate electrons to a very high speed and the resultant EM field they give off is in the microwave frequency range. However, it has a very high amplitude (intensity) compared to the microwave energy used in cell phones and O2 molecules.

        Similarly, a radar signal when transmitted at 15,000 watts can make anyone standing directly in front of the transmitter very sick. The EM transmitted has enough power to affect the atoms in a human body. The returning wave, at a few microvolts can do no harm.

        Clint does not understand the very basics of physics, but no big deal, let’s keep the humour going. Giggle, laugh, have a good time.

  91. The planet effective temperature Te (the planet equilibrium temperature) is a first approximation temperature of the planetary surface.
    The Te is a mathematical abstraction, the Te approximates planetary temperatures without-atmosphere, because of its original mathematical definition.
    The Te formula assumes planets behave as blackbodies, which is a wrong assump-ion, because planets and moons actually are not blackbodies.
    The theoretical blackbody is an already warmed at certain temperature surface.

    A blackbody is not getting warmed by the incident on its surface EM irradiance, because a blackbody is defined without being a materialistic object.
    So, there is not any atoms to interact with the incoming solar energy on the blackbody’s surface.

    By definition, a blackbody absorbs all the incident on its surface EM radiation (by this implying that blackbody doesn’t reflect, by this implying that blackbody’s outgoing EM energy is purely determined only by its surface’s absolute temperature in fourth power).

    There is not any mention of the incident EM energy somehow affecting (warming) the blackbody’s surface.

    So, the Te is a mathematical abstraction, which can be considered only as the first (and very much erroneous) approximation of the planetary average surface temperature Tmean.


    • Ball4 says:

      Christos wrongly comments: “The planet effective temperature Te (the planet equilibrium temperature) is a first approximation temperature of the planetary surface.”

      Here Christos 1:22 am, in not having sufficiently read the blog relevant existing literature, has confused measured planetary surface thermometer kinetic temperature (Ts) with planetary surface avg. effective brightness temperature Te. This mistake is easy to make as both avg. ~288K for Earth (~215K for Mars, though much more sparsely).

      Perhaps Christos can dig in, read, and understand the existing literature before making such mistakes again in commenting.

  92. Gordon Robertson says:

    ambipolar field??? NASA figures they have found a new field like gravity and the magnetic field.


    • RLH says:


      Wednesday, August 28, 2024

    • Bindidon says:

      Earth’s ambipolar electrostatic field and its role in ion escape to space

      Collinson & al. (2024)



      Cold plasma of ionospheric origin has recently been found to be a much larger contributor to the magnetosphere of Earth than expected.

      Numerous competing mechanisms have been postulated to drive ion escape to space, including heating and acceleration by wave–particle interactions and a global electrostatic field between the ionosphere and space (called the ambipolar or polarization field). Observations of heated O+ ions in the magnetosphere are consistent with resonant wave–particle interactions.

      By contrast, observations of cold supersonic H+ flowing out of the polar ionosphere (called the polar wind) suggest the presence of an electrostatic field.

      Here we report the existence of a +0.55 ± 0.09 V electric potential drop between 250 km and 768 km from a planetary electrostatic field (E∥⊕ = 1.09 ± 0.17 μV m−1) generated exclusively by the outward pressure of ionospheric electrons.

      We experimentally demonstrate that the ambipolar field of Earth controls the structure of the polar ionosphere, boosting the scale height by 271%. We infer that this increases the supply of cold O+ ions to the magnetosphere by more than 3,800%, in which other mechanisms such as wave–particle interactions can heat and further accelerate them to escape velocity.

      The electrostatic field of Earth is strong enough by itself to drive the polar wind and is probably the origin of the cold H+ ion population that dominates much of the magnetosphere.

      • RLH says:

        But the science is settled and doesn’t advance at all.

      • RLH says:

        Blinny doesn’t trust a NASA url.

      • Bindidon says:

        And as usual, the sissyish Blindsley H00d insinuates, distorts and lies.

      • RLH says:

        So why post a new url that is not from the original authors?

      • Bindidon says:

        ” So why post a new url that is not from the original authors? ”

        Regardless what it is about, you show always the same mix of incompetence and stubbornness.

        In the post you yourself replied to, you see a link to


        Scientists discover a long-sought global electric field on Earth

        by Miles Hatfield and Rachel Lense, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

        And in that article, you see among other information

        Understanding the complex movements and evolution of our planet’s atmosphere provides clues not only to the history of Earth but also gives us insight into the mysteries of other planets and determining which ones might be hospitable to life.

        A research paper on this topic is published in the journal Nature. ”

        A few lines later:

        ‘Something had to be drawing these particles out of the atmosphere’, said Glyn Collinson, principal investigator of Endurance at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and lead author of the paper. ”

        The ‘published’ anchor above lets you move exactly to the abstract I posted.

        Apparently, you didn’t even care to accurately read the paper written by Hatfield and Lense.

        Instead of stalking me unnecessarily all the time, Blindsley H00d, finally start correcting the obviously wrong cascaded running median plot that you repeatedly show in your charts:


        But as we all know, RLH, the man who ‘learned simple statistics’, would rather die crucified than admit he was wrong.

      • RLH says:

        Can you at least acknowledge that I found the original authors and their url?

      • Bindidon says:

        Blindsley H00d

        My reply was dedicated to your LIE:

        ” So why post a new url that is not from the original authors? ”

        What you found or didn’t: who cares, expect you whining sissyish lying girlie?

      • RLH says:

        “by Miles Hatfield and Rachel Lense, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center”

        My url directly points to their work hosted at NASA.

      • RLH says:

        Lacey Young (KBR Wyle Services, LLC)
        Miles S. Hatfield (Telophase)
        Rachel Lense (ADNET Systems, Inc.)”

      • Bindidon says:

        Blindsley H00d

        You are not even able to understand the difference between the people (Miles Hatfield and Rachel Lense) who wrote an article about science, and the people who actually did that science:

        Glyn A. Collinson, Alex Glocer, Robert Pfaff, Aroh Barjatya, Rachel Conway, Aaron Breneman, James Clemmons, Francis Eparvier, Robert Michell, David Mitchell, Suzie Imber, Hassanali Akbari, Lance Davis, Andrew Kavanagh, Ellen Robertson, Diana Swanson, Shaosui Xu, Jacob Miller, Timothy Cameron, Dennis Chornay, Paulo Uribe, Long Nguyen, Robert Clayton, Nathan Graves, The Endurance Mission Team

        You are such a desperately ignorant, stubborn, opinionated boy.

        Shame on you, you simple statistics show-off!

  93. gbaikie says:

    Our oceans have waves, what if we got rid of all the waves?

    In terms of climate climate- do we all die?

      • gbaikie says:

        A main factor of having ocean settlements, is to surf waves.
        So, having waves, is important. And a tiny portion of the ocean could have billions of people living there, and still have lots of waves.

        A pathway to having ocean settlements, is related to settlements on Mars, and more insignificantly in terms of where lot’s a people would want to live, Venus orbit, which could have the real estate for trillion of people, getting actual free electrical energy from the sunlight.
        Getting solar energy on land or ocean of Earth, isn’t very good, compared to Mars- and Venus is much better than Mars.

  94. gbaikie says:

    Well, I got the POST-TROPICAL CYCLONE ILEANA. Which might do something- become tropical depression and then get somewhere near me, so have some weather effect, here. my weather is somewhat windy and nights in the cold 50s F.

    In Atlantic there is 50% of change disturbance forming cyclone
    and of southern eastern US coast {maybe it will go north a play with those wind mills which are killing a lot of whales.
    Anyhow there going make some forecast within a hour or so.

    And there is tropical depression Gordon, which is half way to Africa, and is forecasted to go north and becoming storm, and head more towards Europe/Africa. But basically, nowhere

    Or so far, not an extreme hurricane season.

  95. Gordon Robertson says:

    clint team up with Ball4 to et science back a couple of centuries.

    [GR]If you look at a hydrogen molecule it has one oxygen atom covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms by electron bonds.

    [clint]He fills the blog with garbage like that incessantly.


    [clint]gordon appears to be confusing phase change with dissociation.


    No, Clint, a quick check of the water molecule on the Net will reveal that it is one oxygen molecule covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms. Some of the articles even explain the concept of electronegativity and how hydrogen bonds are formed.

    Clint seems to be confusing the internal bonds that hold one water molecule together with the hydrogen bonds that hold multiple water molecules together.

    Then Clint goes on to confuse dissociation with phase change. Dissociation is a process in which, generally, an ionic bond like NaCl breaks up naturally in a solvent like water. In water, NaCl breaks up naturally (dissociates) into the ions of Na+ and Cl-. This can happen with a covalent bond like HCl but with water it takes a lot of added energy to break the water molecule into H+ and OH- ions.

    It is possible for water to self-dissociate but that action is not the basis of evapouration since the ions released are not water vapour. In the process of evapouration, external energy is required to raise the energy level of water molecules enough for the weak hydrogen bonds to break and allow water molecules to be released as water vapour.


    [b4]…Gordons 9:52 pm comment is really confused & scientifically incorrect writing in context:

    [GR]Evapouration is the result of water molecules breaking the bonds that hold them in liquid form.

    …The process called evaporation is when, every now and then, a water molecule near the liquid water surface acquires enough kinetic energy in collisions with its fellow water molecules to escape their attraction. In that situation, freed up water molecules enter the space above the liquid”.


    B4 is somewhat confused in his thought experiments. Water molecules bonded with hydrogen bonds are not free to move around. Any water molecules breaking free are a result of external energy being absorbed by electrons in the oxygen and/or hydrogen atoms.

    The hydrogen bonds that hold individual molecules together to form water, are formed by quasi-electrostatic dipoles based on electronegativity difference between the H and O atoms. The bond strengths are entirely dependent on the electron bonds, therefore any variation in electron orbital energy levels can break the bonds. The only way to do that is for the electron energy level to change.

    It’s conceivable that an individual bond could be broken at a water surface for whatever reason, but that is not the primary method by which bonds are broken, which is electrons in the bonds absorbing heat or EM. Agitation of the water can break hydrogen bonds but that does not contribute a lot to wholesale evapouration.

    • Clint R says:

      gordon, if you’re spouting nonsense, it makes no sense to just spout more nonsense. But, you just keep spouting more nonsense.


      • Ball4 says:

        “Any water molecules breaking free are a result of external energy being absorbed by electrons in the oxygen and/or hydrogen atoms.”

        No Gordon that’s wrong, the KE of the molecule breaking free of the liquid & evaporating is already possessed by the H2O molecule in overcoming its attraction to the other water molecules. That KE escaping from the liquid is lowering the remaining liquid’s avg. KE thus evaporation is a cooling process for the water. Evaporation depends on the state of the liquid not the state of the gas above the liquid.

        Please catch up, actually read, & understand a basic textbook on atm. thermodynamics.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        b4…where is it getting the additional KE? Agitation of the water could do it, but there is no reason why hydrogen bonds in equilibrium should suddenly acquire the KE to break free. They would certainly do it en masse as required for evapouration.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        clint becomes evermore woeful with his non-scientific responses. Guess he doesn’t have the scientific answers.

      • Ball4 says:

        Gordon asks: where? As I wrote above from: collisions with its fellow water molecules. Please catch up, actually read, & understand the relevant section in a basic textbook on atm. thermodynamics.

      • bobdroege says:


        Like Ball4 says, the water molecules are in constant motion, forming and unforming these hydrogen bonds linking water molecules into long chains.

        Hydrogen bonds are rather weak and easily broken and reformed.

    • bobdroege says:


      ” This can happen with a covalent bond like HCl but with water it takes a lot of added energy to break the water molecule into H+ and OH- ions.”

      Water molecules naturally disassociate into OH- and H+ ions, with the concentration of [H+] * [OH-] = 1.0 * 10^-14.

      That is elementary acid base chemistry.

      Not your strong suit.

  96. Gordon Robertson says:

    b4…”If I put a bowl of tap water right in the refrigerator, the water still evaporates, Bill. Though at a reduced rate from when the water was equilibrated with the 1bar room temperature
    Evaporation is a cooling process as the avg. KE of the water molecules left behind decreases. Perhaps Bill can tone down his lack of knowledge some and try to learn something”.


    The normal fridge cabinet has blowers and temperature changes. It’s temperature is kept slightly above freezing (1.6C – 3.3C) and can vary upwards till re-cooled. Any change in environment variables will affect evapouration. Opening the door can drive the temperature upward.

    An open dish of water left on a kitchen table absorbs heat from the room.

  97. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    We use reanalysis and observational data to link the lower stratospheric ozone regulation of the ultraviolet radiation (UV-B) component of solar energy to ENSO modulation. Results indicate that during ENSO extremes, the Walker Circulation (WC) and Brewer Dobson Circulation are related to lower stratospheric ozone alterations east of the date line over the Pacific. These in turn are linked to upper tropospheric anomalous dipole temperature patterns on either side of the equator. The ensuing changes in geopotential height values do not only drive equatorial zonal wind anomalies in the upper troposphere that are reversed at the equatorial surface, but also impact on the intensity of the South Pacific High circulation. When the WC is enhanced, a La Nina type of circulation is indentified but if the circulation cell is inverted, the anomalous circulation results in an El Nino. Though the anomalous lower stratospheric ozone peaks during austral summer it is significant throughout the ENSO lifecycle. Hence, ENSO structure and variability are mainly linked to the lower stratospheric ozone instigated internal dynamics of the Pacific atmosphere. The ENSO forcing most likely originates from the ozone related regulation of the incoming solar UV-B radiation rather than the Pacific Ocean surface.

  98. Entropic man says:

    Fortunately the Fascist conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election result failed.

    • Entropic man says:



      an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

      Now which party might that apply to?

      Certainly not the party whose candidate has been described as Leftit, even Marxist.

      • CO2isLife says:

        National Socialist German Worker’s Party, care to explain what part of that is “Right Wing?”

        Only the most gullible and ignoratant fool would think Fascism has anything to do with the modern “Right-WIng.”

        Necesary for Fascism:
        1) Totalitarian State where State, not the Market, is the Soluion
        2) Government control of the necessities for life, Housing, Income, Food, ect
        3) Corrupt elections
        4) Political violence and Assisination
        5) Politicization of the Judiciary
        6) Politicization of the Law Enforcement
        7) Politicization of the Security Forces
        8) Government control of the Media, Education, and the Arts
        9) Overt intimiation of political opposition and non-Party Members
        10) Outlawing of Guns
        11) Constitution that empowers the govenernment over the individual
        12) Free Speech is violently suppressed
        13) Right to Assembly is Outlawed
        14) Religion is politicized or eliminated(ie Climate Change Cult)
        15) Dehumanization of the political opposition
        16) Rig primaries, debates, and elections so the party “selects” the person running for office (Majician’s Choice)
        17) Selected leader is a fan of the current establishment
        18) No Fascist in history ever argued for a) smaller government b) deregulation c) individual rights like Free Speech d) gun rights e) defending the Constitution f) defending an imparcial judiciary

        Simply look at how the Democrats want to viod the Constitution and stack the Supreme Court. Simply read FDR’s “Second Bil of Rights.” It is pure Marxism 101, and yes, Marxism is Fascism. Karl Marx is resonsible for more deaths and murders and misery than am man in history. If there was no Marxism there would have been no Russian Revolution and National SOcialist German Worker’s Party. They are all versions of Socialism.

        This is what Fascism looks like


      • CO2isLife says:

        What Fascism looks like, Media working to undermine the Constitution

        The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed

        The New York Times
        https://www.nytimes.com 2022/08/19 opinion libe…
        19 Aug 2022 The real need is not to reclaim the Constitution, as many would have it, but instead to reclaim America from constitutionalism.

        The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?

        The New York Times
        https://www.nytimes.com Books Book Review
        31 Aug 2024 Asserting that the Constitution, which is famously difficult to amend, has put the country in grave danger, Chemerinsky lays out what would …

        Constitution: Is It Outdated? – The New York …

        The New York Times
        https://www.nytimes.com 1976/11/21 archives ne…
        21 Nov 1976 1. To preserve, it is necessary to reform. Our Constitution enacted in 1947 retains the basic Legislative Article enacted in 1844. We have in …

      • CO2isLife says:

        More Fascism

        Opinion | Biden’s Proposed Supreme Court Reforms

        The New York Times
        https://www.nytimes.com 2024/08/04 biden-suprem…
        4 Aug 2024 President Biden’s announcement of critical reforms to address the flagrant unethical behavior and extreme abuses of the current court majority

        Opinion | This Is How to Put the Supreme Court in Its Place

        The New York Times
        https://www.nytimes.com 2022/10/14 supreme-cour…
        14 Oct 2022 I have written before about the ways that Congress could restrain an overbearing and ideological Supreme Court, using its powers under the Constitution.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Blue Print to Fascism: FDR’s Second Bill of Rights and Stacking the Supreme Court


      • CO2isLife says:

        Marxism/Fascism required pitting one group against another within the same culture to trigger a “Revolution.” Marx used Economic Classes, the haves and have nots. Today the Political Left used unlimited divisions in their Identify Political used to divide the Nation. They pit one American against another hoping for “Revolution.”

        The Political Left uses a sign of a Fist as their chosen Symbol. Compare that to a Fascis, the symbol of Fascism, it is basically the same. The Left uses symbols of violence as their chosen symbol, that is Fascism. The Right Wing uses the American Flag, the symbol of INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM. Fascists are always Collectivists.

      • Nate says:

        The Political Left uses a sign of a Fist as their chosen Symbol.

        You mean this from this noted leftist?


        Bwa ha ha ha!

      • CO2isLife says:

        Fascism is the System is in power, not the voter. Who does the system favor? Certainly not Trump. If Trump was a Fascist, the system would ensure he got elected. Fascism 101.


      • CO2isLife says:

        Famous Quotes from Fascists applicable to today. Simply study who the Black and Brown Shirts were. Simply study how the burning of the Reichstag was used to benefit one party and destroy another.

        Accuse the other of that you are guilty. Joseph Goebbels

        That is why Fascists call others Fascist

        Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime was Beria’s infamous boast.

        The persecution of Trump is Beria’s #1 Tactic.

        Rahm Emanuel – You never let a serious crisis go to waste….

        Use a crisis to expand the power of Government.

        “This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause”

        Leftists cheered the rise of Lenin, Un, Castro, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min and Mao. Milions of Marxists gave their lives to create hell on earth.

        The Black Book of Communism

        Karl Marx is responsible for more deaths than any other man in history.

      • Nate says:


        “The partys socialist orientation was basically a demagogic gambit designed to attract support from the working class.”


        In reality, the Nazi Brown shirts brawled with communists and socialists in the streets. They despised them.

      • Nate says:

        The signature of Fascism is demagoguery. The blaming of the Other, the demonizing of the Other, for your country’s problems.

        For the Nazis, the Other was the Jews, and the Slavs, and the deviants, the disabled, and anyone not German looking.

        Who does that remind you of today?

        For Trump is the dirty pet eating immigrants, especially those from sh*thole countries, like Haiti, even legal ones, who are poisoning our blood, a term he borrowed directly from Nazis.

      • CO2isLife says:

        The Fasces is the Symbol of Fascism:

        The fasces, as a bundle of rods with an axe, was a grouping of all the equipment needed to inflict corporal or capital punishment. In ancient Rome, the bundle was a material symbol of a Roman magistrate’s full civil and military power, known as imperium.

        The Symbol is a bunch or fragile Reeds representing each part of society. On their own they are easy to break and defeat, bound together in a totalitarian system they are expremely powerful and stong. Simply replace the individual reed that is easy to break with an individual finger. If you clentch those individual fingers into a fist you become a weapon, just like binding reeds.

        Leftists don’t even seem to understand what Fascism is, and if they did, they would understand that they are the Fascists.

      • Nate says:



        Traditionally, Right-wing meant: conservative, focused on order, tradition, maintaining the old hierarchy, religion.

        While left-wing meant in favor of upending the usual order, old hierarchy, tradition. Ie they were in favor of progressive advancement in society.

        Thus left-wingers were for overthrowing the monarchy in France.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        nate…”While left-wing meant in favor of upending the usual order, old hierarchy, tradition. Ie they were in favor of progressive advancement in society”.


        Nate…have no idea where you come up with these quaint ideas. The Left, in North America, and elsewhere, have been focused primarily of the working class and enabling them to get better wages and working conditions. Not one democratic Left movement has upended a government or even tried to do so.

        Furthermore, the left has been involved in getting equal rights for women. The mob today referred as ‘the Left’ are nothing more than a disorganized rabble using propaganda like climate change to bring about undefined change. They are nothing more than whiners.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      Here we have a teacher, Ent, spreading propaganda. The Mind boggles with how much of this propaganda reaches the gullible minds of his students.

      Fascism is a reference to a government that is in power and running a country. People trying to right a wrong are hardly fascists.

      There is ample proof, based on the tracking of cell phone records, that thousands of people were involved stuffing ballot boxes. One democratic state has recently admitted it has allowed non-US citizens onto its voting list.

      Well before this information became available, on election night, I was watching the results come in when suddenly the count was inexplicably stopped for several hours. Before the pause, Trump was leading in one state and immediately following the pause, Biden had suddenly taken the lead.

      The explanation offered was that mail in votes from variations locations had yet to e counted. However, in any election where the count is fairly equal, one would expect that trend to continue with uncounted mail-in votes. Instead, there was a massive turn-around.

      I had never seen that in a US vote, where counting was stopped for several hours. Furthermore, the election was during covid, and that was used as an excuse to prevent scrutineers from getting close enough to observe how the actual votes were being counted.

      Ent comes across to me as someone who is terminally naive. Not only that, he comments from afar, in the UK, where aboriginals in North America are somehow regarded as super-heroes.

      The current UK government are in favour of allowing the Ukraine to have long range missiles so they can strike deep into Russia. Like Ent, they too are terminally naive, failing to grasp the fact that one well-placed nuke could take out the entire island population.

      • Entropic man says:


        Odd that you interpret a statistical quirk of the counting system as a conspiracy.

        Thinking of Georgia?

        People get a postal vote if they have difficulty voting in person. They cannot travel to a polling station, are disabled or unable to get time off work. Such problems occur more for the poor than the well off and the poor tend to vote Democrat.

        Add in the Republicans encouraging their people to vote in person and you can expect the postal votes to show a higher proportion of Democrat votes and the polling stations to have a higher proportion of Republican votes.

        On the night the polling station votes were counted first and gave Trump a very narrow majority. Remember the Republican skew in the polling station vote. When the postal votes were then counted the Democratic skew in the postal votes pushed them over the line.

        The difference was the famous 11,000 votes, microscopic in a state’s population. No need to invoke a conspiracy, just the normal working of the system.

  99. Willard says:


    As an emblem, fasces made their way to the colonies in British North America. There, during the American Revolution, the fasces’ symbology as referencing strength through unity was adopted as a symbol of the united colonial effort against British rule


    Since the original founding of the United States in the 18th century, several offices and institutions in the United States have heavily incorporated representations of the fasces into much of their iconography.

    Federal fasces iconography

    On the podium of the Emancipation Memorial in Washington D.C., beneath Abraham Lincoln’s right hand

    The reverse of the Mercury Dime, the design used from 1916 until the adoption of the current FDR [gasp!] dime in 1945, features a fasces.

    On the obverse of the 1896 $1 Educational Series note there is a fasces leaning against the wall behind the youth.

    In the Oval Office, above the door leading to the exterior walkway, and above the corresponding door on the opposite wall, which leads to the president’s private office; the fasces depicted have no axes, possibly because in the Roman Republic, the blade was always removed from the bundle whenever the fasces were carried inside the city, in order to symbolize the rights of citizens against arbitrary state power

    Two fasces appear on either side of the flag of the United States behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives, with bronze examples replacing the previous gilded iron installments during the remodeling project of 1950.

    The Mace of the United States House of Representatives resembles fasces and consists of thirteen ebony rods bound together in the same fashion as the fasces, topped by a silver eagle on a globe

    The official seal of the United States Senate has as one component a pair of crossed fasces.

    Fasces ring the base of the Statue of Freedom atop the United States Capitol building.

    A frieze on the facade of the United States Supreme Court building depicts the figure of a Roman centurion holding a fasces, to represent “order”.

    The National Guard uses the fasces on the seal of the National Guard Bureau, and it appears in the insignia of Regular Army officers assigned to National Guard liaison and in the insignia and unit symbols of National Guard units themselves; for instance, the regimental crest of the 71st Infantry Regiment (New York) of the New York National Guard consisted of a gold fasces set on a blue background.

    At the Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln’s seat of state bears the fasceswithout axeson the fronts of its arms; fasces also appear on the pylons flanking the main staircase leading into the memorial.

    The official seal of the United States Tax Court bears the fasces at its center.

    Four fasces flank the two bronze plaques on either side of the bust of Lincoln memorializing his Gettysburg Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

    The seal of the United States Courts Administrative Office includes a fasces behind crossed quill and scroll.

    In the Washington Monument is a statue of George Washington leaning on a fasces.

    A fasces features prominently in the regimental insignia and coat of arms of the United States Military Police Corps, as well as on the insignias of the 14th, 18th, and 42nd Military Police Brigades.

    A fasces appears on the shoulder sleeve insignia of the US Army Reserve Legal Command.

    Seated beside George Washington, a figure holds a fasces as part of The Apotheosis of Washington, a fresco mural suspended above the rotunda of the United States Capitol Building.


    Black Power, clearly.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Willard, you are so off base. “United We Stand Divided We Fall,” is the basis of America, but the union was to protect against foreign invaders and threats. The States United. To take that concept and imply that that symbol has the same meaning to America than a Fascist State is outrageous.

      The US Organizations that use that symbol do so to protect a Nation based on the greatest Anti-Fascism document every written. Simply read the Bill of RIghts. It is all about protecting the Individual from the fascists. America was literaly based on Anti-Fascism.

      To misrepresent the spirit of that symbol used here in the US is outrageous, and it demonstrates your ignorance is at a level rarely reached by individuals over the age of 6 months.

      • Willard says:


        You said:

        The Fasces is the Symbol of Fascism

        You simply forgot its roots in republicanism.

        Next time, keep your chin up.

        Besides, you are spamming. Try to write a maximum of ten comments per day.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Willard “You simply forgot its roots in republicanism.”

      Once again, the US Republoicanism was to fight oppose an opressive government and create a nation based upon the most Anti-Fascism Document every written. You demonstrate a complete inability to understand context. American Republicanism was used to defeat Fascism. You seem to ignore that fact.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Fashism 101, it continues:

        The silence of the left is deafening.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        CO2…the republican movement occurred over 200 years ago. It was a good and courageous movement at the time but things have changed mightily since. Unless the Republican Party get that, and adjust, they are doomed to remain in opposition for the foreseeable future.

        There is no good reason why, under the conditions, they are running neck and neck with incompetent Democrats. They need to adjust to the needs of the average US citizen and it is not happening. The Republican mentality is at least a century out of date. Even a small concession to modern values would go a long way for them.

      • Willard says:


        You made more than ten comments today, and you still fail to grasp that the fasces was:

        a material symbol of a Roman magistrate’s full civil and military power, known as imperium. Beyond serving as insignia of office, it also symbolised the republic and its prestige.

        Op. cit.

        You really should not offer an analysis that can be refuted the Wiki entry related to it.

        Your whole schtick on fascism is also wrong. It might be preferrable to focus on the basics. First, spamming bad. Second, RTFM.

  100. Bindidon says:

    Another ‘hockey schtick’: the date of the grape harvest in Beaune (Burgundy, France) since 1354


    As a lover of French wines for decades, I have long been aware of this through conversations with winemakers.

    • Clint R says:

      Grapes respond well to more CO2 in the air, along with the warming trend.

      Notice how well the last 40 years coincides with UAH data.

  101. Ken says:

    Roles of Earths Albedo Variations and Top-of-the-Atmosphere Energy Imbalance in Recent Warming: New Insights from Satellite and Surface Observations

    ‘the effect of the observed albedo decrease on Earths Global Surface Air Temperature (GSAT) since 2000’


  102. Gordon Robertson says:

    CO2… a basic definition of fascism is a small group controlling the majority, basically related to economics. If the small group controls the economy, making themselves wealthy while the masses are restricted, that is right-wing, and has always been the definition of a right-wing capitalist.

    If you introduce democracy into the mix, the general public has a certain say in certain matter, but one would have to be completely naive to think big business is not running the show. Corporations are essentially running democratic governments because the governments depend on them for jobs. If the governments don’t fall in line, the corporations threaten to leave, taking their money with them.

    Today, corporations are dictating to the entire world how they should live.

    Nazi Germany began with an Austrian paper hanger, the Bohemian corporal, who was disgruntled over the way Germany was decimated after WW I. He got himself thrown in jail where he wrote his book, Mein Kampf, which outlines his warped beliefs and a need for revenge. After release from jail, he surrounded himself with thugs, who ended up beating people who disagreed with them.

    That’s the key to any government, democratic or otherwise. They need brute force to exist and that comes via armed people who will not hesitate to shoot anyone who challenges them with any vehemence.

    Even at that, the paper-hanger managed to get himself elected in a democratic manner. He did not have a majority and needed to do some finagling behind the scenes to get power. Once in power, any semblance of democracy went out the window. He built concentration camps to house anyone who protested or whom he deemed not suitable to be free.

    This is a perfect example of both fascism and the right-wing mentality. There is a counterpart in a fascism with a left-wing mentality, but the difference is slight. In Stalin’s Russia, people were formed into communes where they were brow-beaten to produce for the collective good. In essence, it was Stalin’s way of controlling the economy with a small group while terrorizing people to fall in line.

    I don’t think for an instant that Stalin agreed with the Marx form of communism. He simply used it as a means of controlling Russians. However, in China, Mao saw Stalin as a hero because he thought he was legit. When emissaries to Russia brought back horror stories of what Stalin was really like, Mao refused to believe them. Mao had invested strongly in the Russian model and I guess it presented a tremendous loss of face to change course.

    Nazi Germany was no different. Although people were relatively free to run business, they too were terrorized into following Nazi directives and their agenda. There was absolutely no attempt to run a socialist government or even the communists charade of Stalin. To either government, the word socialist was nothing more than a name.

    Although the paper-hanger called his party a socialist party, like Stalin’s claim to be socialist in Russia, it was nothing more than a ruse to get legitimacy to their corrupt movements. By associating with the working class, they tried to give the impression they were nothing more than good-old workers trying to enable democracy.

    Why so many US citizens associate with right-wing corporations is beyond me. Here’s an example. I was working for an electronics company and we had dirt-poor wages. Each Christmas we got a small bonus. One Christmas the boss called us together and explained how poorly they were doing and that no bonus was available that year. Then he took his family to Hawaii for Christmas.

    I am neither right wing nor left wing because I consider it all to be a game. There is good and bad on both sides. Right-now, I am siding with the right-wingers even though I am not right-wing. I am doing it because those claiming to be left-wing are corrupt and they are perverting science in their zeal to use the corruption for a naive cause.

  103. CO2isLife says:

    Similarly, using satellite data, Roy Spencer and John Christy of the University of Alabama Huntsville determined that the average temperature in August was 0.88 degrees Celsius higher than the 30-year average from 19912020.

    Extreme heat is not just an environmental crisis, its a serious threat to our public healthand communities across the country are struggling to respond, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a news release.

    What were facing today wasnt what we were experiencing 30 or 40 years ago. This is a different world we are in.

    Challenging the IPCC
    Climate is controlled by the amount of sunlight absorbed by Earth and the amount of infrared energy emitted to space. These quantitiestogether with their differencesdefine Earths radiation budget, NASAs Clouds and the Earths Radiant Energy System (CERES) website states.

    Since March of 2000, the NASA team has been collecting satellite data to examine the energy exchange between the Earth and space.

    Using those measurements and a novel climate-sensitivity model derived from independent NASA planetary data, Nikolov and Zeller evaluated how Earths decreasing albedo impacted global temperature during the 21st century.

    CO2 is an invisible trace gas that does not interfere with sunlight. Its believed to trap thermal radiation coming from the surface, but thats a misconception because the absorption of longwave radiation by CO2 and heat-trapping are completely different physical processes. According to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, heat-trapping is impossible in an open system such as the atmosphere, Nikolov said.

    He added that while water vapor is also a greenhouse gas, it becomes visible when it condenses and forms clouds. And because clouds reflect solar radiation back to space, their impact on the climate is measurable and significant.


    • Gordon Robertson says:

      CO2…extreme heat??? I suppose you are referring to days during summer when temperatures rise to between 30C and 50C.

      Body temperature is 37C. So, up till just below 37C, the body can rid itself of excess heat (2nd law). It helped to have a powerful fan blowing on the skin to increase convection, however, toward 50C it becomes ever-more difficult to rid the body of excess heat. It would help to immerse oneself in a cool bath.

      An interesting thing I read recently is that the body finds ways to survive in very hot environments. Experiments were done by people who were in environments so hot it became uncomfortable to bear the heat against one’s face, yet nothing serious happened to them.

      Having said that, i have seen no evidence that the planet is significantly hotter than it is normally. By significant, I mean that extreme heat does not fit the profile. An average of 1C over 170 years is hardly extreme heat, as alarmists like to offer as propaganda to scare us.

      • gbaikie says:

        ‘Taking a sauna begins with having a wash (usually a shower), followed by a sit in the sauna room, the room being typically warmed to 80110 C (176230 F). Water is thrown on the hot stones topping the kiuas, a special stove used to warm up the sauna.”

        ” Experiments were done by people who were in environments so hot it became uncomfortable to bear the heat against ones face, yet nothing serious happened to them.”

        Them being the Finns?

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        I am not so concerned with Finn’s getting a hot face from sitting in a sauna, it’s more their practice of rushing out the sauna and diving into a cold lake, or rolling in the snow. I think the experimenters were talking about an even hotter environment.

        As a kid, in the heat of summer, I dove off a dock into a salt water inlet and nearly passed out from the shock. We had left the boat’s rope on the deck with an ore over it but it managed to break free. I volunteered to go after it and as I swam toward the boat, it occurred to me that I might not make it, due to the shock of hitting the water.

      • gbaikie says:

        “I think the experimenters were talking about an even hotter environment.”

        We did land people on the Moon, a long time ago, and surface can heat to 120 C, or it make your face 120 C, if looking at it. And of course Venus orbit sunlight could heat your face, much hotter than that.
        I was thinking one could do a lot a lot swimming in Venus orbit, and could warm face under water but need a lot pressure to stop the water from boiling on your face. But with less pressure, say 1/5th an atmosphere one could under water, and water on your face in sunlight could boiling, and it wouldn’t be that hot.

  104. Gordon Robertson says:

    Researching more on ambipolar field I came across the term cold fusion. Hot fusion involves very high temperatures where gases change into a 4th state beyond liquid, solid or gas. Cold fusion is a situation where electrons in a gas can be at a very high temperature but the associated atoms are not. At least, that’s my initial take, which is likely wrong.

    In the following video, a guy is experimenting with cold fusion at home. The first things coming to mind is the generation of ozone by a high potential electric field. Sometimes, a high voltage coil will generate ozone at a low temperature whereas the high voltage current is very hot if directed.


    I find it all interesting because air molecules appear to be shot into space by cold fusion at the Poles. But where does the atmosphere get high electric potential to cause the cold fusion?

    Akasofu explained that in his book on the solar wind. It begins with high speed electrons and protons interacting with our magnetic field to generate very high voltages in our atmosphere.

    Science is definitely not settled, nor is it anywhere near.

  105. Gordon Robertson says:

    co2…”Karl Marx is responsible for more deaths than any other man in history”.


    You have got Marx wrong. He did not force anyone to adopt his theories, especially in a manner where they did not implement what he had preached. Marx was not an evil man, he was a scholar who offered a theory aimed at making life easier for the working class of the 19th century. Even Wiki calls him a revolutionary socialist which is nonsense. He wanted nothing to do with socialism.

    Those who did adopt his theories, albeit a false representation of them, were the ones responsible for all the murders.

    Also, you have taken Marx out of context. He was upset with the capitalists of the day who thought nothing of running sweat shops and forcing children to work. People were sent to debtor’s prisons for falling into debt. Marx was actually good for the times since he preached giving the average Joe a break.

    People have further misrepresented him today by equating him to socialism. He wanted nothing to do with it, he equated specialism to handouts from the wealthy to the poor, as practiced in his native Germany. Engels wanted to call their work socialism and Marx refused. So, when you hear Marx being called a socialist, you are hearing wrong.

    Neither Russian nor Chinese communism had anything to do with socialism, which as practiced today is a genuine democratic movement. Yet, socialists are smeared as being commies or reds. I guess many Yanks regard us here in Canada as commies and reds but most of us want nothing to do with communism or the USSR. Chinese frauds.

    We are very much into democracy, freedom of speech, and the election system.

    Don’t confuse people like AOC and Bernie Sanders with real socialists. they are nothing more than wannabees who see nothing wrong with distorting science to achieve their goals. Real socialists were the backbone of unionism who fought for the wages and safety reforms we enjoy today in the workplace. In fact, I don’t see a lot of real socialists anywhere these days, they are all wannabees.

    The connection of socialists to Russian and Chinese communism came from McCarthyists in the 1950s US. They were a paranoid bunch who dreamt up the ‘commie under every bed’ meme and went to far as to label Linus Pauling as a commie. Without hearing what he had to say, they withdrew his passport because he was anti-nuclear.

    The FBI visited him to see how much he knew about the atomic bomb, When he asked him how he got the info about nuclear weapons he claimed he worked it out for himself. He was right and the McCarthyists were wrong, nuclear radiation is dangerous and Pauling finally got the message across by pointing out that pregnant women could give birth to deformed children.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      ps. we should not be fighting these days between right wing and left wing. Any socialists I knew were fully in support of capitalism as long as it is fair.

      I think many right wingers might agree that the unfettered corporate mentality is a danger to us all. Here in Canada, we encourage good corporate citizens, meaning they should behave in a manner that benefits everyone. Unfortunately, most corporations have a mandate only to maximize profits for their shareholders.

      You talk about people working together to protect democracy, a prospect with which I agree. How many corporations do you know, especially operating on an international scale, who give a hoot about Joe Average or nationalism?

      • RLH says:

        What has politics to do with the science?

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        Richard…CO2 was debating with someone over the US constitution. He commented that Marx had murdered many people and I disagreed.

        I am not pushing Marx because I know little about him. I thought it was good that he stood up to the status quo of the day, who were brutal toward the working class and children. However, in the climate debate, there is a meme relating it to socialist values and claiming it has nothing to do with the right and I think that is wrong.

        I know of two instances where uber-right wingers brought in carbon taxes and pushed the alarmist agenda. One was Schwarzeneggar in California, when he was governor, and the other was right here in the province of BC. An uber right winger brought in the carbon tax, and ironically, a left wing government is talking about scrapping it.

        I agree that politics is not kosher here but it’s hard to escape it since the entire climate alarm position is political.

      • RLH says:

        “the entire climate alarm position is political”

        I agree with that.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Evil Fascism Today:

        Willard says:
        September 17, 2024 at 8:55 AM
        > No WWII

        Come on, now.

        Willard, are you completely ignorant of history?

        1) No Marx, no Russian Revolution
        2) No Marx, WWI would have been resolved totally differently
        3) No Marx, no National Socialism
        4) No Marx, FDR wouldn’t have pushed a Socialist Agenda keeping the US in a Depression while Europe was thriving
        5) Without Marx, Russia would have been a different country leading into WWII

        Marx gave us WWII, and greatly impacted WWI.

      • Willard says:

        > WWI would have been resolved totally differently

        Come on, now.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Nate says:
        September 17, 2024 at 6:24 PM
        Once again, the rest of the world quickly rebounded out of the 1929 Crisis, America didnt

        Totally false. Where do you get these weird notions, CO2?

        The Great Depression was worldwide.


        You simply don’t know economic history.

        In most countries, such as Britain, France, Canada, the Netherlands, and the Nordic countries, the depression was less severe and shorter, often ending by 1931. Those countries did not have the banking and financial crises that the United States did, and most left the gold standard earlier than the United States did.

      • Nate says:

        “In most countries, such as Britain, France, Canada, the Netherlands, and the Nordic countries, the depression was less severe and shorter, often ending by 1931.”


        And BTW, the choice to stay in the Gold standard and to add Tariffs (Trump’s favorite) was made by the R Hoover administration. Not FDR. Both made the Depression worse.

    • CO2isLife says:

      Gordon Robertson says:
      September 16, 2024 at 11:09 PM
      co2Karl Marx is responsible for more deaths than any other man in history.


      You have got Marx wrong. He did not force anyone to adopt his theories, especially in a manner where they did not implement what he had preached. Marx was not an evil man,

      No Das Kapital No Russian Revolution, No WWII, No National Socialist German Workers’ Party, No Korean War, No Chinese Revolution, No Great Leap Forward, No Cultural Revolution, No Holodomor, No Viertnam War, No destruction of South and Central America, No CUbian Revolution, and the list goes on and on and on. Marx embrased class warfare and dividing countries against themseleves, pitting one neighbor against another. He had the benefit of knowing the history of the French Revolution so he knew the consequences of his writings. Evil with a smile is still evil.

      • Willard says:

        > No WWII

        Come on, now.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Willard says:
        September 17, 2024 at 10:49 AM
        > WWI would have been resolved totally differently

        Come on, now.

        Williard, are you truly that ignorant?


      • Willard says:

        You had one chance, Life:

        During the worldwide economic crisis of the Great Depression in the 1930s, many people lost faith in liberal democracy and countries across the world turned to authoritarian regimes.[1] In Germany, resentment over the terms of the Treaty of Versailles was intensified by the instability of the German political system, as many on both the Right and the Left rejected the Weimar Republic liberalism.


        We already covered how the Great Depression has been kicked off by two Republicans.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Williard Says:

        You had one chance, Life:

        During the worldwide economic crisis of the Great Depression in the 1930s, many people lost faith in liberal democracy and countries across the world turned to authoritarian regimes.

        Point being? No kidding, FDR destroyed the US Economy, which did start under a Republican due to a Financial Crisis, but FDR turned a Financial Downturn into the Great Depression. Once again, the rest of the world quickly rebounded out of the 1929 Crisis, America didn’t. Why? Becuase they turned to FDR who tried to implement totalitarian socialism. He even had an Executive Order written for a 100% Income Tax. His frewuentlhy changing policies made it imposible for businessed to do long term planning, so FDR demonized the very people that would have ended the Great Depression.

        Yes, Germany was upset with their post-War Treatment. Yes, the world looked at how weak FDR had made American, so yes, totalitarian states rose to power. What is your point? FDR made the US look so weak, Japan went on the offensive against us because there was no fear. Weakness attracts aggression.

      • Willard says:

        > which did start under a Republican due to a Financial Crisis

        Because Karl Marx existed, no doubt. Next blunder:

        As a consequence of the treaty, the 5 May 1921 London Schedule of Payments required the Central Powers to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion at the time) in reparations to cover civilian damage caused during the war. This figure was divided into three categories of bonds: A, B, and C. Of these, Germany was required to pay towards ‘A’ and ‘B’ bonds totaling 50 billion marks (US$12.5 billion) unconditionally. In the London ultimatum of that day, Germany was given six days to recognize the Schedule of Payments and to comply with the Treaty of Versailles’ demands for disarmament and the extradition of German “war criminals”. If it did not, the Allies threatened to occupy the Ruhr.


        Again, that would never had happened had Karl Marx never existed.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Modern Day Marxism being exposed in film.

      • Nate says:

        “Once again, the rest of the world quickly rebounded out of the 1929 Crisis, America didnt”

        Totally false. Where do you get these weird notions, CO2?

        The Great Depression was worldwide.


  106. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    1. An upper-level trough is combining with tropical moisture to bring a cloud band with areas of rain to the tropics. Nightcliffe (Darwin, NT) saw 75 mm in the 24 hours to 9am ACST Tuesday, the wettest September day on record 🌧️
    2. Onshore winds are bringing cloud and showers to the Queensland coastline

  107. Arkady Ivanovich says:


    JD Vance admits Republicans lie constantly because their retarded followers can’t discern the Truth

    “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana,” Vance said, before trying to pivot to complain about Harris’s preferential treatment in the media and her public policy.

    “You just said that you’re ‘creating’ a story,” Bash said. Vance fell silent for a moment.

    “You just said that this is a story that you created,” Bash said.

    “Yes!” Vance replied, not getting it.

    “So the eating dogs and cats thing …” Bash asked.

    “We are create – we are creating … Dana,” Vance said firmly, obviously frustrated. “It comes from firsthand accounts from my constituents. I say that we’re ‘creating a story’ meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it.”

    It’s sad to watch. They’re LITERALLY telling you to your face that they’re lying and y’all keep eating it up lol.

    • RLH says:

      JD lies? That CANNOT be true. /sarc

    • Clint R says:

      Ark, are you some great “lie detector”?

      Let’s see if you really are:

      1. Do passenger jets fly backward?

      2. Can ice cubes boil water?

      3. Can 15μ photons from sky warm a 288K surface?

      All questions can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”, unless you have an agenda….

    • Tim S says:

      That is fake news. I saw the interview. Dana Bash is not a journalist. She is a tool of the Democrat party. She was using classic propaganda tools and going out of her way to make accusations and twist his words. She knew exactly what she doing and it had nothing to do with seeking objective information.

      “It comes from firsthand accounts from my constituents.” There was much more before that and after that about the real issue which was immigration and the problems caused by recent emigrants in one area of Ohio. He does represent Ohio in the Senate. For those who were paying attention, he did a good job of explaining the issues, and how that small community is just part of a much larger issue. He did not ever claim to have first hand or verified information. He was very clear that he was relating stories he got from people in person when he visited the area. His complaint was the only media presence was to interview politicians, and not to actually travel there and talk to people.

      • Nate says:

        Actually she is quite a good journalist and generally fair in interviews, and should ask hard questions.. Recall she was the debate moderator with Trump Biden.

        It is concerning that you cannot recognize one.

        Meanwhile, just about everyone on both sides recognize that JD Vance is a Tool.

        Look, the whole Springfield, Ohio thing is a racist lie, they are Legal Immigrants (Trump-Vance call them illegal, and are not eating dogs and cats.

        It is pure demagoguery.

        Trump “”The Democrats say, ‘Please don’t call them animals. They’re humans.’ I said, ‘No, they’re not humans, they’re not humans, they’re animals”

        then proceeds to find examples of murders by illegal immigrants.

        Not surprisingly , there are examples!

        But no one ever asks: how many murders by citizens in comparison. What percentage of murders are by citizens? What percentage of crimes by illegal immigrants?

      • Tim S says:

        Nate, you know better. Dana Bash is on your side, and therefore completely partisan. She did the very famous softball with Kamala where she actually help with the followup questions, and then she made a fool of herself trying to smear Vance. Just admit that you like this sort of thing. Politics is a dirty game and the media are in the game.

      • Nate says:

        All it means Tim, is that you cannot recognize a real journalist.

        Look Vance doesnt need much assistance to score a lot of self-goals.

        He’s already put off major constituencies, such as childless women.

      • Tim S says:

        I am shocked to discover that Nate is a partisan — shocked I tell you! All along I was thinking he might be an objective scientist who believes in science.

      • Nate says:

        Yes, JD Vance is a heck of a guy:


        “How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating MigrantsAfter Being Told They Werent True”

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:

      CNN’s Dana Bash And JD Vance Clash Over Claims About Haitian Immigrants

      10:49 “Dana the evidence is the firsthand account of my constituents who are telling me that this happened…”

      11:17 “if I have to if I have to create stories so that…”

    • Arkady Ivanovich says:


      JD Vance admits he ‘created’ story about migrants eating pet cats and dogs spread by Trump during TV debate

      • Tim S says:

        The liberal media and people who are not very smart (polite description) think this is an effective smear. Intelligent people are able to take it in context and substitute the word “created” with the word “revealed” or the phrase “brought awareness to”. He never meant that he made it up. He clearly stated multiple times that people are telling him stories first hand. That is the context and that is what he meant. It is right there in the interview and in context. It is a perfect example of Dana Bash engaging in propaganda and trying to create a story rather than conduct an honest interview seeking information. She is the one “creating” something. It is media bias. The story is the immigration problem, not whether JD Vance was given accurate information in the first hand accounts from his constituents.

      • CO2isLife says:

        7 dogs that Obama ate
        In his 1995 memoir “Dreams from My Father,” President Barack Obama described eating dog meat as a young boy in Indonesia a passage that went unnoticed until this week, when it went viral. Here are a few dogs the president has chowed down on more recently.

        By BRIDGET MULCAHY 04/19/2012 02:40 PM EDT

        Dog Meat Market

        Progressives will gaslight everything. Eating dog isn’t something that one should be shocked by. Sure we don’t eat it here in the US, but we’re not a 3rd World Country.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        [Tim S] at 11:52 AM ” He did not ever claim to have first hand or verified information.”

        [Tim S] at 2:49 PM “He clearly stated multiple times that people are telling him stories first hand.”

      • Tim S says:

        This is fun:

        Having first hand information could mean that he saw it himself. I could have used better language in the same way that he could have used a better word, or maybe people can watch the video and make up their own mind. Just for fun, it might be interesting to note whether Dana spent more time commenting and accusing, or Vance, the guest, answering. Usually the guest is invited to answer rather than sit and listen to a lecture.

        People “telling him stories first hand” means he didn’t see it himself. The operative word there is stories, and the word verified has a rather obvious meaning.

        Have you got another strawman? Otherwise, carry on.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        Tim S, I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

      • Tim S says:

        Arkady, do not flatter yourself. I do not care what you think of me, my opinion, or your own understanding of the facts. As I have stated before, and I will state again, I am not here to win anything or engage in endless back and forth. My focus is on sharing my ideas and responding to what I read. If I respond, it is because I think I have to add. It is up to each reader to decide what makes sense and what does not. I offer my opinion and/or a reference, and then it is out my hands.

        Good luck with your game. I do not care whether you win or not, and I do not care what side you are on.

      • Entropic man says:

        Intelligence is a tool for achieving goals, but goals are not chosen intelligently.

      • Nate says:

        or the phrase brought awareness to. He never meant that he made it up. He clearly stated multiple times that people are telling him stories first hand. That is the context and that is what he meant.”

        Do you really want your party leaders, to use their very large loudspeakers to be amplifying internet rumors that are inflammatory racist tropes?

      • Nate says:

        People like Trump and Vance are polar opposite to real decent conservatives such as John McCain, who famously corrected a rumor (spread by eg Trump) that Obama was not American but was an Arab, stating that

        “No ma’am, he’s a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about,”

      • Tim S says:

        Cumulative response:

        This one is easy. I am on record and will state again that Trump is unfit for office. I am willing to bet that the whole issue with Comey, McCabe, and the Love Birds was related to some very bad information in Trump’s FBI file with the conclusion that he is unfit for office. They probably have a very detailed analysis of his various problems. They also have no Constitutional role in deciding whether the people voted the right way.

        Trump cannot stop behaving like a fool, because he is nuts. He makes it very easy for the liberal media to do their job of supporting Harris. Vance on the other hand is one of the most intelligent and emotionally stable politicians in office. His job is to clean up the mess Trump leaves behind.

        The problem here is that Kamala Harris is also nuts. There is a very good reason they do not want her doing interviews. There is no good choice this year. I would take Hillary over Kamala, and that is saying a lot.

        Dana Bash is fundamentally dishonest, partisan, and biased. She is also not the best interviewer at CNN. Jake Tapper is more skillful at smearing people and making it seem truthful.

      • Nate says:

        “The problem here is that Kamala Harris is also nuts. ”

        Based on what evidence, Tim?

        Your judgement of Vance shows that you must be a terrible judge of character.

        He has created more messes, than he cleaned up.

      • Nate says:

        “Dana Bash is fundamentally dishonest, partisan, and biased. She is also not the best interviewer at CNN. Jake Tapper is more skillful at smearing people and making it seem truthful.”

        Trump/Vance regularly tell very tall tales. Eg the Haitians in Ohio are not illegal.. For journalists to call this behavior out is fair.

        Oh which network/reporters do you think are better, more honest?

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        tim s …”Trump cannot stop behaving like a fool, because he is nuts”.


        What?? He’s nuts because:

        1) he wants to make NATO members pay their fair share?
        2)He wants to send illegal immigrants home?
        3)he wants to talk to Putin and other leaders to fix the problem in the Ukraine?

        He was in for 4 years and the US was in far better shape than it is now with:

        1)police being defunded.
        2)criminals being sprung from jail and being excused on the basis they had a rough childhood.
        3)(a)men being allowed to access womens’ washrooms and dressing rooms because they think they are women.
        (b)men being allowed to play on women’s sports teams or compete against them because they think they are women.
        (c)children are being asked to determine their sexuality and in some cases, given sex change operations.
        (4) every person from the Third World, including terrorists, can show up at the US southern order, get immediate access, and get supported.
        (5)we need to stop driving cars using fossil fuels, for no good scientific reason, only that it is better for the planet.

        I’ll take Trump any day over the current sorry lot who are destroying the country.

      • Tim S says:

        Nate has his opinion, and I have one that is different. Image that!

      • Nate says:

        Yes Tim, you have opinions, but are unwilling to support them:

        The problem here is that Kamala Harris is also nuts.

      • Nate says:

        “He was in for 4 years and the US was in far better shape than it is now with:”

        How quickly people forget 2020 and all that went down, and January 2021.

        Is Trump to blame for Covid? No just his haphazard response to it.

        Is Biden to blame for inflation? No considering Covids effect on supply chains, and inflation hit globally.

      • Tim S says:

        Okay Nate, it is now time to come clean. What is you position in the Democrat party? Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes a statement of fiction like that unless they are a party member. This is recent history, Nate. We all lived through it. There was endless debate and discussion that the huge “stimulus” spending plans that the Democrats passed would cause inflation, but they did it anyway. Manchin and Sinema where tared and feathered for resisting.


      • Nate says:

        How quickly they forget inconvenient facts.

        “Trump signed off on the $2.3 trillion package from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., days after he expressed displeasure with the spending outlined in the omnibus and complained that the coronavirus relief measure should include direct payments of $2,000 per person, up from $600.”


        “The relief legislation includes direct payments of $600 per adult and per child. The amount per adult is half the $1,200 payments that were provided under the CARES Act enacted in March”

        There is no question that all the stimulus, from the whole world, contributed to inflation, but also that the US inflation rate was not as bad as in many other countries.

        “Compared to the G7
        The United States had the lowest inflation rate in the G7, which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.”


    • Gordon Robertson says:

      Politicians lie??? Go on!!!

      If the Republicans admit to lying, that is a step in the right direction, However, the Democrats tell huge lies and carry on as usual.

  108. Entropic man says:

    This might explain a lot of posts on Roy’s website.


  109. Tim S says:

    The remnants of Gordon dissipated at 11 am AST September 17, 2024.

    That is a statement from NOAA. It has nothing to do with the very prolific poster who makes excessively long comments on this board.

    Otherwise, at the very peak of hurricane season, there is no tropical cyclone activity in either the Atlantic or Eastern Pacific regions. Is that climate change?

    • Tim S says:


      Gordon could get a new name later this week:

      Disorganized showers and thunderstorms over the central tropical
      Atlantic are associated with the remnants of Gordon. This
      disturbance is forecast to interact with a non-tropical low to its
      north while moving north-northeastward at 5 to 10 mph during the
      next couple of days. Environmental conditions could become more
      conducive for redevelopment later this week, and a tropical
      depression or storm could form by this weekend while the system
      moves slowly northward over the central subtropical Atlantic.
      * Formation chance through 48 hours…low…20 percent.
      * Formation chance through 7 days…medium…40 percent.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      Pretty witty Tim, about half-witty.

    • Tim S says:


      * Formation chance through 48 hours…low…20 percent.
      * Formation chance through 7 days…medium…50 percent.

  110. Arkady Ivanovich says:

    If you tried to call the Mossad hotline today you probably got the following message: “Our apologies for not being available lately. We were paging people all day.”

  111. Ken says:

    The flooding in Europe reminds of reading about 1315- 1317 Famine. Is this climate cycle going cold fast?

    Floods Wipe Out Central Europe’s Grain a Food Price Surge Is Next

    Great Famine of 13151317

    • Bindidon says:


      Years following the 1257 Samalas eruption (VEI 7/8, strongest eruption of the last 7000 years).

      • Ken says:

        phreatomagmatic like Hunga Tonga

      • Bindidon says:


        – You can’t compare a VEI 5/6 volcanic eruption to one at 7/8;

        – You can’t compare an eruption starting at 150m below sea level to one starting at 4500m over sea level because aerosol production resulting from SO2 and ash is in the first case compensated by water vapor.

    • Bindidon says:

      ” Is this climate cycle going cold fast? ”

      Why do you think so?

      The current flooding in Southeast Europe (from Romania to Austria and South Germoney) is due to

      – an extreme warming of the Mediterranean Sea
      – repeated sequences of high pressure areas (turning CW) and low pressure areas (turning CCW) aspirating both a mix of cold air from North/Northwest and warm, very wet air coming from the Med sea.

  112. gbaikie says:

    Solar wind
    speed: 454.9 km/sec
    density: 1.18 protons/cm3
    Daily Sun: 18 Sep 24

    Sunspot number: 140
    The Radio Sun
    10.7 cm flux: 170 sfu
    Thermosphere Climate Index
    today: 32.77×10^10 W Hot
    Oulu Neutron Counts
    Percentages of the Space Age average:
    today: -8.1% Low

    7 numbered sunspots, 1 leaving to the farside

    “Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
    16 September – 12 October 2024

    Solar activity is likely to be at moderate levels
    (R1-R2/Minor-Moderate), with a slight chance for x-class events (R3-Strong), throughout the outlook period. This is due to complex regions on the visible disk, as well as the anticipated return of complex regions.

    No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

    The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels.

    Geomagnetic field activity is expected to range from quiet to G3 (Strong) storm levels. Enhanced activity to G1-G3 (Minor-Strong) storm levels are likely on 16-17 Sep due to anticipated CME activity. Unsettled to G1 (Minor) storm activity is likely on 26-29 Sep, 05-06 Oct and 10-12 Oct due to recurrent, positive polarity CH HSS occurence. Mostly quiet levels are expected on 20-26 Sep, 30 Sep, 01-04 Oct and 07-09 Oct. ”

    • gbaikie says:

      Solar wind
      speed: 453.6 km/sec
      density: 2.71 protons/cm3
      Daily Sun: 19 Sep 24
      Sunspot number: 106
      The Radio Sun
      10.7 cm flux: 163 sfu
      Thermosphere Climate Index
      today: 33.53×10^10 W Hot
      Oulu Neutron Counts
      Percentages of the Space Age average:
      today: -9.8% Low

      6 numbered sunspots. Newest numbered sunspots, 2 tiny spots {3820 and 3830} appeared close to going to the farside- in a day or two.
      No spots are coming from farside, yet.

    • gbaikie says:

      Solar wind
      speed: 416.8 km/sec
      density: 1.63 protons/cm3
      Daily Sun: 20 Sep 24
      Sunspot number: 109
      The Radio Sun
      10.7 cm flux: 161 sfu
      Thermosphere Climate Index
      today: 33.34×10^10 W Hot
      Oulu Neutron Counts
      Percentages of the Space Age average:
      today: -9.4% Low

      6 numbered spot. 2 spots leaving and 1 coming from farside.
      3831 appeared in middle of disk. And 1 unnumbered spot appeared about 3/4th of the way to the farside.

    • gbaikie says:

      Solar wind
      speed: 417.0 km/sec
      density: 0.80 protons/cm3
      Daily Sun: 21 Sep 24
      Sunspot number: 113
      The Radio Sun
      10.7 cm flux: 154 sfu
      Thermosphere Climate Index
      today: 33.58×10^10 W Hot
      Oulu Neutron Counts
      Percentages of the Space Age average:
      today: -8.5% Low

      7 numbered spots. No spots going to farside within 2 days.
      no spots coming from farside, There a little spot [northern hemisphere] which might become a numbered spot [or sink].

    • gbaikie says:

      Solar wind
      speed: 421.3 km/sec
      density: 1.65 protons/cm3
      Daily Sun: 22 Sep 24
      Sunspot number: 117
      The Radio Sun
      10.7 cm flux: 158 sfu
      Thermosphere Climate Index
      today: 33.58×10^10 W Hot
      Oulu Neutron Counts
      Percentages of the Space Age average:
      today: -8.1% Low

      7 numbered spots. No spots coming from farside, No spot leaving to farside within a day.

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 348.1 km/sec
        density: 1.53 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 23 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 114
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 163 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 33.21×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -8.0% Low

        7 numbered sunspots. A spot coming from farside. No spots leaving to farside within 2 days.

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 471.0 km/sec
        density: 15.96 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 24 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 224
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 167 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 33.26×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -8.0% Low

        8 numbered sunspots. No spots coming farside or leaving the farside. though I don’t see from given picture, more spots connected to the emerging, numbered 3836, coming from farside- there might be.

      • gbaikie says:

        Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
        23 September – 19 October 2024

        Solar activity is expected to range from low to moderate levels throughout the outlook period, with a varying chance for M-class (R1-R2/Minor-Moderate) flares.

        No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit, barring significant flare activity.

        The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels on 23-26 Sep and 12-15 Oct, with normal to moderate levels expected for the remainder of the period.

        Geomagnetic field activity is likely to reach unsettled levels on 25-26 Sep due to positive polarity CH HSS influences. Periods of active conditions are likely on 05-06 Oct due to another positive polarity CH HSS. Periods of active conditions are likely again on 10 Oct, followed by likely periods of G1 (Minor) storming on 11-12 Oct,
        due to yet another positive polarity CH HSS.

        And back to: https://spaceweather.com/
        “There are no significant equatorial coronal holes on the Earth-facing side of the sun. ”

        Well it seems there are 5 not significant enough, ones, in equatorial regions.
        “Emerging sunspot AR3836 looks interesting. It is large and morphologically complex, two signs of a potentially explosive active region.”
        “GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G1): A lopsided halo CME is expected to graze Earth’s magnetic field on Sept. 25-26. The impact could cause a G1-class geomagnetic storm. NOAA’s model predicts a strike on Sept. 25th; NASA’s model predicts the 26th. The difference gives a sense of the uncertainty in this low-confidence forecast.”

        NASA gives a faster prediction, which because it’s fastest they can do, it is less accurate. And NOAA spends more time modeling it and maybe gets more data, and therefore, tends to be more accurate.

      • gbaikie says:

        Solar wind
        speed: 516.0 km/sec
        density: 15.42 protons/cm3
        Daily Sun: 25 Sep 24
        Sunspot number: 123
        The Radio Sun
        10.7 cm flux: 172 sfu
        Thermosphere Climate Index
        today: 33.36×10^10 W Hot
        Oulu Neutron Counts
        Percentages of the Space Age average:
        today: -7.0% Low
        8 numbered sunspots. 1 leaving to farside within a day. no spots coming from farside, yet.

        The sunspot number of yesterday [224], makes no sense to me.

  113. Gordon Robertson says:

    Just want to remind you guys that we are hurtling through space at about 30 km/second (29.8 to be exact). To put that in context, a car moving at about 100 km/hour is moving at about 28 METRES/sec.

    Handy thing to stop and contemplate when you think you know everything and need a reality check. Or, when life becomes a bit much.

    The average temperature around here in the day has dropped about 10C in a couple of weeks, which makes global warming pale in comparison.

    Remember, the Earth’s orbit and its tilted axis control weather and seasons, not some insignificant trace gas.

    We should not be praying about weather conditions and climate changing but that we don’t collide with a mass of significant size.

    • Entropic man says:

      Please remind Clint R who does not believe that passenger jets can travel at 30km/second in any direction.

      • gbaikie says:

        The Starship is still being tested, but would the FAA cease delaying it, it will accelerate to about 10 km/sec, refuel in orbit, then it’s second stage can accelerate about 6-7 km/sec.

        Of course before that, SpaceX and/or Blue Origin would need to make refilling depot in orbit {Something NASA said wanted to do for more than 1/2 century and didn’t- due to the general delay of idiots- endless hordes of them}.

      • Clint R says:

        Ent understands so little science, yet sometimes gets it right. It’s like a blind squirrel sometimes finding a nut.

        Indeed, I don’t believe passenger jets fly 67000 mph.

  114. CO2isLife says:

    Listen to VDH talk about modern academia. That expains exactly how you get Climate Change and Global Warming and the corruption of the entire system. People that cancel, censor, and misrepresent don’t have solid arguements to stand on.

    This pretty much captures everything, and helps expain why there are so many people that will defend such nonsense vigorously. Just look at the posts on this thread.

    These also provides insite:

    Watch those videos and you understand the people promoting Climate Change on this blog.

  115. Arkady Ivanovich says:

    A nice article succinctly summarizing the scientific basis for climate change and global warming.


    • CO2isLife says:

      Most important, contrarians must show why the scientific basis of greenhouse gas warming is incorrect.

      That is 100% pure sophistry and a strawman arguement. No one denies that a molecule with vibrational states triggerd by LWIR will warm. That is easly demonstrated in any lab.

      The issue isn’t whether or not the GHG Effect exists, it does.

      The one and only question is can CO2 which specifically absorbs 12 to 18 peak 15 Micron LWIR warm the atmosphere of average temperature 64F/18C?

      15 Micron LWIR is consistent with -80C, and it won’t warm air of 18C. That is the point. You can’t warm coffee by adding the additional IR radiated from Ice.

      The author of that article never once mentions the limitations of 15 micron LWIR, if fact 15 Micron LWIR and its relevance to CO2 IS NEVER EVEN MENTIONED.

      Dr. Spencer you should do a post on the 3 vibrational states of CO2 related to 2.3, 4.7 and 15 Microns, and how only 15 is relevant to earth, and what temperature does 15 Micron represent.

      These Journal Articals are pure sophistry.

      • Ball4 says:

        “You can’t warm coffee by adding the additional IR radiated from Ice.”

        So CO2isLife now tries to convince more astute readers that increasing the thermodynamic internal energy of a cup of liquid coffee with absorbed “additional IR radiation” won’t warm the coffee above control coffee thereby violating the 2LOT in that real process. Won’t work. There is no hope for CO2isLife to be correct.

        CO2isLife hasn’t yet caught on that Dr. Spencer already has a post up on how added 15 micron icy atm. radiation is experimentally relevant to warming earth atm. and surface water above control water.

      • Nate says:

        “15 Micron LWIR is consistent with -80C, and it wont warm air of 18C.”

        You have been corrected about this false idea many times CO2. You just can’t learn.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        15 Micron LWIR is consistent with -80C”

        What does that even mean?

        The human body emits 15 Micron LWIR, no?

      • CO2isLife says:

        15 Micron LWIR is consistent with -80C

        What does that even mean?

        The human body emits 15 Micron LWIR, no?

        LWIR and IR in general is associated with a temperature. That is why theyb always show the atmpospheric radiation against a blackbody Plank Curve. You can go to Spectralcalc.com and go to the Blackbody calculator. Enter the range 12 to 18 Micron, and look at what temperature is consistent with 15 microns. It will be -80C.

      • Nate says:

        ‘Is consistent with’ is meaningless in physics. Because warm and cold bodies emit 15 micron IR. And 15 micron radiation contains energy, and if abs.orbed by a body, will increase its internal energy.

        This is a fundamental misunderstanding of thermodynamics that you have CO2.

      • Norman says:


        Nate states you have been corrected on your understanding many times.

        The -80C you state is only the PEAK emission band for a black body at -80C, also a black body at -80 C emits many bands other than 15 microns. It is not a logical or valid argument to use this understanding to make claims that CO2 is cold. CO2 only emits IR in a few select bands and would not be valid in determining the temperature of CO2. CO2 can be quite warm and will only emit in the 15 micron band (and if hotter in the shorter bands). It does not reflect its temperature. As it gets hotter it just emits more 15 micron band IR.

        The CO2 in the air is not what is warming the surface. The Sun is the energy source. The CO2 acts as a radiant barrier. It lowers the rate of surface energy loss. It acts as any type of insulation. Roy Spencer has explained it numerous times on his blog. He generally simplifies it using a home in winter with and without insulation. With the same input energy the home with insulation will reach higher temperature than the one without.

        Nothing is really complex about it. If you understand that adding more insulation to a heated house will keep it warmer than you will understand how CO2 will keep the surface warmer.

      • Clint R says:

        Sorry Norman, but you’re confused, as usual.

        CO2’s 15μ photon can only be a “radiant barrier” to something at -80C. You don’t understand radiative physics, like the rest of your cult. And, you can’t learn.

        You continue to believe the nonsense that fluxes simply add. But, you can’t understand that would mean ice cube could boil water.

      • Norman says:

        Clint R

        Talk about a stalker. I was attempting to talk to a more rational poster (CO2isLife) and here you have to butt in with your endless boring repetitions of false beliefs you think are true.

        Your first false statement: “Sorry Norman, but youre confused, as usual.”

        No you are ignorant and arrogant as usual. Nothing new here from you (not that there ever is)

        Second False statement: “CO2s 15μ photon can only be a radiant barrier to something at -80C. You dont understand radiative physics, like the rest of your cult. And, you cant learn.”

        I learn quite well. You lack understanding of any physics, you are a cult minded person that can’t learn. Attributing your flawed character to me is false. You are just jealous because you were born dumb and can’t tolerate that most people are much smarter than you can ever hope to be.

        Third False statement: “You continue to believe the nonsense that fluxes simply add. But, you cant understand that would mean ice cube could boil water.”

        Fluxes add get over yourself. You can’t understand this point even though it has been explained to you many times by many people. And the worst false statement that you keep bringing up is that fluxes adding means ice cube could boil water.

        Not sure of how you logically come up with that really dumb statement. When you posted as (g.e.r.a.n) you had ice cooking a turkey. That was just as poorly thought out.

        I have gone over you in detail about why ice won’t boil water and yet fluxes will add. It is a waste of time explaining anything to you. Talking to a wall would be more productive. You lack the intellect to logically think or understand.

      • Clint R says:

        Ranting and raving is NOT science, Norman.

        You’re STILL trying to boil water with ice cubes. You’re trying to make CO2 do things it can’t do. A radiant barrier can reflect the entire spectrum. CO2 only returns the 15μ photons. We saw an effective radiant barrier with the HTE. Surface temperatures rose accordingly. CO2 can’t do that.

        You don’t understand any of this and can’t learn.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:


        I did as you asked, and here are the results from spectracalc:

        For T= -80°C, Spectral Radiance= 1.10107 W/m²/sr/m @ 15μ.

        For T= 15°C, Spectral Radiance= 5.82995 W/m²/sr/m @ 15μ.

        I still don’t know what you mean by “15 Micron LWIR is consistent with -80C.” As I’ve said, the human body emits 15μ LWIR, and body temperature is not -80°C.

    • Clint R says:

      Sorry Ark, but that article proves your cult has NOTHING.

      The article makes claims about how the GHE nonsense is solid science, like Newton’s physics. Then it talks about how valid Newton’s physics have proved to be.

      But, claiming the GHE nonsense is solid science is not done by unsupported claims.

      You need to show how CO2’s 15μ photons can warm Earth’s surface. But, you can’t do that.

      Maybe if you find another article you don’t understand?

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      ark…proselytizing – the action of attempting to convert someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.

      Your article is sheer proselytizing for the first 11 paragraphs of propaganda relating to how rock solid the greenhouse theory is inferred to be.

      The first things that turned me off was the author’s credentials, an astrophysicist. People usually go into disciplines like astrophysics and geology because the courses are easy credits. That does not mean there no good astronomers, I am sure good academics go into the field out of interest, but I fear they also go into it because it’s easy to get a degree in that field.

      Finally, around paragraph 12, he states his case…

      “Trace polyatomic molecules such as water vapor, CO2, and methane have rotation, bending, and vibration degrees of freedom, and are quite effective at intercepting infrared radiation radiated by Earths surface and the atmosphere.

      When a greenhouse molecule absorbs an infrared photon, the molecule rotates or vibrates faster and is said to be in an excited state. At low gas densities, an excited greenhouse gas molecule will spontaneously (by the rules of quantum mechanics) reradiate an infrared photon, which may escape the atmosphere into space and produce no net warming”.

      Seriously amateurish explanation. For one, why does he refer to molecules as polyatomic molecules, which is redundant? That is the definition of a molecule, two or more atoms bonded by electron bonds. Also, quantum mechanics has nothing to do with gas molecules. It can explain how molecules are formed from atoms via electron bonds but QM is at a much lower level than the molecule.

      Next, he presumes…does not prove…that the gases mentioned absorb sufficient surface radiation to produce significant warming of the entire atmosphere. This is a basic alarmist notion that can easily be disproved by the Ideal Gas Law and the heat diffusion equation.

      I have read all sorts of inferences about ‘thermalization’, a quaint theory that GHGs can heat the atmosphere. Why not call it what it is…heating? Sure they can, but the warming is insignificant. CO2 can produce no more warming than it mass percent, which is 0.06%. That converts to a 0.06C warming for every 1C warming of the atmosphere.

      It stands to reason that N2 and O2, making up 99% of the atmosphere, are the primary warming gases.

      Then the astronomer goes on to mess up basic quantum theory by suggesting that molecules absorb IR and get excited. There is no other particle in a molecule that can absorb IR than an electron and an electron is part of an atom, not a molecule per se. A molecule, by definition, is two or more atoms bonded by electrons, either by sharing electrons or donating electrons.

      Molecules vibrate and rotate due to their electron bonding orbital arrangements. The name molecule is imply a name given to different arrangements/shapes of electron bonding orbitals.

      One cannot explain the basic action of an electron in an atom at the molecular level. It’s plain that those who omit references to electrons don’t understand basic quantum theory and what it is about.

      Ergo, to discuss the energy levels of molecules, one must discuss the energy levels of electrons in atoms, not some fictitious tale of vibrating molecules or excited molecules. Any basic course in chemistry is about electrons and electron bonds. Electrons get excited, not molecules per se.

      Therefore, the astronomer is presenting a fictitious pseudo-science to back his proof of a greenhouse effect.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        Gor… the first thing that turned me off about your comment is that you don’t seem to know that there are Noble Gases present in Earth’s atmosphere.

        The rest of it is just a rehash of the same old misunderstandings, and wrong ideas that you’ve been corrected on many times before, but you refuse to learn.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        Noble gases are gases made up of atom with a full complement of electrons in their valence orbital band. That makes it virtually impossible for them to form molecules, even though it had claimed to have been done.

        Your point?

  116. CO2isLife says:

    CO2isLife hasnt yet caught on that Dr. Spencer already has a post up on how added 15 micron icy atm. radiation is experimentally relevant to warming earth atm. and surface water above control water.

    Please provide a link and I’ll review. 15 micron LWIR won’t warm water, and I’m sure he hasn’t run that CONTROLLED experiment.

    • Ball4 says:

      Again, if the water doesn’t warm in the process as CO2isLife describes, then the 2LOT is violated.

      To review experimental results with Alabama nighttime atm. adding icy radiation incident on surface water and the supporting theory, enter into the blog search box this string: experiment water

      • CO2isLife says:

        Ball4, just post a link. I’m sure it doesn’t prove what you claim. Once again, we are talking about isolating 15 Micron LWIR and measusing the marginal impact on water. Yes, a broad range of LWIR will slow the cooling of water because water is in the air and it radiates back 100% of the IR the water is radiating. Atmopsheric water could be considered a mirror for LWIR emitted by water.

        Once again, the atmosphere holds H2O and CO2, you have to isolate the impact of CO2, and to do that you need a long pass IR Filter.

      • Ball4 says:

        This site rejects links with certain letter combinations, even its own links. The search box is more general & will let CO2isLife find additional links that prove absorbed incident 15 micron LWIR will warm water above control water not in view of the 15 micron LWIR. Dr. Spencer was on that mission years ago. Learn from his experimental work.

        “it radiates back 100% of the IR the water is radiating”

        No, the earthen atm. is not a mirror & is at different temperatures than the surface water in each atm. layer. The atm. holds more than H2O and CO2 species. Again, CO2isLife’s position violates 2LOT as I’ve already explained so is impossible in nature.

      • Clint R says:

        Ball4 can’t ever support his bogus claims.

      • Nate says:

        “Atmopsheric water could be considered a mirror for LWIR emitted by water.”

        Except that liquid water abs.orbs more broadly over IR wavelengths.


        Liquid water red, water vapor green.

        Notice liquid water abs.orbs readily around 15 microns.

  117. Eric says:

    Gotta admit arguing about the meaning of heat and temperature is fruitless if the participants or some of them don’t recall even the simplest concepts yet keep lecturimg as if they’re professors.

    Dudes, don’t argue if you feel you are arguing with a brickwall.

    Either one of you is thick and bricks won’t learn anyway.

    Btw, temperature and entropy are rather nuanced concepts. Energy too, when thought closely. Better tone dowm.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      eric…one of the more stoopid comments I have encountered on this blog. I say that because of the hit and run nature of your comment. You gave no examples and no proof they are wrong. Just an ad hom attack.

      Temperature is a human invention, invented to track various heat levels. Those who designed thermometers used standard, natural phenomena, such as the freezing and boiling points of water. By observing the expansion of mercury in a vial due to heating, and dividing the length of expansion at STP into gradations, called degrees, they were able to track the relative warming in air or a substance.

      Don’t believe this, check Planck on it, he states it clearly in his book on heat.

      Entropy is another human invention by Clausius which he DEFINED as the sum of infinitesimal quantities of heat in a process at absolute temperature, T. He later stated it in mathematical terms as….

      S = integral dq/T

      It can be stated as the heat in a process not available to do work. Gibbs used it in his free energy (actually, free heat) as

      G = H – TS

      H is the enthalpy or total heat and TS is the result of integrating the Clausius equation and transforming. That means TS represents heat, you can see that TS is the heat lost.

      Later, Boltzmann muddied the waters and redefined entropy, which he had no right to do. He was dealing in the world of statistics, assigning imaginary data points as if the represented real gas molecules. I regard the work of Boltzmann as setting science backward. The work he did with Maxwell on the kinetic theory of gases became superflous once the real relationship between gas molecules and electromagnetic energy were revealed by Bohr in 1913.

      • Ball4 says:

        “Temperature is a human invention, invented to track various heat levels.”

        No. Brickwall (Eric term) Gordon still hasn’t understood temperature is not Clausius’ heat.

        “H is the enthalpy or total heat”

        Brickwall Gordon is easily confused again since enthalpy H = U + pV where U is the measure of total thermodynamic internal energy of an object; neither U nor H is Clausius’ heat.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        What’s this nonsense about Clausius heat? There is only one heat. Enthalpy, entropy, and internal energy reference the same heat.

        read this, then take your foot out of your mouth.


        Internal energy, as defined by Clausius is internal heat + internal work. However, you cannot add work or remove work from a system. You can only add or remove heat.

        That’s why enthalpy is expressed as U + PV, it includes an expression of work (actually the sum of P.dV), since U expresses only the internal energy of a system at rest. U + pDV is actually the 1st law where Q = U + p.dV. Q in this case is called enthalpy.

        Before re-inserting you foot, read this…


      • Ball4 says:

        Gordon claims erroneously: “Internal energy, as defined by Clausius is internal heat + internal work.” A search of Clausius’ “Mechanical Theory of Heat” (a collection of his memoirs) finds zero hits for the term: internal energy. So Clausius did not write what Gordon claims.

        I already (11:20 am) pointed out to Gordon (or Brickwall – Eric term) Clausius actual words:

        “I consider my original definition of (U) as representing the sum of the (measure of (the particles KE)) added to the quantity already present and of that expended in interior work, starting from any given initial state, as perfectly exact”

        Again, enthalpy is H = U + pV which is not Clausius’ heat. Gordon links to a couple unnamed authors for those author’s heat. I’ll instead (and Gordon should too) as always go with Clausius’ heat. No matter what any other author subsequently wrote.

        U being not only molecular translational kinetic energy but includes contributions from motions and interactions within molecules as well as from interactions between molecules.

        Gordon claims: “You can only add or remove heat.”

        James Prescott Joule experimentally proved there is no heat in an object therefore “you” cannot remove from (nor add to) an object something (like heat) that is not IN that object. Likewise, there is no work in an object.

        Gordon obviously has a never-ending losing struggle to correctly understand and use Clausius’ heat. And especially to understand when any subsequent author writes a different heat definition.

        And again Gordon, try harder to successfully remember thermometer temperature of an object is not Clausius’ heat.

    • gbaikie says:

      entropy… Energy too…

      Earth is nuclear reactor, smashed with high energy space rocks {big ones and a lot them, during Earth formation- though fewer and smaller, at this late stage}. Tidally force from the Moon and the big guy [our sun].

      And we are in Ice Age, which is due to our cold oceans with average temperature of about 3.5 C.

      And Earth’s orbit/relationship with the Sun, changes over long period of time, causing global warming and global cooling, called interglacial and glacial periods.
      And our present interglacial period, called the Holocene period, has been a rather cold interglacial period, and some people have hope, it’s current 5000 years of cooling will turn around, and we could get as warm as past interglacial period, when our cold ocean was about 4 C or warmer, and sea levels were many meters higher than they are presently.

    • Entropic man says:

      You are probably correct.

      You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

  118. CO2isLife says:

    Now, my question is this:

    What caused the IR thermometer reading to warm up by 14 deg. when it went from clear sky to the cloud?


    Dr. Spencer asked the above question. Reflection and re-radiation of LWIR and SWIR from the cloud which is afterall H2O. H2O absorbs a large spectrum of IR. The clear sky doesn’t reflect the IR. BTW, the IR Thermometer is reading wavelengths, not temperature. The air next to the cloud is the same as the air in the cloud.

    If you shine IR into a mirror, it will show that the mirror is hot, but it won’t be.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      There is also the difference in altitude between the cloud and the clear sky focal point. Clouds can be modeled as lakes of water due to the considerable quantity of water droplets. Clear sky, on the other hand is simply 98% N2 and O2 molecules (vapour) which don’t radiate much in the IR band. So, what is the IR meter seeing when pointed at clear sky and why is it reading so low?

      This was reported as well by atmospheric scientist, Craig Bohren. He recorded temperatures of -50C pointed at clear sky and -2C when pointed at clouds. How is that possible with WV and CO2 radiating at all altitudes. Seems the instrument is averaging different layers based on received frequencies. However, that would mean there are far colder temperatures than -50C.

      I’d like to know this, if you point an IR meter at just air, horizontally, with nothing in the background, will it indicate the temperature of the air. I don’t think it will. If I’m right, what will it measure pointed vertically?

      If the meter is pointed horizontally at a target, why won’t the air in between affect the reading?

      • Ball4 says:

        Dr. Bohren’s text answers Gordon, note the distinction between thermometer kinetic temperature readings and brightness temperature readings from an IR thermometer:

        “On a partly cloudy spring day we pointed an infrared thermometer at a patch of clear overhead sky. Although the air temperature measured with an ordinary thermometer was 20C, the temperature recorded by the infrared thermometer was a frigid -50C, not even close to air temperature. This is because an infrared thermometer measures brightness temperatures, which are lower or at most equal to terrestrial thermodynamic temperatures.

        When we shifted the thermometer’s field of view from clear sky to an adjacent patch of cloudy sky the brightness temperature shot up to -3C. It is not plausible that two adjacent patches of sky differed in temperature by 47C, so the only possible explanation is that the emissivities of the two patches were different given that the reflectivity of clouds…and air for terrestrial radiation is small.

        We have done this simple but dramatic experiment many times, always with the same result: clear sky is always radiatively much colder than adjacent cloudy sky. This difference lies mostly in the markedly different spectral emissivities of water vapor and of liquid water. Later that same day, after sundown, as clouds thickened, the overhead brightness temperature had increased to 2-3C even though air temperatures had dropped.”

    • CO2isLife says:

      BTW, why complicate things. This is a very very easy controlled experiment. One needs to isolate the independent variable, that being the 15 Micron LWIR Emitted by the low energy vibrational state of CO2, the other two being the higher energy shorter wavelength 2.7 Micron and 4.3 Micron vibrational states.


      One simply needs to purchase a long pass IR filter, isolate 12 to 18 Micron LWIR and apply it to a bucket of water and measure the temperature change. That is basically the shine light on a bean plant experiment everyone does in 1st grade. It is easy to do.

      • Nate says:

        Go ahead. Report back with your results.

      • Ball4 says:

        No need to buy an artificial long wave pass filter to model atm. irradiance. Better to employ the natural radiation from atm. ice in the form of added overnight icy cirrus cloud as did Dr. Spencer.

        Dr. Spencer was able to isolate 12 to 18 Micron LWIR from added atm. ice and apply its irradiance to a bucket of surface water, measure, & analyze the ~6″ deep water temperature increase over a nearby control water shaded from the added icy irradiation. That is basically to shine overnight light from icy cirrus on a bucket of water experiment everyone can do in about 1st grade. It is easy to do.

        Resulting data shows fully in accord with the 2LOT & theory for such a real process unlike CO2isLife’s view which is not in accord with 2LOT.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Ball4 says:
        September 19, 2024 at 7:46 AM
        No need to buy an artificial long wave pass filter to model atm. irradiance. Better to employ the natural radiation from atm. ice in the form of added overnight icy cirrus cloud as did Dr. Spencer.

        How does that control for the effect of CO2? What is the humidity of the air, what is the air current, how dense is the cloud, what is the temperature of the cloud, etc etc etc? That is far from a controlled experiment. I’m begining to think that Climate Scientists don’t actualy understand the Scientific Method and how to design a controlled experiment.

        Dr. Spencer was able to isolate 12 to 18 Micron LWIR from added atm. ice and apply its irradiance to a bucket of surface water

        Was this dry ice? That is -80C and absorbs 15 Micron LWIR. Ice is far from 15 Microns. It emits around 10.5 Microns.

        BTW, the reflecting IR radiated from water back to water will slow its cooling. I don’t see how the experiment you reference isolated 15 Micron LWIR. Also light from cirrius clouds in nowhere near LWIR.

        Once again, why do people resist a simple controlled experiment? This about the simple bean plant study you did in 1st Grade. This isn’t rocket science.

        BTW, here is another easy study: Done at Night to avoid visible radiation.
        1) Greenhouse with Corn lowering atmosphereic CO2 below 410ppm
        2) Empty Greenhouse with normal CO2
        3) Greenhouses with varying levels of CO2 600, 800, 1200 etc ppm.

        Measure the nightime temperature variation. The temperatures won’t vary between the greenhouses.

      • Ball4 says:

        “How does that control for the effect of CO2?”

        There was nil change in CO2 for either water overnight. So CO2 effect was controlled for equally for both.

        12 to 18 Micron is not far from 10.5 Micron. Study up on spectroscopy if you really want to comment correctly on “light from cirrius (sic) clouds in (sic) nowhere near LWIR.”

        CO2isLife is resisting a simple controlled experiment as Nate points out, not Dr. Spencer. The farmer’s greenhouse does not have the optical depth of the earthen atm., poor CO2isLife study choice. Try working to study with the real atm. measurements as does Dr. Spencer; a natural study choice.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Ball4 says:
        September 19, 2024 at 12:52 PM
        How does that control for the effect of CO2?

        There was nil change in CO2 for either water overnight. So CO2 effect was controlled for equally for both.

        12 to 18 Micron is not far from 10.5 Micron. Study up on spectroscopy if you really want to comment correctly on light from cirrius (sic) clouds in (sic) nowhere near LWIR.

        Are you high on drugs? 10.5 Micron is 0.00C, 15 Micron is -80C. Huge difference.

      • Ball4 says:

        Zero difference in temperature. 10.5 micron radiation has no temperature at all. That frequency is in radiation emitted from every mass including the sun. You need to further your studies in spectroscopy.

    • Nate says:

      A clear sky can be warm or cool according to an IR thermometer. I have observed for example, when a dry air mass moves into the upper atmosphere in my area, the IR temperature of the sky will drop.

      And that correlates to a drop in overnight temperature. The Earth radiatively cools more overnight in these cases.

      This is how the jet stream way up high can change the T down at the surface.

  119. Norman says:

    Clint R

    I already know you do not have enough thinking ability to understand what I will describe. My goal is not to convince you of anything of value as that is not a possible task.

    I will demonstrate you point that “fluxes do not add” is false, misleading, and ignorant.

    You attempt to prove this by mixing received flux and emitted flux as if they were identical. They are different and you set up a thought experiment attempting to make them identical to prove fluxes don’t add.

    Here try to think. I know you won’t, you are most predictable.

    Instead of a cone use a cube with six sides made of a highly conducting material so absorbed energy will quickly move to all areas of the cube.

    So you illuminate one side of the cube with a flux of 600 W/m^2. Each side of the cube is one square meter.

    With this one flux the emission will be 100 W/m^2 flux from each surface of the cube.

    Now you can have each face illuminated with a 100 W/m^2 flux. Each of these fluxes adds and you have the same emission as with the 600 W/m^2 flux. You can have three 200 W/m^2 fluxes illuminated 3 sides and have the same result.

    Here is where you ignorance is exposed. Now have one face illuminated with a 600 W/m^2 flux and another side also similarly illuminated. Now the emitted flux will have doubled to 200 W/m^2. The two 600 W/m^2 fluxes added. You can add another and keep going till all faces are illuminated by a 600 W/m^2 flux. All the fluxes add and you emit 600 W/m^2 from each face of the cube. With just the one flux you only emitted 100 W/m^2 from each face. The fluxes added. Change your story or stay ignorant. You and Gordon have these blind spots. You can’t understand fluxes adding and he can’t understand molecular vibrations and how the permanent dipoles of some molecules can produce and absorb IR. He is fixated on electrons only and can’t see any larger reality as you are with fluxes. You can’t understand that they can and do add.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      norman…flux is a reference to an energy field measured over a square area. Only energy such as electromagnetic energy can be expressed in flux units since the flux is a reference to how the energy field is changing at any point within the area. Ergo, most energies cannot be measured using flux.

      Once that energy reaches a solid surface and interacts with it, provided the EM came from a hotter source than the surface, and it is converted to heat, it is no longer a flux.

      Flux is a shortened form of Newton’s fluxion, which is an instantaneous rate of change. If you plot a function, y, against x, you say f(x) = y, which is a straight line, since for each value of x, y is the same value. However, if y = f(x) = x^2, we have a parabola centred at 0,0.

      If we want to know how y is changing at any point on the parabola wrt x, we write dy/dx = 2x. We call that a derivative today but Newton called it a fluxion. Also 2x is the slope of a tangent line to the curve at that point.

      Aside…in calculus, with a function like y = f(x)= x^2, you get the derivative (fluxion) as follows. You take the exponent of x and move it in front of x, then subtract 1 from the exponent. This becomes 2x^2-1 = 2x^1 = 2x. There is a value dx/dx included but that = 1 in this case and is omitted.

      The example above is for a curve but we can work this out for a 2-D surface or a 3-D surface. In a 2-D surface representing a flux field cut by that surface, we can calculate the flux of the field to represent how the field is changing at any point on the surface. However, a watt is a measure of mechanical energy (work) and there is no work being done by that radiation flux field.

      As I have pointed out many times, EM cannot be expressed in w/m^2. When w/m^2 is used it is understood that the radiation is somehow related to heat, and it is not. The heat associated with the EM was lost at the instant the EM was produced by electrons in an atom.

      Only the heating created when the flux interacts with electrons in the atoms of the surface can be expressed in w/m^2. In fact, only heat and work can be expressed in w/m^2. And even that is not an actual measure of heat, in calories, but an equivalent value for heat in units of work.

      Expressing radiation in w/m^2 is based on an old belief that radiation is heat passing through the atmosphere as heat rays. At one time, it was believed that heat could be transported somehow as rays of energy. Therefore, 18th century physicists would have considered the flux in such an area as representing a flux field of heat.

      Bohr proved them wrong in 1913, but it appears many modern physicists are still mired in mid 19th century physics beliefs. In fact, I find it scary that many physicists today are still mired in 19th century belief systems. Not only that, many modern physicists have gotten basic concept like entropy and the 2nd law wrong.

      • Ball4 says:

        Gordon 10:45 pm now erroneously claims: “Ergo, most energies cannot be measured using flux.”

        Gordon is on a roll being physically wrong lately. The total flux (over a certain arbitrary amount of time) of a property is the product of the number density of carriers of the property, the speed of the carriers, and the amount of the property each one carries.

        It is possible, of course, to specify the flux of molecular kinetic energy in a certain time period because each molecule has a definite kinetic energy. This is a kinetic energy flux, and there is no need to relabel it incorrectly as a heat flux for which there is no molecular carrier to be found.

        Molecules carry not only translational kinetic energy but rotational kinetic energy as well as vibrational kinetic and potential energies. Thus, the total energy flux is a well-defined physical quantity, and wherever the erroneous term heat flux is encountered, physically it should be correctly replaced by energy flux.

      • Clint R says:

        gordon, I didn’t waste time reading all of that nonsense. But, I saw numerous mistakes in what I read. For example: “However, a watt is a measure of mechanical energy (work)…”

        WRONG! A “Watt” is a unit of POWER. And POWER is not energy. Just as flux is not energy.
        You understand so little of this, yet you keep abusing your keyboard.

        Please stop clogging the blog.

    • Clint R says:

      Norman, you can’t discuss science, because you don’t know any. So all you can do is insult, falsely accuse, and misrepresent. You have NOTHING, so you have to make things up.

      As always, I’m willing to help you but only after you stop the childishness.

      Clean up your comment, try to act like an adult, and try again.

  120. Arkady Ivanovich says:


    Cat ‘Stolen’ by Haitian Migrants in Ohio Was Actually Just in Cat Owner’s Basement

    … a new report that tried to follow up on Vance’s “evidence” has proved yet again that he’s full of shit.

    The Wall Street Journal earnestly tried to track down stories of people in Springfield who said their pets had been abducted or eaten. A reporter visited Anna Kilgore, a woman in the town who filed a police report in late August because she worried her cat Miss Sassy had been “taken by Haitian neighbors,” after she couldn’t find her.

    The Vance campaign pointed to Kilgore and her story as proof that Haitian immigrants were actually eating domestic animals. But it simply wasn’t true. As the Journal reports, the cat “actually returned a few days later-found safe in her own basement.” And Kilgore, who’s a Trump supporter, now seems to have regrets.

    The Wall Street Journal also tried to fact-check several of the other claims being made by Vance and his online legion of far-right influencers about Haitian migrants in Ohio. And none of them turned out to be true.


    Just like all the fake voter fraud Trumpers did: “Well, whoops, I thought I definitely saw voter fraud but I must have been mistaken, my bad” as soon as they got put under oath. I can’t imagine being this fucking gullible.

  121. Arkady Ivanovich says:

    This post is for he who thinks that (1) “ it’s easy to get a degree in” Astrophysics, and (2) doesn’t know the difference between an Astrophysicist and an Astronomer.

    (1) The specific requirements for an Astrophysics degree may vary depending on the university, but a typical curriculum includes the following core areas:

    Maths: Calculus I, II, and III; Linear Algebra; Differential Equations; Vector Calculus; Probability and Statistics.

    Physics: Classical Mechanics; Electromagnetism (E&M); Quantum Mechanics; Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics; General Relativity (advanced level).

    Astronomy & Astrophysics: Introductory Astronomy; Stellar Structure and Evolution; Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy; Cosmology; Astrophysical Dynamics; Observational Techniques (telescopes, detectors, etc.); Planetary Science.

    Computational and Data Science: Numerical Methods; Scientific Computing; Data Analysis and Simulation; Programming (commonly in Python, C++, or MATLAB).

    Advanced Physics and Astrophysics Electives: High-Energy Astrophysics; Black Holes and Neutron Stars; Magnetohydrodynamics; Advanced Cosmology; Particle Physics and Cosmology Interface.

    Laboratory Work: Physics Lab (experimental techniques in classical and modern physics); Observational Astronomy (hands-on experience with telescopes); Computational Labs.

    Research or Capstone Project: Independent research or thesis in a specific area of astrophysics.

    General Education Requirements (varies by institution): Humanities; Social Sciences; Writing/Communication.

    (2) Astronomers primarily study the “what” (observations of space objects); Astrophysicists focus on the “how” and “why” (the physical laws and processes behind these objects).

    • Bindidon says:

      Why waste your time explaining all this?

      Everyone on this blog understood years ago that Robertson – like Tesla, by the way – never received any real scientific training at any university, let alone is or has ever been an engineer.

      His skills are focused on misrepresentation, distortion, discrediting, denigration and lying.

      Somewhere on this blog, if you have enough time, you might discover a post by Robertson that begins with:

      ” As I took a year in astronomy, … ”

      This was his very best statement ever.

      Not one of my former engineering colleagues would ever doubt things like time or the lunar spin; not one of them would ever discredit anyone comparing satellite data to surface weather stations, let alone would s/he write an incredibly stupyd post like this:


      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        … never received any real scientific training at any university, let alone is or has ever been an engineer.

        Au contraire mon frére.

        He proudly flaunts his degree from the Dunning-Kruger University where the typical curriculum provides students with just enough knowledge to make them dangerously confident. Here’s the list of required courses:

        Intro to Electricity: Shocking Insights.

        Circuit Design for the Overconfident.

        Analog vs. Digital: Why Both Are Basically the Same.

        Advanced Misuse of Multimeters.
        Electromagnetic Waves: You Can’t See Them, So Don’t Worry About Them.

        Power Systems: Plug It In and Hope for the Best.

        Microcontrollers: Programming Without a Clue.

        Capstone: Rewiring Your House for Maximum Bragging Rights.

      • Clint R says:

        Bindi, you’re going to have to leave gordon alone about lunar spin. That’s one of the few things he gets right.

        You make yourself look childish when you keep mentioning it, having no viable model of “orbiting without spin”. If you don’t want to be just another cult child, either provide a viable model, or quit mentioning Moon.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        binny…you mention engineering colleagues. I presume you are talking about sanitary engineering which is often conducted in sewers. Of course, you could have been a locomotive engineer or a garbage collector, often referred to as a waste collection engineer.

        However, based on your acerbic posts I figure you may just be a cranky old man.

      • Bindidon says:

        As predicted, ignoramus-in-chief Robertson perfectly confirmed what I wrote about his thorough lack of any technical skill which he merely compensates with nonsensical, sissyish remarks.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      ark…good to see you are getting into some humour and not taking things so seriously.

      The syllabus you have listed is for astrophysics related to aerospace engineering. There is a vast difference between such an engineering degree and the ordinary degree in astrophysics, or astronomy. Astronauts generally have an engineering degree and aerospace engineers must know about the physics of astronomy as well as Newtonian mechanics and advanced math.

      I took a year of astronomy as an elective out of curiosity. Hardly any math other than very simple calculus and that was presented at a trivial level.

      BTW…another elective was in psychology so beware, I have you figured out and I reckon you have an Oedipus conflict.


      The amusing part for me was the first day of class. I could not get in the door of the lecture room. I managed to squeeze through the crowd to the prof to ask what was going on. He smiled and told me to wait a minute and he’d sort it out.

      Then he got the attention of the crowd. He told them this was a class in astronomy, not astrology, and that it involved a lot of math and physics. There was a collective groan from the crowd and they filed out, leaving a classroom half full of us engineering types.

      I figure Cassini and anyone who thinks the Moon rotates on a local axis were astrologers as well.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        Gor… your post highlights how little you know about university studies and particularly about engineering.

        First of all, I posted a curriculum not a syllabus. If you’d attended university you’d know the difference.

        Second, saying that “ The syllabus you have listed is for astrophysics related to aerospace engineering” makes absolutely no sense. Aerospace Engineering focuses on the design, development, and testing of aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems. Astrophysics concentrates on the study of celestial bodies, the universe’s origins, structure, evolution, and fundamental physical laws, and is more theoretical and research-oriented delving into the universe’s mysteries.

        Third, any graduate engineer knows that the Aerospace Engineering curriculum requires the study of Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics, Structural Mechanics, Propulsion Systems, and Material Sciences and Composite Materials, none of which I listed in my post.

      • Bindidon says:

        ” I figure Cassini and anyone who thinks the Moon rotates on a local axis were astrologers as well. ”

        This includes Newton, of course:


        A genial annotation work by two scientifically well educated, French persons – i.e., the exact inverse of these boasting posters a la Robertson, Clint R, the DREMT pseudomod, the Hunter boy and a few others.

        Translated from Newton’s original New Latin text by a dozen of independent translators in e.g. English, Italian, French, German, Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, Russian; among them Emilie du Chatelet (1745-1749), Prof. J. Ph. Wolfers (1872), and last not least by Ian Bruce (2012).

      • Bindidon says:

        … and the very best is that all these astronomers, beginning with Tobias Mayer (1750), all computed the same period for the lunar spin, i.e. 27.32166 days – despite having used completely different observation tools and observation data processing methods.

        Only thoroughly ineducated persons claim that ‘the astronomers did not understand that they were computing Moon’s orbiting period’, without of course being able to disprove what they discredit.

        The same of course is valid for the computation since 100 years of the physical librations of the Moon – tiniest irregularities within the lunar spin.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Bindidon says:

        This includes Newton, of course:


        A genial annotation work by two scientifically well educated, French persons i.e., the exact inverse of these boasting posters a la Robertson, Clint R, the DREMT pseudomod, the Hunter boy and a few others.

        Translated from Newtons original New Latin text by a dozen of independent translators in e.g. English, Italian, French, German, Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, Russian; among them Emilie du Chatelet (1745-1749), Prof. J. Ph. Wolfers (1872), and last not least by Ian Bruce (2012).

        I have to give you credit Bindidon. You pour the smoothest and well aged bottlings of ”My Daddy told me so”. And I am impressed about how easily you can gulp down every last drop of it in one chug.

      • Nate says:

        Bill is just mad that his ‘Daddies’ are not as smart as Newton.

      • Bill Hunter says:

        Oh Newton was definitely really smart. But often students of smart people aren’t.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        “…the DREMT pseudomod…”

        To mention me is to summon me. Other than that, I’ve stopped commenting.

      • Willard says:

        > Other than that, Ive stopped commenting.


      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        Not false. Under the other article, I was still just responding to you guys, who wouldn’t stop replying to me. If you keep responding to me, I’ll reply until you stop.

        It’s quite simple. I’ve stopped commenting, so won’t be starting any new discussions. If people mention me, I’ll appear, though. If people keep responding to me, I’ll keep replying.

        I’m entirely your problem. If you can’t let me go, I’m obliged to stay.

      • Willard says:

        > Not false.


        If Graham D. Warner could stick to his pathetic “who wouldn’t stop replying to me” excuse instead, that’d be great.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        Everything I said was correct, as always. If you keep responding to me, I’m obliged to reply. It’s only polite. Please, keep demonstrating the principle, making me more right with every response. I love to win arguments, so help me win yet another one.

      • Willard says:

        > Everything I said was correct, as always.

        False, and false.

        Nate *never* mentions Graham D. Warner’s name.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        So? A response is a response. He’s either talking to me or about me. Either way, it counts.

        Thank you for proving me right, again.

      • Willard says:

        [GRAHAM D. WARNER] To mention me is to summon me. Other than that, Ive stopped commenting.

        [ALSO GRAHAM D. WARNER] A response is a response.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        Indeed. No contradiction, inconsistency or problem.

        "I’ve stopped commenting, so won’t be starting any new discussions. If people mention me, I’ll appear, though. If people keep responding to me, I’ll keep replying."

        Was that difficult to understand? Is it hard to understand that under the other article, the discussion was ongoing? As the discussion was already underway, I kept replying to people. A response was a response. Same as here, now…Bindidon has summoned me, and now you’re here – obsessively responding to me – and a response is a response.

        Thank you for proving me right, again.

      • Willard says:

        > No contradiction, inconsistency or problem.


        Either Graham D. Warner only comments when his name is mentioned, or he also comments when he feels that people reply to him.

        Can’t be both.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        I explained the rules, and I’m sticking to them, as I have been since I announced my retirement from commenting.

        That you are unable to understand, and couldn’t resist responding, was to be expected. Nobody is more obsessed with me than you.

        Thank you for proving me right, again.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        Yeah, you’re just trying to see what you can get away with. So, we’ll have to include that as a response. Otherwise, you give an inch, and they’ll take a mile…

      • Willard says:

        (Vlad) To mention me is to summon me. Other than that, I’ve stopped commenting.

        (Estr) Test.

        (Vlad) Yeah, youre just trying to see what you can get away with.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        …and, once summoned, a response is a response. Even “test”.

      • Willard says:

        Graham D. Warner gaslights once more.

        He’s still commenting.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        If I was still commenting, I would be starting new discussions and posting wherever I pleased. I really am just appearing when mentioned, and then responding to those who can’t let me go once I’ve appeared. It’s you that’s keeping me here. You’ll probably respond again.

      • Nate says:

        Pretty sure you would need to say DREMT three times to summon him.

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        Ah, another obsessive fan appears.

      • Willard says:

        Graham D. Warner

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        Thank you for proving me right, again.

      • Willard says:

        “Other than that, I’ve stopped commenting.”

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:

        Little Willy never could understand the most simple things. Oh well. I guess that’s why I won every single argument against him I ever had.

      • Willard says:

        [ESTR] Wait! (*He moves away from Vladimir.*) I sometimes wonder if we wouldn’t have been better off alone, each one for himself. (*He crosses the stage and sits down on the mound.*) We weren’t made for the same road.

        [VLAD] (*without anger*). It’s not certain.

        [ESTR] No, nothing is certain.

        *Vladimir slowly crosses the stage and sits down beside Estragon.*

        [VLAD] We can still part, if you think it would be better.

        [ESTR] It’s not worthwhile now.


        [VLAD] No, it’s not worthwhile now.


        [ESTR] Well, shall we go?

        [VLAD] Yes, let’s go.

        *They do not move.*

      • Dr Roys Emergency Moderation Team says:


  122. Entropic man says:

    Commiserations to the American Magic team who have just been eliminated from the America’s Cup.


  123. Entropic man says:

    This is the infrared spectrum of water.


    Note the transmittance, about 30%, at wavenumber 700. This is the 13-17 micrometres band emitted by CO2. The surface film absorbs 70% of the CO2 emissions falling on it and let’s the rest through.

    And here’s an experimental design you could modify.


    Basically it has a 1mm thick water film over a graphite block. If the IR does not penetrate the water film, then the water will warm more than the graphite and the graphite will not.

    If some of the IR penetrates the water the graphite will warm as much of more than the water, as happens.

    • CO2isLife says:


      You can change the Wavenumber to Microns.

      1) H2O absorbs 15 Micron LWIR
      2) H2O absorbs much of the sprectrum below the Atmospheric Window

      What is the point of the post?

      • CO2isLife says:

        This is CO2, CO2 doesn’t have a dipole and is a very weak GHG.

        It absorbs very very very very little spectrum.


      • Ball4 says:

        Except in air where CO2 has peaks and relatively significant absorp_tion cross section at STP from about 1 micron to 0.2mm.

        NB: CO2isLife link: “spectra…may differ in detail from measurements on FTIR instruments or in other chemical environments.”

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        CO2…actually CO2 is a linear molecule and has two dipoles, one on either side of the central carbon atom. It’s about electronegativity. The two O-atoms have a higher electronegativity than the C-atom, meaning with shared electrons, the electrons orbiting both favour the O-side of the bond, making that side of the C-O dipole more negative wrt the C-end.

        I have never seen a satisfactory explanation for why such dipoles absorb IR. The water molecule has two dipoles as well and it absorbs IR better than CO2 even though it is not a linear molecule. It has a bond angle of about 105 degrees.

        I have the feeling that the ability of CO2 and H2O to absorb IR comes down to a lower orbital energy level in their bonding electrons. With hydrogen and its lone electron there are about 7 orbital energy levels through which the electron can rise from ground state. If it reaches the outermost orbital, which it could by simply absorbing heat, the frequency of energy it emits when falling back to ground state is dependent on how many orbitals it falls through.

        If the hydrogen electron fall from level 7 all the way to ground state it emits UV energy. However, if it falls 1 to 3 levels, it emits IR. I have a feeling that the bonding electron orbitals with CO2 and H20, when excited, don’t rise much and when they fall back, all they can emit is lower frequency EM. That would make sense at lower EM frequencies in the IR band.

        Why that should be the case only with dipoles is not clear.

        There is a lot of talk about molecular vibration being the reason but the vibration has two main sources. One source is the natural vibration due to electrostatic forces between the protons in the nucleus and the bonding electrons. However, that vibration would be a constant and would not change unless the electrons gain more energy and change the electrostatic balance.

        The bonding electrons can gain energy by absorbing heat or radiation. Even in solids, there is vibration between the bonded atoms and that vibration is affected only by heat in the inner atoms of a mass. Of course, I have omitted electrical excitation since we are not talking about electric currents. Near the surface of a mass, EM radiation can change the energy level of electrons in bonding electrons by exciting them to higher orbital energy levels.

        It’s the same with gas molecules like CO2 or WV. Radiation has no properties that will cause a molecular covalent bond to vibrate more, the radiation must first be absorbed by the bonding electrons. When they absorb EM, it affects their orbital kinetic energy, and the result is a jump to a higher energy level. Having gained more KE, the electrons put more stress on the proton-electron bond, causing a greater vibration.

      • Entropic man says:


        At the emission wavelength of CO2 transmittance by water is 30%. 70% of the DWLR from CO2 is stopped in the surface film and 30% gets through to warm the water volume beneath.

        The data says that your claim that 15 micrometres DWLR cannot warm the ocean is wrong.

        The experiment confirms this. If DWLR cannot penetrate the water film,the water film would warm faster than the graphite block.

      • Clint R says:

        Ent, the “point” is that you don’t understand any of this, like your cult.

        Like your cult, you’ve found another link you don’t understand. You don’t know the difference between DWIR and 15μ photons. You believe all infrared is the same.

        In your link, the “experiment” warms water with “infrared”, and you believe that means 15μ photons can warm water. You don’t understand the science.

        The “experiment” uses lasers and 500 Watt halogen bulbs for the sources! The “infrared” used is NOT 15μ photons. Lasers and 500 Watt halogen bulbs do not exist in the atmosphere.

        You can’t understand any of this.

  124. Tim S says:

    Hurricane Update

    It ain’t over til it’s over, but we are just one week past peak season and things are very quiet. There are only three very weak areas of disturbance.

    Tropical Weather Outlook
    NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
    200 PM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    For the North Atlantic…Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

    1. Central Subtropical Atlantic (Remnants of Gordon):
    * Formation chance through 48 hours…low…30 percent.
    * Formation chance through 7 days…low…30 percent.

    2. Central and Western Subtropical Atlantic:
    * Formation chance through 48 hours…low…10 percent.
    * Formation chance through 7 days…low…20 percent.

    3. Northwestern Caribbean Sea and Southeastern Gulf of Mexico:
    * Formation chance through 48 hours…low…near 0 percent.
    * Formation chance through 7 days…medium…40 percent.

  125. Gordon Robertson says:

    clint…”I saw numerous mistakes in what I read. For example: However, a watt is a measure of mechanical energy (work)

    WRONG! A Watt is a unit of POWER. And POWER is not energy. Just as flux is not energy”.


    I am dying to hear the other mistakes I allegedly made after reading Clint’s definition of power as not measuring energy.

    All power measurements are measurements of energy. The watt is a unit of electrical energy measurement that has been defined as an equivalent to the mechanical energy power of James Watt’s horsepower.

    Siemens defined the electrical watt in 1882 as the power developed when 1 ampere flows under the influence of 1 volt. The watt is a measure of the work done by an electrical current whereas a horsepower is the mechanical work done when a load is moved through a certain distance in a certain time.

    It is important to understand that the watt was not defined till 1862, and even then, it was introduced as a measure of electrical power.

    Also, in the electrical industry, a motor can be defined either in HP or in watts.

    Watts measure either electrical or mechanical energy!!! However, the watt has always been an electrical equivalent of mechanical horsepower, albeit a fraction of a HP. There are roughly 746 watts in 1 HP. That is clearly understood if an electric motor replaces a horse for moving a load but not so apparent when the watt is used as a measure of heating.

    • Gordon Robertson says:

      I should have said above re the Siemens definition of the watt, that it is a measurement of 1 amp of current ***THROUGH a LOAD*** and driven by 1 volt.

      In an electrical circuit, P = EI = E^2/R = I^2.R. Without a load, no current will flow and the power = 0. Even for a short circuit, power doesn’t mean a lot with near zero resistance.

      It’s of interest that a with short circuit conditions, I (current) goes toward infinity while R goes toward zero. In order to have significant power drawn you need a significant resistance.

      Having said that, a short circuit with a copper conductor makes the conductor very hot. If the current is large enough for the cross section of the wire, the conductor will explode like a fuse. But, can we equate that heat to power?

      Power as we know it is a unit of work done over a period of time. Can we claim that useful work is done in a short-circuit? Don’t know.

    • Clint R says:

      gordon, a Watt is a unit of POWER. POWER is ENERGY/TIME. POWER is a “rate” — “energy per time”. Power is NOT energy, and energy is NOT power.

      That’s short and sweet. No need for endless, tangled rambling.

      • Gordon Robertson says:

        [GR]”The watt is a unit of electrical energy measurement…”


        We seem to be in agreement so far. However, what is being measured? With power, we are measuring the amount of energy over a time period. Claiming the power is simply a rate is ingenuous, it is a measurement of the change in energy per unit time.


        If you place a square meter frame in an electromagnetic field, so the radiation passes through it, and you want to measure that energy and how it is changing within that square metre, how would you do it? That’s what flux is about, the rate of change of an energy field over an area or surface area.

        There is no way to measure the EM directly, you must convert the EM to another form to measure it. If you place an antenna array in the square area, the EM field affects electrons in an antenna, and you can measure the resulting electron flow as an electric current. Then you can measure the electric current produced through a resistive load, to determine the power in watts.

        Again, the watt is a measurement of electrical power and has been declared as an equivalent in mechanical energy as the fraction of a mechanical horsepower.

        However, you are measuring electrical energy, not the electromagnetic energy in the radiation. Therefore the power claimed for the EM field is not power related to it but power related to the electrical energy produced.

        You cannot measure radiation in watts because there is no instrument that can measure EM as such. Furthermore, EM can do no work in its form as EM nor can it produce electrical current in that form. EM must be converted to another form of energy, and that is what is measured.

        This argument is akin to a litre of gasoline, which when ignited, can supply enough mechanical power to drive the drive shaft and wheels in a car. Can we then say that a litre of gasoline in a container has power? No, it has a potential power but no power can be measured in its liquid form in a container.

        There is a big difference between power and potential power. When we declare EM in w/m^2 we are saying it can initiate power in an electric circuit, where the power is a measure of electron charge flow. However, it can do nothing in its form as pure EM.

        The S-B equation specifically states that EM leaving a surface is measured in power units. They make no effort to distinguish the EM, which has no power, from the heat dissipated as it was produced. The w/m^2 is a reference to the heat dissipated as the EM is created and not to the EM itself. That is not only presumptuous but bad science. Inferring a power that is not present is a lie.

        I have anticipated the rebuttal, that energy is conserved. However, we don’t know what energy is and that it takes distinctly different forms. So we cannot lump energy as a single phenomenon and make a lump statement that all energy is conserved. If so many watts of heat are dissipated as EM is formed, the EM begins to dissipate immediately with distance over a square metre. That mean the energy per square metre dissipates on its own, even though the total energy is still the same. Eventually, although the total is still there, it will be diluted to the point it can no longer be classified as a viable form of energy.

        Same with heat. As heated molecules rise from a surface in a gravitational field like Earth’s. the pressure drop and the heat dissipates naturally. Therefore the conservation of energy theory is a general idea formed before any of this was understood.

        Once again, there is no way to measure energy directly for the simple reason that we have no idea what energy is. Ark argued the other day that heat flowing in a solid is a flux field, but again, we have no idea what heat is thus we cannot measure it directly. Although you can place an antenna array in an EM field to determine the effect it has on electric current in the antenna, there is no way to measure heat as a flux in a solid.

        The only way to measure heat in a solid is to place a thermometer at different places along the path. Then, you are measuring a difference in something that is unknown. We call it heat but the thermometer is measuring only the effect the unknown energy has on the expansion of mercury, or something similar, in a thermometer vial.

        The term ‘flux’ is a tenuous word used to indicate the change in an energy field of unknown origin. With an EM field, it is very difficult to measure it precisely over an area like a square metre. There may be arrays today based on microelectronics that can approximate such a measurement but normally an instrument like a grid-dip metre is used. It is a tuned device and only responded to individual frequencies or the peak of a broadband signal.

        Modern meters that can detect the E-field (electric) and the H-field (magnetic) are good only over a narrow bandwidth. There are simply no instruments that can measure the full bandwidth of EM energy. Normally, that’s not a problem since no one is interested in the full bandwidth, only in discrete areas of it.

  126. Gordon Robertson says:

    ball4…quote from Craig Bohren…

    “This is because an infrared thermometer measures brightness temperatures, which are lower or at most equal to terrestrial thermodynamic temperatures”.


    Brightness temperature is a tenuous term. It should actually be colour temperature, which is the colour of light given of by certain heated bodies at certain temperatures. That is the basis of the S-B equation as originally written by Stefan, the colours given off by an electrically-heated platinum filament and translated to wavelengths.

    I don’t understand what is meant by ‘brightness’ temperature. If you point an IR meter at anything, it is detecting the frequency/wavelength of infrared energy. If our eyes had the requisite frequency detectors we might see that IR as a continuation of the colour temperature scale. Of course the colour would be below red and possibly a new colour.

    So, if an IR meter is pointed at the sky, or even parallel to the surface so only sky is seen, what frequency/wavelengths is it detecting? Obviously, it can see only frequencies in the IR range, If it is pointed at clear sky, and reading -50c, what frequecies is it measuring to indicate that temperature?

    I would say it is seeing an average of a relatively broad spectrum of IR frequencies ranging in temperature from below -50C right up to the ambient temperature. Of course, if it could be focused, using a filter, it might be possible to zero in on a particular altitude.

    Bohren does not specify if filters or band limiters are being used, in fact, he seems to be saying he doesn’t know what the -50C means.

  127. Ireneusz Palmowski says:

    It is already apparent that the stratospheric polar vortex will be shifted over the Atlantic and air from Siberia will pass abover the Bering Sea far to the south US.

  128. Arkady Ivanovich says:

    As The MAGA turns:

    Matt Gaetz attended a drug-fueled sex party in 2017 with the 17-year-old girl at the center of the alleged sex trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed to a Florida federal court shortly before midnight Thursday. The documents cite sealed affidavits from three eye-witness testimonies.

    Mark Robinson, the controversial and socially conservative Republican nominee for governor of [Swing State] North Carolina, made a series of inflammatory comments on a pornography website’s message board more than a decade ago. His comments were gratuitously sexual and lewd in nature. They were made between 2008 and 2012 on “Nude Africa,” a pornographic website that includes a message board. Robinson listed his full name on his profile for Nude Africa, as well as an email address he used on numerous websites across the internet for decades.

    It’s not a bug, it’s a feature of the MAGA Party.

      • RLH says:

        “major party relies on hoaxes to win elections”

        Like Hattians eating pets?

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:


        Try to keep up:

        The new details were released in a cache of court filings that were ironically made public as a direct result of the congressman’s friend, Dorworth, trying to make this disappear.

      • Willard says:

        If only the cats were the only *story* JD and Donold fabricated:

        [Donold] is littering his public remarks with fictional stories.

        This isnt run-of-the-mill political spin, the kind of statistic-twisting and accomplishment-exaggerating that political candidates of all stripes engage in. Rather, the Republican presidential nominee is telling colorful lies that are completely untethered to reality.

        [Besides the cat story] here are 11 additional examples from the past month alone.


    • Gordon Robertson says:

      What’s a MAGA party? MAGA is an acronym created by Trump as an electioneering slogan. And what is wrong with making the States great again? There is no known country called America, therefore MAGA is an incorrect reference to the US.

      Are you claiming there are no sleezeballs in the Democratic party? How about Bill Clinton, who sexually harassed a young woman in the Oval office? And how about Hillary defending Bill over his numerous infidelities by blaming the women.

      • Willard says:

        A MAGA party looks like this:

        Bombshell revelations of former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. allegedly being involved in a romantic relationship with New York magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi are hardly a surprise.

        Kennedys philandering has been well documented in three of his diaries exclusively seen by The Post after his second wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, took her own life in 2012.

        Nuzzi, 31, said in a statement Thursday that some communication between myself and a former reporting subject turned personal earlier this year. Sources told The Post she was sexting with Kennedy even though she was engaged and he is married to “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star Cheryl Hines.


        The thick, red journal was found in their home by Mary, who was distraught over their impending divorce and his serial philandering.

        A copy of the 398 pages, reviewed by The Post, details RFK Jr.s daily activities, speeches, political activism, and the lives of his six children in the year 2001.

        But they also record the names of women – with numbers from 1 to 10 next to each entry.

        There are 37 women named in the ledger, 16 of whom get 10s.

        On Nov. 13, 2001, RFK Jr. records a triple play.

        The separate encounters code 10, 3, and 2 occur the same day he attended a black-tie fundraiser at the Waldorf-Astoria for Christopher Reeves charity, where he sat next to the paralyzed Superman star, magician David Blaine and comic Richard Belzer.

        It was a hectic month for Kennedy, who traveled to Toronto, Louisiana, and Washington, DC – and listed at least one womans name on 22 different dates, including 13 consecutive days.

        Most women are identified only by their first name in the ledger.


  129. Arkady Ivanovich says:


    You posted this:

    ∂μ/∂Q=0 IR inactive, which means the corresponding vibration does not result in a molecular dipole moment.

    ∂μ/∂Q≠0 IR active, which means the corresponding vibration does result in a molecular dipole moment.

    So, yes. CO2 does have 3 IR active vibration dipoles.

    • Clint R says:

      Ark, do you know that a 15μ photon can NOT raise the temperature of a 288K surface?

      (HINT: It’s the same basic reason ice cubes can’t boil water.)

      • Ball4 says:

        Both of which violate 2LOT in any real process so there is no hope for Clint R 8:04 am to be correct.

      • Ken says:

        There is no single frequency band that can by itself warm the surface of the earth. The sum total of all the frequencies of energy radiating in the atmosphere result in 288K.

      • Ken says:

        Climate change is driven by the sun and moderated by ocean currents. There is no artifact of Carbon Dioxide in any climate data. .

    • CO2isLife says:

      So, yes. CO2 does have 3 IR active vibration dipoles.

      CO2 does not have a natural dipole.

      Each CO bond in CO2 is polar, yet experiments show that the CO2 molecule has no dipole moment. Because the two CO bond dipoles in CO2 are equal in magnitude and oriented at 180 to each other, they cancel.

      That is elementary school chemistry. H2O has a natural dipole.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        Two things.

        First, when you say “natural dipole” it should be a permanent dipole.

        Second, CO2 unlike H2O does not have a permanent dipole. It does have 3 vibration-induced dipoles which are the Asymmetric stretch mode, and the Bending modes shown in your figure.

        Note that the third column in your own figure plainly explains this.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        CO2isLife wrote: “That is elementary school chemistry.

        If you’re genuinely interested in understanding the spectroscopy of greenhouse gases you’re going to have to move beyond elementary school chemistry.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Second, CO2 unlike H2O does not have a permanent dipole. It does have 3 vibration-induced dipoles which are the Asymmetric stretch mode, and the Bending modes shown in your figure.

        Note that the third column in your own figure plainly explains this.

        I’ve posted thousands of time that CO2 has 3 vibrational states at 2.7, 4.3 and 15 microns. No one denys that. Simply look at the graphics I post links to. As you mention, CO2, unlike H2O, is linear, and isn’t a perminant dipole. That is why it is such a weak GHG. H2O on the other hand is a Dipole, and has many vibrational states.

        Water is a dipolar molecule. Water has the chemical formula H2O which is two hydrogen atoms attached to one oxygen atom. A water molecule has no overall charge. But there is a slight negative charge in the region of the oxygen atom and a slight positive charge near the hydrogen atoms. This is called a dipole.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        CO2 has collision-induced dipoles in the Asymmetric and Bending modes.

      • CO2isLife says:

        Arkady Ivanovich says:
        September 20, 2024 at 11:41 AM
        CO2 has collision-induced dipoles in the Asymmetric and Bending modes.

        What is the purpose of all this nonsense? CO2 is a very weak GHG, do you deny that?

        1) It isn’t dipole
        2) It has 3 narorrow vibrational states
        3) Only 1, the 15 micron vibration, is relevant to the GHG Effect
        4) 15 Microns is radiated by a blackbody of -80C
        5) MODTRAN demonstrates that the CO2 signature isn’t even displayed until H2O precipitates out of the atmosphere up about 2 kms.
        6) The effect of CO2 can see by the stratosphere having a temperatrue floor around -80C

        Who cares if CO2 has “collusion-induced dipoles” meaning in thin air it has no dipole, what difference does it make? CO2 is a very weak GHG as demonstrated by the very narrow band radiation that it absorbs. It simply doesn’t absorb much radiation. That is a simple fact.

      • Arkady Ivanovich says:

        From the headline post:

        I’m even part of the supposed 97% that believes the climate system is warming partly (maybe even mostly) from our CO2 emissions. John Christy and I even published a climate sensitivity paper that assumes ALL recent warming is from CO2 emissions.


        It’s true that water vapor is the largest contributor to the Earth’s GHE. On average, it probably accounts for about 50-60% of the warming. However, water vapor does not control the Earth’s temperature, but is instead controlled by the temperature (Clausius-Clapeyron equation). The GHE is controlled by the non-condensable gases, mainly CO2; the warming due to increasing non-condensable gases causes more water vapor to enter the atmosphere, which adds to the effect of the non-condensables.

  130. Bindidon says:

    Entropic man

    I apologize for my ‘teacher-like tone’ below.

    Upthread you posted info about water vapor’s transmittance:


    This is, for different reasons, of no help at all.

    1. The graph shown has to do with transmittance at wavenumbers; it would be much better to change the specification to absorbance on a micron-based x-axis (also inverting the x-scale would be appropriate), and to download the picture obtained.

    Clicking on the right mouse button and selecting ‘Download picture’ is in this case useless: you merely download a grid cell. Alternatively, generate a snapshot and finally upload the picture so everybody speaks the same language:

    Water vapor absorbance


    Carbon dioxide absorbance


    Why is this still of no help?

    Please have a look at the date of what you plot:

    CO2: 1964; H2O: 1969 !!!

    Entropic man, this is 55 resp. 60 years old, i.e. 100% deprecated data, to say the very least:


    By publishing such information, you naively open the widest possible boulevard for people like CO2isLife, Robertson, etc. to ridicule you, since they themselves always base their pseudo-skeptical views on similarly outdated data and graphs, like e.g.


    Please compare the outdated H2O / CO2 absorp~tion plots above to what is provided at Spectral Calc when using HITRAN2020’s most recent line -by-line data in the sub-post below.

  131. CO2isLife says:

    You clearly can see that CO2isLifes allegations a la

    Once again, H2O absorbs the same wavelengths as CO2, and H2O is far more abundant.

    are utterly wrong because based on completely deprecated data sources.

    Where do you guys come up with this? Just what part of this graphic don’t you understand?




    Simply go to MODTran and alter the H2O and CO2 in the lower Troposphere. You will see CO2 is irrelevant to the energy balance. Only when you remove H2O does the CO2 fingerprint appear.

    • Bindidon s